The Principle of a Philosopher by Eternal Fool “Asley”

Chapter 333: Hanging Out In The Mountains

Chapter 333: Hanging Out In The Mountains

As it turns out, Lina is back here because she would get to her next destination much faster by running straight through the hideout.

And so she decided to stop by the mess hall to get something to eat first, and was subsequently surprised to see me here.

“Quite a coincidence, isn’t it?”

Lina said, smiling ear-to-ear.

Hmm, she’s really matured mentally, too. She probably would’ve been quite a bit more shy before… Huh, wait a second…?

“You got yourself some new clothes, Lina?”

“Ah, yes. Miss Trace picked out a new set for me.”

I see, I see. That makes sense — and it’s not like she’d be able to keep wearing the Royal Capital Magic Guardians uniform, either.

Lina spun around a few times in front of me, showing off her new drip.

Before she left on her mission to negotiate with various influential people, she had worn a cherry-red uniform, but now she’s in a white dress. Quite a fitting set of clothes to go with her age.

Nice. Very nice.

“It looks good on you, Lina.”

“Ah–! T-thank you!”

Now she’s bowing her head — man, I didn’t think she’d react this much to such a mundane compliment.

“S-so, why are you back here already, Sir Asley?”

“Uh, ah… Well, the Silver trio said they were going to help me infiltrate Regalia Castle, but they’re busy hunting some monsters in T’oued right now.”

“So you’re still waiting for them?”

“Yeah, which means–“

“–You have free time!?”

Lina promptly interrupted and moved her face close to me.

Um, excuse me? Personal space, please?

“Ah, eh, I guess. Yeah, I’m free.”

As soon as I said that, Lina turned around and clenched her fists.

Then, for some reason, she started drawing a Craft Circle.

That’s… a Telepathic Call? Who’s she calling?

After a while, Lina clenched her fists again — harder this time. Hmm? Did something good happen?

“I-I asked Miss Betty, and she said their mission would take quite a while still — So how about we take a little walk outside to pass the time?”

“Huh? I also just asked her, and she told me it wouldn’t take much longer, though?”

“Ah, no! I negotiated with her, and that’s what I got! Yes, now it’s taking long!”

Somehow, Lina looked… shocked by what she had just said. Then she blushed.

“Did you just say ‘negotiate’–“

“–I did not!”

“And then you said that’s ‘what you got’–“

“–That is what I HEARD, yes!”


So she’s saying I heard all that incorrectly? For real? On God? Just like that?

Oh, well. Maybe Lina mixed up some words she’d meant to say. That happens to everyone once in a while.

Now she’s hiding her blushing face — probably a good idea not to pry too much into it.

“Uh, well, let’s go, then.”

I said, scratching my cheek. Lina smiled again and nodded.

“Yes, sir!”


Outside of the hideout, Lina stood in a spot of sunlight and stretched her back.

Looks like she’s feeling good — maybe I should do that too.

And thinking about it, downtimes like this definitely should be had whenever possible. I’ve barely had any rest ever since I reappeared in this ear, after all.

We proceeded to walk for a while, eventually finding a clearing in the mountains.

Once there, Lina started jogging ahead.

“Sir Asley, how about we sit down and relax around here?”

She’s pointing at one of the fallen trees; it does look just about the right size and shape for use as a makeshift bench.

Pushed by the refreshing breeze and pulled by Lina’s smile, I proceeded to sit down. And so did Lina, right next to me.

Then we talked a whole lot — mostly about mundane things, but also a few important things.

The things that had happened around Lina, the things that had happened around me — what she had learned during her time with the Royal Capital Magic Guardians, and what I had learned during my time in the past eras.

“…Huh, and that’s what makes a magic spell cast as a group more powerful than the sum of its parts?”

“Yes, that’s right. Sir Gaston taught us that quite early on, but it still was quite surprising how much more powerful they are when seen in action.”

“That means… rather than using Deca Spell to cast separate magic spells or magecraft, maybe it’s more effective to fortify a single spell using Split Invocation. That’s interesting.”

“Shouldn’t you consider between them based on the situation?”

“Hmm, I guess you have a point there. Maybe Deca Spell is still better for exploiting quick openings. And then a big fortification when it’s time to go all in. Something like that?”

“That’s the idea, yes.”

It seems that the sharing of our experiences has become a good source of encouragement for Lina…

“…And with that technique, you can create a platform using arcane energy control?”

“Yeah. So imagine this — it’s not drawing a fixed-position type spell on the platform, but craving a magic or magecraft formula onto the platform itself.”

“Hmm… Hmmmmmm…”

“Right, that’s how it’s done. Start practicing it with simple spells first. Get that to work, and you’ll be able to easily move fixed-position type spells, and even create solid platforms for you to jump on.”

“Y-you can jump on them?”

“Like… this!”

