The Path of Survivor begins with obtaining titles

Chapter 44 - 37 Killing without Meaning (part 2) Big Chapter_3

Chapter 44: Chapter 37 Killing without Meaning (part 2) Big Chapter_3

Translator: 549690339

One by one, figures descended from the trees around them, all with smiles on their faces, converging from all directions. There were a total of five cultivators. “Brother Zhang, none of us have ever met Brother Lin before.”

“Manager Zhang, just to be safe, I have prepared an Image Recording Stone. It’s placed in a tree nearby. Hold on for a second.” Lin Yi flew to a nearby tree and retrieved a medium-grade spirit stone, which was carved with mysterious symbols, identical to the Image Recording Stones sold in the shops of Qing Yun City.

“You, even with the Image Recording Stone, why did you invite so many people to witness?” Zhang Yuan Cheng was rendered speechless. The stone could serve as evidence. Just inviting Li Yuan Qing to protect him would have been enough, but inviting so many people seemed redundant.

“What if these fellow daoists are acquainted with you, or you have bought them over through some relationships? I have to prepare a backup, haven’t I?” Lin Yi held the Internal Spirit Light Flowing Image Recording Stone, his face adorned with an honest smile.

Zhang Yuan Cheng was so angry that he almost spat out blood. “You, you are an absolute beast…”

He suddenly felt the pain of those cultivators who had suffered in the robbery.

As a lofty Spiritual Field Manager and a cultivator of the eighth stage of Qi Refining, he found himself being played around by a third-stage Qi Refining practitioner. Having been hit by a fireball, he felt it was a great humiliation.

Li Yuan Qing, who was standing nearby, was stunned. This boy was too cautious, leaving no room for failure. However, considering that Lin Yi was only at the Qi Refining Third Stage, he instantly understood this behavior.

“Manager Zhang, it is you who is beastly, not me.” Lin Yi said with a light laugh, then bowed his fist towards the crowd, “Thank you, fellow daoists, for your help today.”

Among these people, some were Outer Sect Spirit Farmers, although far from his planting area. Some were Loose Cultivators from Qing Yun City. Apart from knowing they needed to stake out the nearby trees, they had not received any other information.

“Brother Lin, you’re too polite. You are very meticulous, and we admire that.” The cultivators returned the bow. They were completely awestruck by Lin Yi’s methods.

At this point, Li Yuan Qing spoke up: “Everyone, please come back to Liu Yun

Sect with me and explain this matter to the law court to bear witness.”

“Senior Brother Li, doesn’t Brother Lin have an Image Recording Stone? Whether we witness it doesn’t seem important.” An Outer Sect Spirit Farmer from the Liu Yun Sect inquired.

“Are you foolish? We all go together to bear witness, that also counts as jointly exposing this extremely heinous Spiritual Field Manager. Maybe we’ll even get a reward.” Another Spirit Farmer explained from the side.

After discussing it with the group, Lin Yi and the others all bowed to Li Yuan

Qing, “Senior Brother Li, please take Zhang Yuan Cheng back to the Liu Yun Sect first. We’ll follow shortly.”

“Then let’s meet at the mountain gate.” Li Yuan Qing nodded in agreement, and with a thought, his flying sword appeared before his eyes. He lifted Zhang Yuan Cheng onto the flying sword, and they set off in the direction of the Liu Yun Sect.

“Thank you all once again, fellow daoists, let’s go.” Lin Yi expressed his gratitude to the crowd again. His Image Recording Stone was an imitation made from a medium-grade spirit stone.

If he were to buy it, it would cost at least two hundred spirit stones, and it could only record a short video. Zhang Yuan Cheng was not worth him spending so many spirit stones.

“Brother Lin, your strategies have really opened our eyes. At the Qi Refinement

Third Stage, you managed to apprehend a Qi Refining Eighth Stage Spiritual Field Manager without shedding any blood.” The crowd was still filled with awe. If they were in his place, they would surely not have been as clever and cautious as Lin Yi. They would most likely have resorted to force to resolve everything.

“It’s just out of necessity. Who would want to be weak?” Lin Yi shook his head and responded. Suddenly, a pop-up appeared before his eyes, “Host remains cautious at all times, choosing not to take action unless absolutely necessary, astonishing ingenuity, awarded the title [Meaningless Fight and Kill].”

