The Path of Survivor begins with obtaining titles

Chapter 39 - 34 Preparing for Action_l

Chapter 39: Chapter 34 Preparing for Action_l

Translator: 549690339

Lin Yi stood at the door, watching Zhang Yuan Cheng leave. He really wanted to farm in peace and avoid any trouble. What happened next depended on how Manager Zhang chose to act.

From his investigation into Zhang Yuan Cheng, Lin Yi knew that the man was narrow-minded and highly suspicious. In his ten years as a Spiritual Field Manager, around twenty or so Spirit Farmers had mysteriously disappeared, with no leads revealed from the investigations by the law enforcement court and the cases were concluded as accidents in the wilderness, then casually dismissed.

When he first discovered this information, Lin Yi was alarmed, realizing his initial thoughts were naive. He had thought that with rules forbidding fellow sect members from harming each other and expecting that law enforcement would be thorough, Zhang Yuan Cheng wouldn’t lay a hand on him.

However, in the recent two years, it appeared no Spirit Farmer had unexpectedly disappeared within this ‘Bing’ region’s cultivation area, bringing some relief to Lin Yi. However, he remained vigilant, constructing a secret room and frequently visiting Qing Yun City, rarely going into the wild to feed animals anymore.

Now, he had given Manager Zhang an opportunity. His future depended entirely on his own choices.

Instead of making talisman, Lin Yi ruminated on whether there were any cracks in his plan. If Zhang Yuan Cheng chose not to act, he himself wouldn’t pursue trouble, he would move to another spiritual field area and quietly grow stronger.

With new orders from the Sinong Palace, someone with his farming talent would be highly welcomed by the stewards.

If Zhang Yuan Cheng chose to act, nobody could be blamed but him. Lin Yi would have to rid himself of this nuisance.

The next day, after breakfast, Lin Yi stepped outside. Glancing around, he saw his neighbor, Lv Qing Ming, lounging in a reclining chair, leisurely soaking up sun with two big dogs beside him, frequently touched their heads.

When the two dogs saw him coming out, they wagged their tails and tried to stand up. Lin Yi shot them a glance and they immediately started to bark fiercely at him.

“Can you be quiet? This is my friend, Daoist Lin.” After the dogs had barked for a while, Lv Qing Ming gently patted their heads, then asked Lin Yi, “Daoist Lin, are you heading out?”

“No, I’m just here to exercise.” Lin Yi casually responded, then started practicing his boxing moves at his doorstep. Now and then, he would roll up his sleeves to show off his muscular arms.

Hearing the commotion, Old Huang also came over. Upon seeing Lin Yi displaying his muscular body, he quickly walked over and began to pinch Lin Yi with his hands, “Tsk, tsk, Little Lin, I didn’t know that you’ve been doing Body Refinement. Look at these strong muscles.”

“Body Refinement isn’t that useful anyway, you surely are not planning to compete with cultivators in physical strength, right? You should focus on Cultivation.”

Lin Yi shook his head and said helplessly, “Old Huang, I only began Body Refinement because my Cultivation was not progressing well. Look at me, I’m still stuck at Qi Refining Three Layers, the only way to increase my strength is through Body Refinement.”

At this point, he changed the topic and said, “But, the monster beast meat required for Body Refinement is even more expensive than Spirit Rice. I can hardly afford it. I am planning to go to the wild to hunt monster beasts tomorrow.”

“Hunt monster beasts? You don’t want to live, do you? A Qi Refining Three Layers going to hunt monster beasts is like offering food to them.” Old Huang’s face changed instantly, and he hurriedly tried to dissuade Lin Yi.

“Old Huang, don’t worry. I will only skirt the edges of where monster beasts are found. If there’s danger, I can run faster than anyone else.” Lin Yi reassuringly explained, purposely giving Zhang Yuan Cheng an opportunity to secretly strike.

“It still sounds too dangerous. You used to be so cautious, why have you become so reckless now?” Old Huang asked, puzzled.

Lin Yi confidently said, “I’m not being reckless, I’ve made all the necessary preparations to ensure there’s no danger.”

