The Path of Survivor begins with obtaining titles

Chapter 37 - 32: Three Challenges of the New Hall Master 1

Chapter 37: Chapter 32: Three Challenges of the New Hall Master 1

Translator: 549690339

After announcing Zhou Yunfeng as the new Hall Master, the notice regarding the lottery for the Spiritual Fields came to an end.

Zhou Yunfeng stood atop his flying sword, declaring the first order of the Sinong Palace, “Starting from today, the lottery for the Spiritual Fields will continue. All who meet the requirements may register. There will be a draw once a month. The winners will become Outer Sect Spirit Farmers directly without any fees. Anyone who uses their power for personal gain will be executed without mercy.”

Upon hearing Zhou Yunfeng’s words, the Loose Cultivators beyond the mountain gate could not help but cheer. The lottery made everyone’s opportunities equal, depending on their luck.

If not this time, there will be a next. Liu Yun Sect has tens of thousands of Spirit Farmers and it’s not uncommon for accidents to happen. Therefore, there will be plenty of lottery opportunities.

After Zhou Yunfeng thrashed out the instructions, Gold Sword Zen Ren led his disciples to depart on his sword. Several Inner Sect Disciples carried and buried the Loose Cultivator who had killed Chen Qi Feng.

At that moment, the Drunken Immortal, lying on a gourd, laughed and said, “All right, the spectacle’s over. Let’s all go home. This old Taoist needs his wine.”

People couldn’t help but laugh. They had previously thought the Drunken Immortal came here for some important matter, but it turned out that he, like everyone else, was here for the spectacle.

“Farewell, Gold Sword Zen Ren. Farewell, Drunken Immortal…” All the Cultivators in the scene fist-greeted the departure of the two Golden Core Real Persons.

Lin Yi also bowed with fists. Gold Sword Zen Ren indeed earned his upright and pure reputation. After everyone said their parting respects, a voice came from the side, “Farewell, Master Zhou.”

Everyone couldn’t help looking in the direction of the voice. It was Zhang Yuan Cheng, who continued to bow with fists towards the sky, his face filled with respect.

Seeing this, other Spiritual Field Managers muttered curses under their breath. This guy really knew how to go with the flow. They had no choice but to follow suit and repeat the farewell. The Spirit Farmers around them joined in.

Subsequently, the Spirit Farmers and Loose Cultivators around the Liu Yun sect mountain gate scattered, leaving the Spiritual Field Managers involved in the business. They could finally breathe a sigh of relief.

The Sect Master’s decree did not deal with them, the Stewards, so they seemed to have dodged a bullet for now. Still, they were unsure what actions the new Hall Master would take next.

At that moment, Zhang Yuan Cheng stopped shaking, and a smile returned to his face, “Friends of Zone C area, we have a new Hall Master in Sinong Palace. We must unite and manage the Spiritual Fields together.”

The few sycophants on the side applauded and agreed, “Manager Zhang is right. Planting season is about to come. Let’s do our best for a good harvest in the second half of the year.”

After they left, Old Huang sneered, “This guy, he thinks he’s off the hook. Just wait, the new Hall Master is sure to take action.”

Lin Yi nodded in agreement. The Sect Master’s decree only dealt with the key figures, while the Spiritual Field Managers fell under the management of Sinong Palace. The next course of action wholly depends on the “three fires” of the new Hall Master.

Upon returning to the Spiritual Fields, he continued to make talisman templates, striving to earn Spirit Stones. With Li Yuanqing as a stable customer, he didn’t worry about finding a market for his talismans.

Everything was progressing well. The most critical task was to resolve the trouble that was Zhang Yuan Cheng. Only then could the future be stable.

Two days later, early in the morning, as Lin Yi was getting ready for breakfast, he heard a commotion outside, “Hurry up and come see, there’s new news from the Sinong Palace. A new notice has been posted.”

A smile appeared on his face, It’s finally here. So he put down his food and was about to head out when he heard a knock at the door, “Little Lin, come out. Sinong Palace has issued a new command.”

Lin Yi quickly rushed to the door and joined Old Huang to the center of the Spirit Farmer Residential Area. It was said that Sinong Palace had installed a new notice board. Any new directives and news would be posted there.

Upon arriving at the central location, many Spirit Farmers had already gathered. They were looking up at an announcement board filled with text. He stood on the outskirts, gazing intently at the text. Indeed, this new initiative would greatly benefit those dedicated to good farming.

