The Player Hides His Past

Chapter 237: True Discipline

Chapter 237: True Discipline

General Manager of Yusra Branch.

I was more faithful than anyone else to the weight I carried.

Thanks to that, the day when the dragon, Eunaxus, tore through the dimension and went to the Arcana continent.

I also read the AAUs records carefully.

Energy response at a level that cannot be measured with modern equipment.

I wonder if that was possible.

The moment I raised my mana, I felt it.

It was impossible to manifest right now!

The role of the connector was virtually like a portal.

The difference was that the portals mana consumption increased exponentially as the destination coordinates got further away from the current location.

In the reality, when the destination coordinates were set to the Arcana Continent, it was natural that it would consume a huge amount of mana.

Even when I have my mana intact, I can only enter alone.

At the moment, I was holding onto the rupture with the reversal oddity.

All of the mana regenerated by [Blessing of the First World Tree] was being poured into the rupture. How could I create a portal to the Arcana Continent in this situation!?


I gathered my mana.

The situation was like that.

My mouth spat out shamelessly.

No matter how urgent it is.

I would return to the Arcana Continent.

I had said that.

On top of that, there were also the quests.

[Class quest: Summoning All Dragons]

The old dragon shouted.

The great family has returned to the Arcana Continent.

Every dragon wants to find out the truth of the case.

Witness the dragons gathering on the continent. (Select)

Encounter the dying old dragon, Eunaxus. (In Progress)

It wasnt my quest, it was Skals dragon knight class quest.

But I needed to talk with Eunaxus too.

First of all, what was the intention behind the mother, the World Tree?

I dont want to say this with my own mouth, but

Even the story of the Claudie family.

I needed to make sure I heard it.

In that regard.

Please wait a little longer, Eunaxus.

Anyway, this place.

I felt like I had to settle things in reality before I left.

All of a sudden, I had to settle things.

If anyone asked about it, Id be happy to answer.

It is unacceptable for discipline to be shaken.

As I said.

I considered Rayman Sean as prey.

Thanks to this, as a demon hunter, it was clearly visible to me.

Raymond Seans intention in putting forward the world quest!

Now that I know that.

Do you think I will stay still?

I pulled my mana out of the rupture I was holding on to.

Then a message appeared again.

[Youve cleared the rupture, Dungeon: CODE-009]


In the crumbling landscape.

I recited.

Know your place.

Not by anyone else.

It was a discipline that I myself established through my struggle and hard work.

Do you think I would just sit by and watch that discipline fall apart?

Dont try to go against the rules when it comes to hunting.


Each AAU branch established close relationships with its respective national government.

Since AAU was the one who responded to the surreal disaster of the Cataclysm.

For the safety of the people, the country and AAU had no choice but to establish a cooperative relationship.

AAU Branch heads meeting.

Starting with the prototype monster.

Up to the arrival of a prototype connector.

Recognizing the seriousness of the situation, the branch managers worked closely.

As Park Minjae mentioned, in order for Union to not pull the trigger. Government officials from each country requested cooperation from the Chinese government at the request of AAU.


North Americas branch manager, Jim Joshua, opened his mouth.

Even our United States is wiped out.

There was no reply from China to any countries.

Tokyo Branch Manager Okazaki tilted his head.

Even if China didnt join the AAU.

This has never happened before, right?

In the face of Catacylism, they had never shown such an uncooperative attitude. In a situation where the lives of the people were at stake, they maintained the minimum level of cooperation.

Park Minjae nodded.

That was the reason why members of Union Guild, including Liu Jinchun, were able to freely visit other countries. Even if theyre not affiliated with the international agreement, the power of Union clearly benefited humanity.

But for some reason.

Im getting more anxious.

Londons branch manager, Baker, swallowed.

The actions of the General Manager who discovered the connector will have a significant impact on the players. If it was the General Manager I know, he would enter the Arcana Continent without hesitation.

The Arcana Continent was wrecked by the demons.

However, to put it another way, it could be said to be a land of opportunity, just like the world quest. Park Minjae looked through the current status records of the Arcana Continent that he had received from Hoyeol.

Even the Capital City Antonium is in a precarious state

Even the Empire that ruled the continent was in that state.

The situation in the border areas must be indescribable.

Park Minjae made a cool-headed decision.

But heroes are born in difficult times.

Moreover, if he looked back to the Arcana system

There will really be no end to quests and rewards.

The ten adventurers, including Hoyeol, could win huge rewards that would make their rankings so far meaningless. It was not for reason that the players were drooling over it.

Of course, he didnt intend to blame them.

Because thats how humans are.

That was why he felt at a loss.

Amidst the silence.

Joshua opens his mouth carefully.

Then lets assume.

What is it, Branch Manager Joshua?

We cant reach the Chinese government at this point, so lets think about it. Regardless of the reason, Union will definitely take action one way or another. They might withdraw from the Zero Mountains right now and put all their efforts into finding the code rupture.

Joshuas eyes sank seriously.

We have no reason to stop them. Unless they break the agreement, we cant control what the player does to clear the rupture. Isnt that right, Branch Manager Okazaki?

Thats right.

When Frost appeared in Hokkaido.

The Japanese government violated the agreement and controlled the players.

As a result, they paid a huge price for violating international agreements.

Someone forced out a laugh.

What an annoying rule.

Thats right.

Who the hell is that rule for?

It was a rule that only benefited those who didnt follow it.

The bigger problem was that they were not the only ones who had noticed this.

But unlike the government or AAU, the players arent going to sit back and watch. Because like Union, they are not restricted in their actions.

What it meant was simple.

Maybe there will be a major armed conflict between the players. We cant overlook the possibility that Arcana forces like the Karpen rebels will be involved.

