The Pleasure Lord

Chapter 209 He Did It Once Again - Part 2

Chapter 209 He Did It Once Again - Part 2

While the citizens of the Seashell Island were celebrating the victory of their Lord over the pirates, Ragetti Crook and his crew were returning back after a long chase and failing to catch Pintel Pagetti.

The sun was already starting to rise on the horizon. Ragetti looked towards the Coral Reef island as he stood on the deck of his ship. He thought he would see a number of ships either docked by the port or sailing it but to his surprise, there were only dozens of ships that came in sight.

’Did they go after Mary? But I saw her leaving before the battle even ended, then where have they gone now... Did they directly go the Seashell island? I will have to go and see it first.’ Crook mutters under his breath.

He was also a little confused when he didn’t see the emblem of the Count of Nehmor’s family on those ship’s sails but he didn’t put much thought on that because his ship was already nearing the port to dock on it.

He was going to meet the Generals that were mentioned in the letter from the Count. Crook did not found any abnormality when came down his ship with his crew members.

There were people clad in light armor walking around the jetty doing their own work.

No one bothered to come and greet them, which hurt the ego of the little pirate, a lot. A subordinate under him quickly called out to the nearest soldier.

"Hey, where are your superiors? Come and take us to them. Our Captain Ragetti Crook has come to meet them as it was agreed before," that subordinate was not stupid, he did not fly into a rage or show any dissatisfaction on behalf of his Captain when they were getting cold shoulders on their arrival. everyone knew how the natives of the Belmont Continent looked at the islanders, especially the pirates.

Or why else no would come to them to greet or even ask who they are.

Also, it could be the strategy of those generals to put pressure on them and let them have an advantage on the negotiation table that they were going to have after taking out the Lion Shark pirate’s leader, Captain Torrento.

"Oh!... they are resting now. If you want to meet them then go to that castle and wait in the main hall. Someone will make the arrangement for you all there," the soldier answered their questions but he did not show them the way to the castle.

"Oy, wait! Where your and the pirate’s ships?"

"They have already gone ahead to meet with the new Lord of the Seashell island."

"They are gone! What about General Marce and Legonal..." Crook suddenly asked. If those two were not here then he has no reason to stay here. As for the superiors they were asking before were those two generals bu this soldier must have misunderstood and told them about his superiors, who should have a lower status and position than Marce and Legonal.

"General Legonal is still here. You can go now, don’t delay our work." the soldier then walked away with his comrade while carrying some wooden logs to repair the part of the jetty damaged during the fight and also to expand the harbor for it to have more capacity to deal with many ships at the same time.

"...Captain, what should we do?" a crew member asked. He did not feel good to stand around these soldiers.

"Since General Legonal is still here, we go and meet him. This is actually much better. Legonal is supposed to be a Late-stage Dantian Formation Realm cultivator like me and most of his men and ships are taken away by the other General. Therefore we don’t have to fear getting double-crossed and killed after getting surrounded."

"Some you stay on the ships and keep a watch on the horizon and the port. If you find any abnormalities then ring the bells, I will come back immediately." Crook said while looking back and pointing fingers towards some of them he told to stay before walking all the way to the castle in the distance.

What he didn’t know was that his every movement was being watched by Alex through the vision of his puppets. Alex made an excuse and left the main hall to go to the basement under the Mordrake family Manor where the portal gate was located.

"Make sure to stop Crooks subordinates at the entrance of the castle and only let Ragetti Crook inside. After I signal to you, take out his men."

Tagor nodded and quickly communicated with the other puppets to get into position and wait for the signal.

At the front gate of the castle.

"Stop! Tell your purpose first."

Crook lifted his head to look up at the Castel walls where the voice came from. He saw many soldiers pointing their bows towards his group.

"I’m Ragetti Crook. Go call your General. We are here to get our promised reward." Crook shouted. The gates of the Castle were closed therefore he could only wait in front of it.

"Alright! You all wait there and don’t move. I will go and ask first."

"Captain, it’s too much, they are crossing the line. I fear they might renege on their promise after looking at their attitude towards us." a subordinate whispered in anger.

"Hmph! What do you even know about politics? They will not renege on their promise since it will only cause them harm. I can make their Count’s reputation to rot in the gutter if he really goes back on his promise. To the nobles, even if it’s on the surface, they have to keep their good image in front of the other nobles or who will believe them in the future. Even if you and I get captured here, the letters signed by the Count will be sent to his enemies who can use it to deal with him openly with a justified reason."

"Those are not the only reason that makes the Count enable to rage on his promise. The Count wants to recruits experts into his force so that he can attack his neighbors and take over their land to build a new country. He needs me therefore I know he will not go back on his words. General Marce must have gone to the Seashell island to recruit that Alex Mordrake after making a show of power."

"Even if he cannot be recruited, the Count will definitely need someone to look after the biggest island of the archipelago for him. All the five Generals currently under his command and the sixth hidden general that should be Viper are too busy and already have their own responsibilities which makes them unable to stay here therefore, it can only be me that he can choose to govern the island in his stead."

"But Captain wasn’t he going to cut a fiefdom for you from his territory." one crewmate asked a little confused.

"That is the case but governing an island as an official of the Count and having your own land are two different things. Everything generated from my own fiefdom will go into my pocket excluding the taxes given to the Count while everything from the Seashell island will directly fall inside the Count’s pocket and I will only get a little salary but the hidden incentives are enough for me to carry the weight of this extra work."

"But all of this can only happen if that boy, Alex Mordrake refuses to bow his head. If he does bow his head then I only get a fiefdom, if he refuses then I will get his island too." Ragetti patiently explained because the soldier was making them wait for too long.

Suddenly the rates opened and a group of soldiers marched out in a neat line on either side.

One of them came in front and said, "Pirate Ragetti Crook, you can follow me inside to meet with the General but your subordinates have to wait here for some time. I hope you can understand."

"Do I also need to hand over my weapons?" Crook was now a little irritated. His short stature did not affect the dangerous aura of the Late Stage Dantian Formation Realm cultivator leaking from his body.

"No. That’s not needed. If you want, one person can also come inside to accompany you." The soldier said without showing any expression of fear.

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