The Outcast Writer of a Martial Arts Visual Novel

Chapter 108: Escape (4)

Chapter 108: Escape (4)

A Perfect Plan

No matter how perfect a plan seemed in one’s head, reality often proved otherwise.

It was an ambitious plan. My theory was perfect. Yet, it failed. Confidence shattered, despair set in, making one want to give up.

But giving up would mean the end.

After a failure, one must catch their breath, shake off the despair, and stand up again. The plan, thought to be perfect, needs revising and improving before moving forward.

“Unity between horse and rider! Go, new Hwarin-ho! Charge!”

Just like my newly improved Hwarin-ho.

“What are you saying? Seriously!”

“Haha! Green-haired target spotted ahead! Fire the revolution beam quickly!”

“What’s that now!”

“Fire the new weapon!”

“Could’ve said that sooner!”

Tang Hwarin swiftly drew the newly replenished weapon while on horseback.



Tang Hwarin’s weapon accurately pierced the vital points of the Green Forest executives while on the move. Truly, a new armament for the new Hwarin-ho, deserving of carrying out the revolutionary task with the revolution beam.

The fully supplied mobile battery of Tang Hwarin. A steed slightly better than my legs, of a 3-horse bloodline. And its rider, embodying unity between horse and rider, Kang Yun-ho.

Indeed, with sufficient time and budget, plans can only get more perfect.

I swiftly made my way through the created path, firing the revolution beam with Tang Hwarin.

Taking advantage of the chaos to break through the battlefield was a matter of moments.

Riding the steed at full speed, we left the Black Tiger Fortress behind and soon found ourselves on a quiet mountain path.

The night sky shone with stars, and only the sound of insects could be heard, making it hard to believe we were in the middle of a noisy battlefield just moments ago.

Normally, one should avoid driving on mountain roads at night, but thanks to the well-maintained toll road of the Black Tiger Fortress, it seemed we could easily escape this place by following the mountain path.

“Is this really okay?”

While driving the horse and contemplating learning martial arts that can be used on horseback, like the Dragon Fist next time, Tang Hwarin spoke from behind.

“Did you want to join the revolution and become a righteous outlaw?”

I saw Tang Hwarin eagerly tying a red bandana when I put on mine.

“No, that’s not it.”

A hint of dissatisfaction could be sensed in Tang Hwarin’s tone. Don’t tell me you harbored thoughts of turning the world upside down because you were unhappy?

“The leader and his aides were so strong that it would have been a losing battle to stay.”

The leader’s martial prowess alone was enough to instill fear in the entire Black Tiger Fortress. We inspired courage, but the objective difference in skill had to be acknowledged.

The lack of power was compensated by tricksters, so the revolution might succeed, but both of us could have been gravely injured had we participated.

“We might have made it easier for them to succeed.”

“Even if the revolution succeeds and they start robbing the corrupt officials, how will they manage the aftermath? With most injured or dead, if the official army arrives, it would be annihilation.”

Government-Murim non-interference.

While the unwritten rule of Murim was to not meddle in each other’s affairs, Murim interfering with the government was another story.

Corrupt as it might be, challenging the authority would mean immediate retaliation with a million imperial troops. Who in their right mind would stay for that?

“You’re the one who started this revolution.”

“Ah. I just gave madness a little push. I didn’t start it. And thanks to that, we escaped.”

This woman was talking nonsense. I simply created chaos to escape, not to claim a title or incite rebellion.

“If the Hawk Party robs the corrupt officials, wouldn’t you be caught too, Yunho?”

“How would they know who the black-haired Kang So-and-So is and find him?”

“Hawk Party members won’t remember.”

“I figured as much, which is why I appointed a new leader before leaving. That person will lead the Hawk Party. And if there are betrayals and changes in leadership, people might remember Hong Gil-dong or the Hawk Party, but they won’t remember who the previous leader was.”

Such worries were needless.