Upon seeing the content of the pop-up, he was momentarily stunned. He hadn’t expected that the words he casually spoke would become a title. ‘Meaningless Fight and Kill’ was quite an interesting title. He just didn’t know what the effects would be.

Just as he was about to examine the effects, his shoulder was gently patted, “Brother Lin, what’s the matter? Let’s hurry up. We don’t want to keep Senior Brother Li waiting.”

Snapping back to reality, Lin Yi nodded, “Alright, let’s go.” As he spoke, he activated a Swift Movement Talisman along with everyone else. They dashed towards the Liu Yun sect mountain gate. On their way, he opened the Title System and took a quick look at the effects, taken aback with surprise. This was an artifact of escape!

“[Meaningless Fight and Kill]: Evasion +10%, Speed +10%, Defense +10% (Upon leaving combat, all effects increase to 30%, and there is a 3% chance to trigger Instant Teleport. Note: Distance travelled is related to current cultivation levels, with cooldown time set at one hour).

Three types of effects, all incredibly useful in aiding escape. Furthermore, upon leaving combat, the effects triple, and there was even a slight chance to trigger Instant Teleport. This was similar to the Blink skill in games, albeit the triggering probability was quite low for now.

Pointless fights were indeed meaningless. It was better to lay low and slowly grow in strength. If an opportunity to escape arose, he would seize it. He would absolutely not act unless he was 100% confident of the outcome.

Upon arriving at the Liu Yun sect mountain gate, they noticed a crowd had gathered. Li Yuan Qing was standing in an open area within the gate, while

Zhang Yuan Cheng was casually tossed aside, struggling and bellowing, “I am Zhang Yuan Cheng, the Bing Section of the Mystical Fields Manager. I request to see the Sect Master. Li Yuan Qing is colluding with the Bing Section’s Spirit Farmer, plotting against me.”

Although there were bystanders around, nobody took him seriously, including the disciples guarding the mountain gate. Who was Li Yuan Qing? A disciple of Gold Sword Zen Ren and one of the front runners at that. It would be absurd to accuse him of plotting against a petty Spiritual Field Manager.

Lin Yi and a few spirit farmers revealed their Outer Sect Disciple Identity Plaque at the gate, granting them entry. However, the three Loose Cultivators were denied entry.

“Let them in. I will ensure they are escorted out.” At this point, Li Yuan Qing spoke indifferently.

The disciples guarding the gate immediately made note of the three Loose cultivators’ names and physical features before allowing them entry.

Guided by Li Yuan Qing, everyone headed toward the Hall of Laws within the inner gate to directly meet Qi Chun Shan, the Foundation Establishment Stage master of the Hall. He informed him of Zhang Yuan Cheng’s actions, and Lin

Yi, along with several cultivators, served as witnesses.

Qi Chun Shan was greatly astounded and vowed to start an immediate thorough investigation. More than twenty sect members had been harmed while the perpetrator was still on the loose. It was a shocking incident that he would not dare to conceal, even if Li Yuan Qing had not personally reported this incident. Disclosure of such a scandal might result in his own position being jeopardized.

During the discussion, Li Yuan Qing made no mention of the Image Recording Stone matter, and the other cultivators, hoping for a possible reward, naturally kept it to themselves as well.

After noting down their names, Qi Chun Shan stated that once the investigation was concluded, they would be rewarded for their actions in uncovering the scandal. Hearing that, all present had smiles on their faces.

Finally, he turned his attention to Lin Yi and said, “Lin Yi, I am grateful to you for exposing such an evil person, who had harmed his fellow sect members. Once the matter is cleared, I will surely report this to the Sect Master and argue for a reward for you.”

This Lin Yi seemed to be a careful planner and had Li Yuan Qing’s assistance as well. It appeared they had a deep relationship. Qi Chun Shan was happy to return the favor.

“Thank you, Master Qi, but the credit mostly goes to Brother Li. I was merely the catalyst and played a very small role. Please give the reward to Brother Li.” Lin Yi quickly rose to his feet, gave Qi Chun Shan a salute with a cupped fist.

Qi Chun Shan looked to Li Yuan Qing and, after spotting a nod of agreement, chuckled, “Alright, in that case, I shall follow your words. I’ll see you all out and begin the investigation..”

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