The Peasant Girl’s Splendid Manor

Chapter 123: Tribulation Field(2)

Chapter 123: Tribulation Field(2)

Chapter 123 Tribulation Field (2)

Shopkeeper Xing hesitated for a moment, opened his mouth and persuaded: "Girl, don't blame me for being verbose. These fruit trees you mentioned are not easy to grow. In the past, the imperial court tried their best to transport fruit seedlings such as Naizi and grapes from foreign countries, but they finally survived. Some, but more than ten years have passed and not a single fruit has been produced.

Mo Yan automatically ignored what he said before and after him, and asked happily: "So you can get these fruit trees from Fanbang?"

When Shopkeeper Xing heard this, his eyes twitched, and he replied helplessly: "It is indeed possible, but the capital is far away from Fanbang. Even if you get the fruit seedlings, you may not be able to transport them back alive."

Mo Yan didn't take this to heart. Even if he died, he could just take a dip in the spiritual spring pool and he would be able to survive.

Seeing that Mo Yan had made up his mind, Shopkeeper Xing could not persuade her any more and could only suggest: "If the girl really wants to transport fruit seedlings from Fanbang, it is best to find those merchants who resell goods from north to south. They are much more familiar with these things." .

Mo Yan had this intention and thanked him with a smile.

Before leaving, Xiao Zhu suddenly spoke: "Miss Mo, do you want a pear tree or a peach tree?"

Mo Yan was stunned and said with a smile: "Yes, of course I want to. I plan to plant a large orchard. The more varieties, the better."

When Xiao Zhu heard this, he showed his two little tiger teeth happily: "I have a neighbor who sells fruit seedlings, but the seedlings are ordinary pear and peach trees. They cannot be sold at high prices, and the family is very poor! If you buy them, Just buy their fruit seedlings, their fruit seedlings are better than others!"

This boy is too poor to get a wife, yet he worries about others. Shopkeeper Xing slapped Xiao Zhu and scolded him with a smile.

Mo Yan smiled and said: "Xiao Zhu is a kind man, and he will definitely marry a gentle and virtuous wife."

Xiao Zhuhan smiled and scratched his head in embarrassment, his ears turned red with embarrassment, which made Mo Yan and the two laugh.

Having a clue about Guomiao's matter, Mo Yan was in a good mood. Just after sending Shopkeeper Xing and the others away, Liu Tinglan came again.

Go to the execution ground to watch the beheading? Mo Yans eyes twitched and she decisively refused: No, Im afraid Ill have nightmares when I sleep at night.

No, lets just take a look. When those traffickers are about to be beheaded, well walk away. Liu Tinglan grabbed Mo Yans arm and begged to shake it.

Mo Yan pulled out her arm and shook her head violently: "If you want to go, you can go alone, I'm not interested."

Obviously she is a soft girl, but she still wants to watch a beheading. This taste is too strong!

Go, go, just stay with me! Liu Tinglan refused to give up. Those bad guys actually wanted to sell her to such a dirty place. She couldnt even sleep well unless she saw those bad guys being punished with her own eyes.

Mo Yan was helpless and had a headache from her quarrel, so she could only say: "Then just watch for a while, I don't want to see blood."

Liu Tinglan nodded fiercely: "It must be certain, I don't dare to look at it."

Mo Yan rolled her eyes, afraid to look? Who believes it!

Mo Yan was dragged into the Liu family's carriage by Liu Tinglan. The driver was an old man in his fifties. When he saw Mo Yan, he politely called Miss Mo.

When he heard that his young lady was going to Caishikou to watch the beheading, the carriage driver was so frightened that he almost knelt down in front of the young ancestor. However, despite his efforts to persuade him, Liu Tinglan ignored him. He had no choice but to drive the carriage to Caishikou, secretly I pray that the master and his wife will not blame him.

The Liu family is just a small wealthy family. The decoration on the carriage is not gorgeous, but it is very comfortable and neat, and the ride is very stable. Mo Yan tried it and felt it was much better than a donkey-cart or an ox-cart.

She had been thinking about buying a car before, but then she forgot about it when things got busy. Its just that the rented house was too small and there was no stable. She couldnt put it in the car now. It would be better to wait until the new house was built before buying the carriage. There was room for it. Fang, I still have twenty acres of land at home, and I need to buy an ox for farming.

Mo Yan was thinking about it, and it didnt take long before she arrived at Caishikou.

Chaishikou is located in Beishi. It is said that Beishi is the most chaotic, and most thieves, cheaters, and swindlers gather here. A few years ago, an execution ground was built in Caishikou. Anyone who committed a capital crime would be brought here to be executed, to shock those young people.

Mo Yan found it incredible after hearing Liu Tinglan talk about the reason.

It is also the boundary of the capital city. The four cities in the east, west, south and north divide people into three, six or nine grades. The north city is like a slum in a developed city in a previous life, which has become synonymous with backwardness, poverty and filth. Deliberately building the execution ground here undoubtedly killed the residents of Bei City with a stick.

People from Beishi will not say that they are from Beishi when they go to the other three cities, lest they be stared at by those strange eyes and be unable to hold their heads up.

It was already two quarters in the afternoon, and all nineteen traffickers had been escorted to the execution ground. There were already many people surrounding the execution ground, including those who were just watching the fun, and some who had their children abducted.

Many people whose children had been abducted before but could not find them also came, pointing at the traffickers and crying and cursing them. Several women even fainted in grief and anger and were carried away by their families.

With the help of the coachman, Liu Tinglan pulled Mo Yan and squeezed to the front.

Looking at the unkempt human traffickers on the execution platform, covered with vegetable leaves and rotten eggs, Liu Tinglan was furious: "They are all a scourge that will last forever, and they should be killed."

Mo Yan looked at the man kneeling in the middle, nicknamed Fat Brother, with confusion. At this time, he was looking around, with obvious urgency and...expectation on his face!

Could it be that there are more than twenty traffickers in this group, and there are still fish that have slipped through the net, and now their accomplices are preparing to rob the execution ground and rescue people?

Mo Yans mind opened up and she unconsciously remembered the plots that often appeared in the movies and TV shows she had watched in her previous life...

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