Despite being called a strong Green Forest group, it’s just a mountain fortress. The government army wouldn’t bother putting in the effort to suppress a band of righteous outlaws in a single fortress, not considering them a rebel army.

“……Is that so.”

Tang Hwarin acknowledged my words with bitter acceptance. Glancing back at her, I saw Tang Hwarin looking back at the path we had come from.

Surely, she hadn’t thought to burn down the world that made her miserable after hearing my speech?



“You don’t need to change the world with weapons in your hands for happiness. People can rise again and be happy just by having someone to hold their hand.”

So let’s not entertain terrifying thoughts. I managed to change fate to prevent her from becoming a poison master Tang Hwarin; I don’t want to see her become revolutionary Tang Hwarin.

Tang Hwarin turned her head, our eyes meeting with a worried look on her face. Did she really harbor such feelings?

She looked a bit surprised at first, then nodded, lowering her head shyly.

Did we understand each other? I faced forward again and drove the horse.

“……I can’t tell if you’re amazing or crazy.”

She murmured, but her voice carried a friendly tone.

“Where would you find someone as ordinary as me?”

I spoke in a light tone, like a protagonist in a light novel introduction who claims to be an ordinary high school student found anywhere.

“Snort. Bullshit.”

Tang Hwarin laughed off the joke, wrapping her arms tightly around my waist.

“There’s no airbag in front, but the rear airbag is definitely felt.”

“Seems like a safe journey with excellent riding comfort.”

We laughed and debated whether to name our current horse Bi Ryong, Cao Cao, Kim Sun, or Feng Yun Re-ki as we headed towards Yichang.


The Black Tiger Fortress, having successfully ended the revolution, was alive with the shouts of Green Forest bandits wearing red bandanas, who had succeeded in changing their fate as decreed by heaven.

In the middle of the crowd stood a man named Jeokrin, so named by his father for the red birthmark on part of his body.

“The leader has left us.”

Jeokrin calmly shared the heavy news with the group.

“Why would the leader leave!”

“Did he run away!”

“The leader has disappeared!”

The bandits, drunk on their victory, were shocked and turned to look at Jeokrin in unison.

“Staying could have made him a bourgeois head like the dead lord of this Hawk Party. He feared that would happen and left. He gave up his potential status, power, and wealth.”

Remembering the leader’s words from yesterday that the Hawk Party did not need a head, the Green Forest bandits reflected on Jeokrin’s words.

“So what do we do now?”

“If the leader has disappeared, who will lead us!”

“The leader, before leaving, wished for us not to lose the spirit and flag of this revolution. For that purpose, he appointed me, who wrote down all his teachings and engraved his words in my red heart, to lead the party! So, with this book containing the leader’s words, I will guide you all!”

Jeokrin held up a book containing Kang Yun-ho’s words high for all the Hawk Party members to see.

“Leader! What should we do now!”

A quick-witted Green Forest bandit, flattering the new leader, asked.

“Be quiet! How can you call me leader when the leader is still alive!”

Jeokrin angrily reprimanded the flattering Green Forest bandit.

“Then, what should we call you?”

“I am merely a secretary who writes down and acts according to all the words of the leader. From now on, call me the Secretary-General!”

Jeokrin, as if trying to engrave Kang Yun-ho’s words into his heart, held the book containing his speech dearly.

“Secretary-General! What should we do now!”

“We won’t be robbing the corrupt officials right away.”

Jeokrin began to share the plan hidden within his heart.

“We swore to become righteous outlaws! How can we not rob the corrupt officials!”

“Are we to continue being bandits!”

“That’s not a revolution!”

“If we rob the corrupt officials now, the government army will appear! They will utterly destroy Hong Gil-dong’s spirit and the leader’s Hawk Party! And! We would fail to carry out the last words of our leader!”

“What, what did the leader say last?”

“Didn’t everyone hear? ‘Green Forests of the Central Plains, unite!’ Didn’t you understand the meaning? The leader’s teaching to guide the small bourgeois before capturing the big ones?”

