The Path of Survivor begins with obtaining titles

Chapter 400 - 214: Who the Hell is Gold Sword Zen Ren_1

Chapter 400: Chapter 214: Who the Hell is Gold Sword Zen Ren_1

Translator: 549690339

The three Golden Core Real Persons of the Liu Yun Sect arrived at the Blood Demonic Sect’s location where the Secret Realm was to be opened, accompanied by 11 disciples. Only two to three days were left before the passage was completely opened.

Whichever Sect’s territory the Secret Realm’s rosy clouds manifested in, that Sect’s Golden Core Real Person was basically responsible for widening the passage. After all, they could secure the most spots without participating in any competition, so naturally, they needed to put in some effort.

The disciples from the other sects arrived at the location where the Secret Realm was manifesting within the following day.

At this point, Gold Sword Zen Ren turned towards the direction of the other Righteous Sects. With a gentle clasp of his fist and a solemn tone, he said, “Fellow Daoists, a year ago, my disciple Lin Yi opened a teaching program in the Secret Realm. You guys agreed to join at half price and promised certain conditions. Please remind your disciples not to forget this promise.”

The Golden Core Real Persons from the other sects also returned the salute, “Gold Sword Daoist friend, rest assured, we have already instructed our Sect Disciples, they will not forget this promise.”

No matter what, the formalities still needed to be observed, and considering Gold Sword Zen Ren’s powerful abilities, just below that of the Nascent Soul, he deserved their respect.

While none of the many Golden Core Real Persons dared to express it openly, they all felt in their hearts that Gold Sword Zen Ren was being overly persistent. He still cared about that disciple with a damaged foundation. He should learn to let go.

It seemed that disciple only had about forty years left until he reached his Foundation Life Limit, giving him no hope at all.

Even if his foundation was repaired, hoping to achieve Golden Core in forty years would be extremely difficult. It would be better to let him live out the rest of his life in peace, relieving everyone.

“I appreciate all of you, my Daoist friends.” Gold Sword Zen Ren clasped his fist again, then turned to look at the Rosy Cloud passage of the Dan God Secret Realm, his thoughts seemingly drifting into it.

Divine Fire Zen Ren, standing beside him, sighed softly, him, with his previously explosive and straightforward personality, didn’t say anything more.

Another day passed and at the approach of dawn, the Rosy Cloud passage of the Dan God Secret Realm opened to its limit, emitting a dazzling rosy light, indicating that the passage into the Secret Realm had been opened.

The Golden Core Real Persons of the various sects, based on the order of fewest to most places allocated, sent their disciples into the Secret Realm’s Rosy Cloud passage which was located mid-air.

At this moment, Lin Yi was already waiting in the Array Method Room of Dan God’s Cave Mansion, observing the disciples entering the Secret Realm.

The allocation of disciples to the Five Elements Region was still the result of a random array. He didn’t intervene in any way.

This time, three disciples of the Liu Yun Sect entered the Wood Element region again, one from the Golden Sword Peak and the remaining two from Green Jade Peak and Jade Sea Peak.

Lin Yi decided to focus on some of the disciples of the Liu Yun Sect, prioritizing their safety first.

As for the promises of the disciples of the other Righteous Sects, they had just entered the Secret Realm. Normally, it would take four to five days to reach the first Medicine Garden.

The disciples of the Three Major Sects of Evil Demons, were now rather well-behaved in the Secret Realm. They were extremely cautious and did not dare to provoke others as they had in the past.

Each of them wished they could be ostriches, hiding their heads in their necks, avoiding other Sect Disciples when they could.

Because of the last two Secret Realms, these three major sects had suffered heavy losses. Each time the Secret Realm opened, there was always one sect that was entirely wiped out.

Even if the remaining two sects were not wiped out completely, only two or three disciples survived. It was a miserable situation, so they did not have the courage to act recklessly in the Secret Realm.

Even though they were no longer threatened by the Heretic Sects, all the disciples entering the Secret Realm still faced the dangers of Monster Beasts and the environmental dangers of the Secret Realm.

This was an automatic adjustment by the Dan God Secret Realm to ensure that all the disciples entering the Secret Realm underwent a test to some extent.

Finally, a few days later, the fastest disciple reached the first Medicine Garden.

The Golden Sword Peak Disciple in the Wood Element region was also one of the fastest to reach. He had no plans to pick the Spirit Grass at all. He just started recounting the accomplishments of Zhou Yun Feng, constantly clasping his fists and kneeling in prayer, hoping the Elder Dan God would give him a Supreme-grade Resurrection Pill.

Subsequently, disciples from other sects also arrived at the first Medicine Garden in each of the Five Elements Regions. The Sky Sword Sect disciples collected Spirit Grass while fulfilling their promise.

Just like a relentless repeater, they recited Zhou Yun Feng’s accomplishments in a stiff and rigid manner.

Some of the Sect Disciples, seeing other people in the Medicine Garden, began to mutter slowly. Their tone was as lifeless as they could manage.

If they were the only ones in the Medicine Garden, they would either casually mutter a few words or simply not at all, since no one would know.

As for those who did not fulfill their promise, Lin Yi created some danger for them on their subsequent journey through the Secret Realm his own way.

If they survived, then it was over. If not, he could only say sorry.

The images in the Array Method Room also had sound. Lin Yi listened to the continuous recounting of the first senior brother’s deeds by the disciples from various regions. His head was about to explode, it was like a Constricting Ring Spell.

It seemed that he really had to wrong Little Ape and have him endure the constant barrage of the repeater’s bombardment. However, he already promised Little Ape that he would roast meat for him for a month after this.

Furthermore, he had told Little Ape to use the Ground Hammer or something similar to vent his instability. If there were disciples from the Heretic Sects, there was no need for courtesy, just directly throw them out.

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