The Primordial Tamer

Chapter 294 Stellar's Tower Forth Floor

Orion took another step, and a sudden icy feeling crept up his spine. He stopped in his tracks, trying to make sense of the sensation. It was as if an invisible hand had reached out and touched him, sending a chill down his spine. He looked around, but the fourth floor was empty, or so he thought.

As he turned to continue his journey, he noticed movement in the shadows. At first, it was just a flicker, but then it became more defined. Three massive Ice Wolves appeared, their eyes glinting in the dim light. Their white fur shimmered like freshly fallen snow, and their breath came out in misty plumes.

Orion observed the Ice Wolves carefully, noting their size and their level of power. "So the opponents for the fourth floor were these Ice Wolves," he remarked, taking in the details of their appearance.

"They were even First-Stage Lord Realm Ice Wolves." His tone was matter-of-fact as if he had been expecting this challenge all along. He knew that he had to stay focused and alert if he wanted to make it to the next floor.

Orion flexed his fingers, feeling the weight of his Crystal Knife in his grip. He had never fought a First-Stage Lord Realm beast in person before, and the prospect of testing his skills against such powerful opponents made his heart race with excitement.

"It seems that I need to be more serious before," he said with determination. He took a deep breath, trying to steady his nerves. He knew that he couldn't afford to make any mistakes in this fight.

As the Ice Wolves advanced towards him, Orion shifted into a battle stance, ready to strike. His eyes flicked back and forth between the wolves, searching for any weaknesses or patterns in their movements. He had to be strategic in his approach if he wanted to emerge victorious.

With a swift motion, Orion made the first move, unleashing his technique, "Double Slash." He swung his Crystal Knife in a wide arc, sending a cross-shaped blade wave hurtling toward the Ice Wolves. The air crackled with energy as the blade sliced through the frigid air, leaving a trail of ice crystals in its wake.

The Ice Wolves reacted quickly, dodging and weaving to avoid the attack. But Orion was not deterred. He pressed forward, moving with grace and precision as he launched a flurry of strikes at his opponents.

One of the wolves leaped forward, its claws slashing through the air toward Orion. But he was ready, parrying the attack with his knife and then retaliating with a swift counter-attack. The Ice Wolves continued to launch their assaults, but Orion was a skilled fighter, deflecting each blow with ease.

"You are good enough," he said, his voice calm and steady despite the chaos of the battle. His focus remained unwavering as he continued to move and strike with fluidity, his knife flashing in the dim light.

The Ice Wolves were powerful opponents, but Orion was determined to prove his worth. He fought with all his strength, his mind sharp and alert as he analyzed each move and counter-move.

As the battle raged on, the Ice Wolves began to realize that their Ice Claws alone were not enough to defeat Orion. They needed to use more powerful attacks if they wanted to bring him down. With a deep breath, one of the wolves unleashed a powerful blast of Ice Breath, sending a torrent of freezing air toward Orion.

eαglesnᴏνel Orion was impressed by the Ice Wolves' skills, but he didn't feel scared at all. He had faced many tough opponents in the past, and he knew how to handle himself in a fight.

"Damn, you guys have some serious skills," Orion said with a grin, admiring their power. "But that won't be enough to stop me."

He beckoned the Ice Wolves to come closer, taunting them with a sneer. The wolves snarled in response, sensing his confidence, and strengthened their attack. They unleashed a barrage of Ice Breath, freezing the air around Orion and making it difficult for him to move.

Orion remained calm, even as his movements slowed. He concentrated his energy and focused his mind, preparing to launch a counter-attack. He knew that he couldn't let the Ice Wolves gain the upper hand.

Finally, the onslaught of ice was too much for Orion to handle, and he was transformed into an ice statue. The Ice Wolves howled in triumph, thinking that they had won the battle. But suddenly, the statue began to shake, causing the wolves to freeze in shock. Orion's voice echoed through the ice, "Do you think that this will be enough to defeat me?"

With a sudden burst of energy, the ice statue shattered into a million pieces, revealing Orion standing there unscathed. The Ice Wolves were stunned, unsure of what had just happened.

"You underestimate me," he said, his eyes gleaming with determination. "I may be a human, but I am not weak."

With fierce determination, Orion launched himself at the Ice Wolves, moving with such speed that they barely had time to react. He unleashed a flurry of attacks, each one landing with deadly precision. The Ice Wolves fought back with all their might, but Orion's movements were too fluid, his strikes too powerful.

The wolves began to feel the pressure of the fight, realizing that Orion was not to be underestimated. But they refused to give up, and continued to launch their attacks with renewed vigor.

Seeing an opportunity, Orion reached for his Crystal Knife. The blade shimmered in the dim light, reflecting the frozen landscape around them. With a swift motion, he lunged forward, slicing through the air and cutting down one of the Ice Wolves.

The remaining wolves snarled in anger, sensing the threat that Orion posed. They lunged at him, their teeth bared, and their claws extended. Orion dodged and weaved, his movements were graceful and precise. He slashed and stabbed with his Crystal Knife, each blow hitting its mark.

The wolves fought back fiercely, but Orion's skill with the blade was unmatched. He was able to anticipate their moves and counter them with ease. With each wolf that fell, Orion felt a surge of triumph. He knew that he was getting closer to completing the fourth floor of the tower.

Finally, the last of the Ice Wolves fell to the ground, defeated. Orion stood there, catching his breath and admiring his handiwork. He wiped the sweat from his brow and sheathed his Crystal Knife, feeling a sense of satisfaction wash over him.

"Fourth floor, completed," he said to himself with a grin. He knew that there were still many challenges ahead, but he was ready for whatever lay ahead. He took a deep breath and stepped forward, determined to conquer the tower and emerge victorious.

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