Jeokrin reminded the Hawk Party members of the last words Kang Yun-ho had said on a whim.

“Small bourgeois? Black Tiger Fortress has become the Hawk Party now, hasn’t it? Then isn’t it all done?”

“There are so many with such wrong thoughts! That’s why the leader appointed me as the Secretary-General! We are not yet one party! If the Green Forest is 72 fortresses, now we’re just one party short of 71!”

Black Tiger Fortress was one of the formidable forces among the Green Forests, but it’s just one out of 72.

“To unite the Green Forests of the Central Plains into one party?”

“Not 72 fortresses but one party?”

“Is the leader’s will to make the entire Green Forest into the Hawk Party?”

All the Hawk Party members, realizing the true meaning of the leader’s words, looked at the Secretary-General in astonishment.

“Before capturing the big bourgeoisie, I will guide the smaller ones through the 71 fortresses! The day when Green Forest becomes truly united under one party, the Hawk Party, we will turn this world upside down!”

“Waaaaah! Secretary-General Soo Jeokrin! Truly someone appointed by the leader!”

“Secretary-General Soo Jeokrin will lead us!”

“Wait!!! From now on, I am not Soo Jeokrin.”

Jeokrin raised his hand to silence the cheers of the Hawk Party members.

“Not Soo Jeokrin? Are you planning to abandon your name?”

“Yes! The leader caressed my face, helped me shed my red scales, and transformed me into a true person for the party!”

“Transformed you?”

Jeokrin, emulating the departed leader, raised his fist to his chest, ready to announce his new name to all the Hawk Party members.

Tang Hwarin, with a fully loaded magazine. A fine horse. A sturdy purse. Airbags for safety.

With everything in place, we arrived at Yichang without any worries.

“That big house over there is my maternal grandfather’s house.”

The imposing mansion, visible from afar, seemed like the home of someone who, upon hearing his granddaughter needed help, would generously lend a printing press out of principle.

“We’ve had a difficult journey.”

“……You too.”

Tang Hwarin held me tightly to prevent us from falling off the horse. While I wanted to continue enjoying the soft touch of the airbag on my back, our journey truly ends here.

With a mix of joy and regret, I arrived in front of the mansion.

“Fuck! This is mine!”

“I grabbed it first!”

“How did you manage to loot everything in the storehouse!”

What was happening now?

Arriving at the mansion, the main gate was destroyed, and numerous people were fighting over the household items, trying to claim them for themselves.

“What’s going on here?”

I asked a man who was observing the situation with a document in hand at the entrance.

“Do you happen to know the owner of the mansion?”

I directed the man’s attention to Tang Hwarin to hint at her connection to the house.

“Yes, he’s my maternal grandfather.”

Tang Hwarin glanced anxiously towards the mansion before responding.

“Hey!!! Someone from this household has appeared!!!”

The man shouted loudly, alerting those inside the mansion.

“What? Really?”

“Who is it?”

“It’s the granddaughter! That bitch’s daughter!”

People from inside the mansion quickly surrounded us on horseback, moving as one.

This wasn’t a bandit raid. What’s happening?

“What is the meaning of this?”

I asked a notably well-dressed individual, seeking an explanation for the situation.


The well-dressed person looked at us irritably, demanding Tang Hwarin’s name.

“Excuse me?”

“What’s your name?”


“Hwarin, Hwarin, Hwarin! There you are! Tang Hwarin. Your mother changed her surname to Seong after marriage. Inherited a bookstore on the main road as an inheritance.”

The man flipped through a book he had, confirming Tang Hwarin’s identity as a member of this household. But inheritance?

“What exactly is going on here!”

I yelled, frustrated by the absurd situation, and the man responded with a face as grim as mine.

“The owner of the mansion died of illness two months ago! His daughter showed up! Took off with the estate without settling the debts! If you’re the granddaughter! Pay off our debts!”

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