Those who cultivate Spirit Rice with high yield and good quality will receive certain rewards, including tax reductions, Merit Points, cultivation in Cave Mansions, etc. The highest reward is a higher grade Spiritual Field.

Exceptional individuals might even get the opportunity to enter the Inner Sect. The specific way of granting rewards will be announced before the next harvest.

Seeing this directive, many Spirit Farmers cheered enthusiastically. They rely on farming for their livelihood, and naturally, they would be thorough in care. Now having additional rewards for good farming certainly made them happy and motivated.

Those Spirit Farmers with weaker farming abilities, however, couldn’t help but change their expressions. They hurriedly looked down and, upon seeing that there were no penalties for reduced production, they finally breathed a sigh of relief.

The following commands targeted the Spiritual Field Managers. Since the previous Spiritual Field Managers, besides colluding with the higher-ups of the Sinong Palace to earn Spirit Stones and distribute Spiritual Fields, hardly did anything else, assessments for Spiritual Field Managers would also begin immediately.

Subsequent Spiritual Field Managers will be responsible for a series of matters from sowing to harvesting. Any Farmer who is unsure about farming can seek help from the Manager. If they get refused, they can appeal to the Sinong Palace. Sinong Palace will also send deacons periodically to visit various plantation areas.

In their jurisdiction, if the yield and quality of the Spirit Rice are high, the Spiritual Field Managers will also have the opportunity for rewards and promotion. Meanwhile, if there are too many Spirit farmers with reduced production, penalties will be imposed.

Also, in five days, Sinong Palace will send palace deacons to various areas for the first visit to collect opinions about the current Spiritual Field Managers.

If there are too many opponents or serious mistakes, they will immediately be dismissed. If the Spiritual Field Managers dare to obstruct the visiting deacons, they will be handed over to the Legal Hall for punishment.

Seeing this scene, Lin Yi showed a smile on his face. The third fire by the new

Hall Master was pretty good, making those Spiritual Field Mangers who made Spirit Stones but did nothing else, have nowhere to hide. Now Zhang Yuan Cheng would be nervous.

“Good kid, this reward of the Sinong Palace seems specially prepared for you.” Old Huang looked at the text on top and slapped Lin Yi forcefully.

He knew the talent of Lin Yi in farming, not only was the yield high, but also the quality. He’d farmed in the Outer Sect for several decades and sometimes the yield increased too. But it wasn’t as exaggerated as this kid, who with twenty mu increased one mu of yield, factoring in the quality, it was two mu.

At this time, Lin Yi glanced at the arrival of Zhang Yuan Cheng out of the corner of his eye and deliberately raised his voice and said, “Don’t worry, Old Huang, if I farm my way into the Inner Sect, I won’t forget you.”

Zhang Yuan Cheng heard Lin Yi’s words and his face turned gloomy. “Move aside, Manager Zhang is here.” Some bootlickers next to him squeezed out a patn ror mm.

He, as the Spiritual Field Manager, stood under the announcement board, took a close look at the notice stuck above. Upon reading the first command, his eyes narrowed instantly, and he glanced towards Lin Yi.

Farming could be a way of entering the Inner Sect. What was the Sinong Palace planning? He remembered that Lin Yi’s Spirit Rice farming was thriving, and he had rarely seen such abundant Spirit Rice, the harvest in the first half of the year would definitely increase.

Perhaps Lin Yi could not enter the Inner Sect in a short time, but based on his farming talent, he would definitely get a lot of rewards.

Zhang Yuan Cheng continued to read downwards. When he saw that assessments would be made on the Spiritual Field Managers, he quickly looked down and saw the duty of helping with all farming affairs. The refusal to assist Spirit Farmers could lead to impeachment, and his brows furrowed tightly. He had practically become a nanny for the Spirit Farmers.

However, within the jurisdiction, if the yield and quality of Spirit Rice were high, the Managers would have the chance of rewards and promotion, which made him smile. But quickly, his facial expression became complicated. Should he pamper Spirit Field No. 38?

The final command was that the Sinong Palace would visit and collect opinions on the current Managers. His expression darkened again, and he became extremely frustrated.

Upon hearing Huang De Sheng and Lin Yi discuss the wonderful life after entering the Inner Sect, he felt his head was about to explode, didn’t want to stay there a moment longer, and quickly left..

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