The Peasant Girl’s Splendid Manor

Chapter 134: Li Zhong is missing(1)

Chapter 134: Li Zhong is missing(1)

Chapter 134 Li Zhong is missing (1)

As if sensing Mo Yan's hesitation, the wolf looked at her with disdain and couldn't help but stretch out its paw to scratch the palm of her right hand.

Mo Yan was stunned for a moment, then understood what it meant, and couldn't help but touch its wolf head like a little flower: "How can you be so smart!"

If she accidentally fell, she could hide in the space, then come out, and then go in... This way, even if she fell to the bottom of the cliff, she wouldn't fall to her death.

The unfamiliar touch on the head made the wolf stunned for a moment. It shook its head uncomfortably and whimpered lowly, as if it was disgusted.

Mo Yan's hand froze, and she retracted her hand in a sullen voice, but a layer of cold sweat broke out on her vest. Fortunately, this guy wasn't angry, otherwise she wouldn't have room to cry if he gave her a bite!

With the solution, Mo Yan no longer had any worries. She took out all the ropes from the space and combined the slender ropes into one thick rope.

These strings were left over from making fences for the chickens. Mo Yan threw them randomly in the space, but he didn't expect that they would come in handy now.

After one end of the rope was firmly tied to the tree and it was sure that it would not fall off, Mo Yan tied the other end to herself. She held the rope tightly and slowly lowered herself down the cliff.

Xiaohua walked to the edge of the cliff worriedly, whining. It had no hands to hold on to the rope and could not help at all. It could only walk around uneasily in a hurry.

The old wolf was lying on the ground. Seeing Xiaohua's expression, his human eyes filled with contempt. He couldn't bear to see its stupid look, so he simply closed his eyes to rest.

The protruding piece of flat land was about thirty meters away from the top of the cliff. It took Mo Yan half an hour before his feet landed on the ground again.

During this period, she almost fell several times. Fortunately, she reacted quickly and her body was warmed by the spiritual spring water, which made her much stronger than ordinary people.

Untying the rope around his waist, Mo Yan began to look at the place. The area of this open space was not large, only twenty or thirty square meters, with a few scattered shrubs and weeds growing there. She walked to the edge and took a glance before looking back. Below was a real abyss!

Hunting his eyes wide, he searched around for the so-called treasure. After searching all around, his eyes were sore. Mo Yan didn't find any special plants, not even any medicinal roots.

"Maybe you were deceived by that guy?" Mo Yan scratched his head and searched around again unwillingly. He wished he could open all the cracks in the stone and take a look, but still found nothing. .

Shall we just go up empty-handed? What else can be done?

Mo Yan sighed and quickly put aside this disappointment. She tied the rope around her waist and began to climb up using her hands and feet.

Wait a minute, what is this?

Mo Yan climbed less than two meters, and when she was looking for a place to lean on, something that looked like a Ganoderma lucidum, as big as a basin, but had a strange blood-red color came into her eyes...

When Mo Yan spent a lot of effort to climb to the top of the cliff, he didn't even bother to rest, so he quickly took out the Ganoderma-like thing from the space and put it in front of the wolf.

"Is it this one?"

Seeing this blood-red mass, the wolf's eyes lit up, he whined, put his nose to the Ganoderma lucidum and sniffed it, then subconsciously stuck out his tongue and licked his mouth, just like Xiaohua saw the delicious space chicken. Son, the original aloofness is gone.

Mo Yan subconsciously retracted her hand. She hadn't figured out what it was yet, so she couldn't let it eat it in one bite.

This blood-red mass is very similar to the red mushroom I saw in my previous life, which is also called blood Ganoderma. However, although Blood Ganoderma is also red, it is dark red. It is definitely not such blood red color. It is scary to look at, but the medicinal fragrance it exudes is also It's very refreshing and refreshing. Looking at the wolf's reaction, it shouldn't be easy.

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