“If you won’t listen to reason then you have to be careful. How about I accompany you tomorrow?” Old Huang suddenly proposed.

“There’s no need. If I need protection just to go to the edges of the monster beast area, my Qi Refining Three Layers would be useless.” Lin Yi waved his hand and said. If Old Huang were to come along, then he wouldn’t be able to carry out his plan.

Old Huang pondered for a moment, and decided not to say more. Even though he and Lin Yi were friends, he could not protect him in every circumstance, especially considering that he himself was just a semi-invalid at Qi refining level four.

On one side, Lv Qing Ming, while seemingly just basking in the sun on his chair, had already pricked up his ears, committing their entire conversation to memory.

By night, Lin Yi rushed to the entrance of the Liu Yun Sect Inner Door. He took out the sound transmission talisman given to him by Li Yuan Qing. In a few days, it would be time to sow the spiritual fields, hence, plans needed to be set in motion without further delay.

That’s why he chose this morning to subtly hint to Lv Qing Ming about his plans for tomorrow.

After activating the talisman, a glow appeared on it. He hastily whispered a few words to the talisman, then casually tossed it out. The talisman automatically flew in the direction of the Inner Door.

The sound communication talisman is not included in the Basic Talisman Handbook either. It’s just as difficult to create as a storage symbol and equally useless in that it can only be used once, and its range is quite limited.

What’s more troublesome is that the sound transmission talisman can’t just send to anyone; it requires the recipient to ritualize it in advance and then give it to someone else before it can fly back to its origin.

It’s like a homing pigeon. Once it has been tamed and brought to a new place, it can fly back home once set free.

This sound transmission talisman from Li Yuan Qing had clearly been ritualized. Within a certain range, the talisman would follow the ritualized info on it and fly back to him.

After a while, a sword glow appeared in the night sky, flying out from the Inner Door. Lin Yi quickly activated a spell to illuminate his location, and the sword glow promptly flew in his direction.

Soon, the sword glow gently descended, and Li Yuan Qing appeared. He glanced at Lin Yi and calmly asked, “Are you sure you want to proceed with the action tomorrow?”

“Senior Brother Li, it is confirmed, but please accompany me to familiarize yourself with the location,” Lin Yi said, saluting with a fist and then nodding. He had found an excellent spot at the edge of the Monster Beast area, where they could just wait for Zhang Yuan Cheng to bite the bait.

“Alright, climb up.” Li Yuan Qing agreed and gently descended, controlling the flying sword. The flying sword was now a little bigger, sufficient to carry not only two but even three or four people.

Lin Yi quickly stepped onto the flying sword, a hint of expectation appearing on his face. Ever since he entered the cultivation world, he had seen others wield flying swords, but he had never experienced the joy of flying on a sword.

“Channel your spiritual power into your legs, and remember to show the way, ” Li Yuan Qing reminded him lightly, then controlled the flying sword to ascend slowly.

Lin Yi’s body swayed slightly. He quickly channeled his internal spiritual power into his legs, which firmly anchored his body on the flying sword. He then took a look around and pointed a direction.

The flying sword immediately moved towards the direction Lin Yi pointed out.

The speed was not too fast, but it was definitely faster than traveling on foot. Standing on the flying sword, he felt only a gentle breeze. There seemed to be protective measures in place.

Otherwise, after flying fast on a flying sword, when the senior experts arrived at their destination, their hair would have been in disarray, looking like a hen’s nest.

Upon reaching the edge of the Monster Beast region, Lin Yi indicated the exact location of the operation to Li Yuan Qing and briefly explained some details, but he did not reveal any information about Zhang Yuan Cheng’s identity.

“Alright, tomorrow, I will come here in advance. If you encounter danger ahead of time, send a warning, and I will be there immediately,” Li Yuan Qing nodded lightly while also giving some advice to Lin Yi.

“Thank you, Senior Brother Li.” Lin Yi quickly saluted with his fists and then returned to the Liu Yun Sect with Li Yuan Qing..

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