It was an objective understanding of the situation without any leaps or bounds.


Park Minjae clenched his fist.

This damn short temperament.

He wanted to give up all the rules and everything.

Damn it.

It was frustrating.

He thought he could lend at least a little bit of strength to Hoyeol. Clearly, he wasnt any help at all. Nevertheless, Park Minjae desperately suppressed his emotions.

If it werent for the rule, I would have


Hoyeol was stricter about the rules than anyone else.

If Hoyeol found out that he broke the rule for his sake.

He might be putting the burden on him instead.

You look unusually serious, Mr. Park.

I look like this occasionally.

I guess so.


How do you know how I feel?

His rebellious temperament didnt break even in this situation,

Soon, as Park Minjae raised his head, it caught his attention.


Baker had the same complicated expression as he did.

No, it wasnt just Baker.

Baker opened his mouth.

At least everyone here is thinking the same thing as Mr. Park.

I overlooked pride for a moment.

Park Minjae smiled slightly.

Yes, things had changed a lot from the past.

It would be better to have a blank sheet of paper.

They all could come up with an idea together.

If we struggle together, we will come up with a solution.

Park Minjae opened his mouth enthusiastically.

Then lets all work overtime together today!

Mr. Park, why do you conclude it that way?

Suddenly working overtime? Thats nonsense.

A few others, including Joshua, were surprised.

Just a little while ago, he said something beautiful.

It was not for no reason that even the employees of other branches shuddered at the name Park Minjae. In the end, the branch heads nodded due to Park Minjaes persistence.


Now that the communication with China had been cut off.

They needed to find the next best option.

Just as Park Minjae let out a sigh.


Suddenly, a notification arrived in the video chat room.

Soon, the news was shared with branch heads.

The branch heads mouths dropped open at the news.

W-Wait a minute.

If this news is true

Maybe we wont have to work overtime?

Park Minjae shook off his goosebumps.

I truly cant fathom that discipline, General Manager!




Mage Tower.

It was a sudden, unplanned round table meeting.

Because of that, there was no obligation to participate.

The Crystal Hall was already full.

The skilled wizard, Lynne, spat out a single exclamation.

Ooh! All the seniors are here? Not only Chief Marcelo, but also Elder Mage Yugwid? Anyway, what is that cat? Ive been seeing him for a while. Dont you have to kick him out? Hes shedding hair.

Jibril silenced Lynnes chatter.

Why dont you sit down for a bit before you get kicked out, Lynne?


The moment you let out that exclamation, brief stinging gazes fell on you. Klee, you saw it, too, right? Especially the disapproving look from Senior Bensch William.


Senior mage of fire magic, Bensch William.

He had a reputation for being difficult even among his predecessors.

Of course, that reputation might seem strange to those who knew his true nature.

W-Why does it have to be Senior Bensch of all people!

When he kept his mouth, Bench looked aristocratic and sharp. Of course, Bensch could not afford to care about a skilled mage,

Bensch whispered to Banglet.

I am sure something big happened. Senior Banglet!

You look happy.

No, Im not happy! Senior Banglet, you will understand if you are in my shoes. Do you know how frustrating it is?

Infinite rejection.

His tower exit application form kept getting rejected.

The only time Bensch left the Mage Tower was when major events occurred, such as the oppression of the Demon King Castle or the emergence of the Zero Mountain. Bensch complained.

Do you think I want to be treated like this?

So Bensch looked forward to it.

Not by anyone else.

This was an emergency roundtable meeting assembled by Hoyeol himself.

Chief Lee, hes someone who doesnt break the rules.

In other words.

It was no ordinary incident.

He might pick up unexpected rewards from it.

The moment when Benschs heart was pounding and his heart tensed up.

Tap tap

Hoyeol appeared at the scheduled time.


He looked around Crystal Hall and opened his mouth immediately.

The purpose of the emergency roundtable is simple. However, since time is running out. To help you understand, I will show you instead of explaining it to you.

Then mana fluttered in the air.

Something appeared in the subspace.

Bensch squinted.


Was it an animal egg?

The moment he thought so.

Hoyeol continued.

This is the way to the Arcana Continent.


Apprentice, skilled, senior, chief, even the Tower Master cat.

No one was an exception.

In the Crystal Hall, everyones pupils widened.




What is pride?

The pride in this heart must be so heavy.

If I were to explain it in words, I would probably spend the whole night chattering about it without end.

But one thing was clear.

I couldnt use a connector like this by myself.

It was something that Grandfels pride couldnt tolerate.

Actually, I dont think that far.

Pure integrity.

Granfel, who transcended material desires, might be able to do this.

But that wasnt the case for Lee Hoyeol, who was a materialistic person.

Nevertheless, the reason I was so calm was simple.

As I said.

Because I entered the realm of oddity, I completely understood the structure of the connector.

Even if I dont have the connector, as long as I have magic.

I was able to tear up the dimension and enter the Arcana Continent.

That was why I could confidently reveal the full details.

That meant I could puff up my chest and keep it upright as usual.

I recited.

I know that you, of course, all of us, have a purpose to return to the Arcana Continent. No one can weigh that purpose. But since opportunities are limited, someone has to take on that role.

How dare you try to break the rules that have been established with pride, Raymond Sean.

It seemed he was good at cheating.

But this side also had a problem with obeying the rules.

That role and all the responsibilities that come with it.

Also, I was good at carrying things on my back.


The moment I was about to finish speaking, I made eye contact with Marcelo.

You have a look of half surprised and half concerned, Marcelo.

But dont worry.

Like I said, I got the hang of it.

This wasnt even the first time.

I declared calmly.

I will handle it all.

Well, the process would be no different from the tower exits examination.


You have no reason to be as happy as you are, Senior Bensch William.

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