“Wow, you’re really walking on air… Yes, I can see myself doing that too, with enough practice.”

…And a good source of encouragement for me as well, of course.

After landing on the ground, I sat down next to Lina again on the fallen tree. This time, I caught some faint fragrance drift around her — something sweet-smelling like flowers; my eyes were suddenly pulled in her direction.

Her serious face, illuminated by the sunlight leaking through the greenery above, is as captivating as a painting.

She really has grown up beautifully.

“…? Is something the matter, Sir Asley?”

Lina tilted her head, her face painted with a surprised-ish expression.

Gah, I must’ve been staring for too long.

I gotta say something…!

Something, anything… Hmm? Now hol’ up a minute…

My eyes darted around until they stopped at the Key Pendant hanging from Lina’s neck.

“Lina? Did you… use the Link Magic?”

I pointed at it and asked since I sensed none of the arcane energy that I had put into it.

Lina cast her eyes down and held the Key Pendant tightly in her hands.

Her face turned gloomy, even though the sunlight still shone on her. Could it be that… she used it when Billy attacked?

“You saved us even when you weren’t there, Sir Asley…”

Lina said just that as she continued to hold her Key Pendant.

Yup, it’s definitely that time.

What Viola has told me about that incident is just a small part of it.

At first, I thought she was just exhausted from all the stress and shock, but thinking about it now, Viola might have been hiding something.

Maybe I should ask for clarification while I can.

“Lina, did something else happen when Sir Gaston fought Billy?”

“Huh? Uh, ah… well…”

Lina looks to be at a loss for words — Yup, there’s definitely more to that incident.

“Miss Viola said the rest of you managed to fight the Devil off, but he’s supposed to be overwhelmingly strong, you know. I don’t mean to downplay how strong the Royal Capital Magic Guardians are, but the fight must’ve been tough. So I feel the need to ask — is there something I don’t know about what happened on that battlefield?”

Lina hesitated to say anything, unsure of how to answer me.

Does she have a reason NOT to say something?

Maybe I should just drop the topic here–

“–Rise, House.”

Just as I considered changing the topic, Lina drew up a Spell Circle to call out Baladd.

Why call her out right now, though? Is she… gonna have her eat me!? My meat isn’t fatty enough to taste good, though…

“Master Lina! Ah, and Master Asley is here, too!”

“Baladd, listen–“

Lina started whispering to Baladd as I stood around a few paces away from them, scratching my belly.

“R-rise, A-rise! House!”

This time, Baladd drew her own House Spell Circle, bringing out Konoha.

Konoha’s her Familiar now — quite a mystery to me as to how that even happened. I didn’t think about it at first, since I’ve been so busy up until now, but I never would’ve figured that there was a way to let a Familiar employ a Familiar.

“Well well, if it isn’t Asley!”

Konoha greeted me, raising one hand. Then he climbed onto Baladd’s head — looks like that’s Konoha’s usual sitting place.

Baladd lowered her head to match Lina’s height. Konoha, riding on the Dragon’s head, listens to Lina’s whispering and nodded along.

Before long, folded his front legs and looked at me.



“It’s a secret.”

“…You know I can’t possibly agree to leave it at that now, right?”

“Hey, I made a promise, and I intend to keep it.”


A promise? To a third-party, perhaps? Does that mean there was someone else on that battlefield?

This is Gaston’s Familiar I’m dealing with — someone with Konoha’s character wouldn’t break a promise without a very good reason.

Perhaps it was made to the person who saved him and the others when they were attacked by Billy.

…A promised to a savior, huh? Better let him honor it, then.

“Hah, all right. I won’t pry any further.”

I heaved a deep sigh, showing Konoha that I was willing to drop the topic.

Konoha, seeming satisfied, proceeded to hop down from Baladd’s head and land on my shoulder.

“W-what is it?”

“So, how’s it going with Lina so far?”

Why’d this mouse feel the need to whisper that?

“What do you mean, how what’s going–“

“–Gah, she’s going to have a hard time dealing with you, what with you being such a blockhead…”

Konoha sighed like an old man and grumbled as he facepalmed.

“Uh, what are you even getting at?” I whispered, turning my back to Lina so that only Konoha could hear me. “…I mean, you do at least know the difference between that kind of affection and good old trust, don’t you?”

…This reminds me, Tzar might’ve said something similar once.

“Don’t place too much of a burden on her little shoulders. That’s what I’m getting at.”

“..And how am I supposed to do that? I can’t just–“

“–Look, I’m a man, too. I understand. You’ll live forever, but all those girls won’t even be in this world for a hundred years. That’s a big gap that keeps you away from them. But the other side really doesn’t care about that now.”

Konoha’s giving me quite a hard stare.

I’m reminded of that one time Ryan asked me whether or not I ever regretted turning myself immortal. At the time, I thought it was something that would hurt Lina and the others more than me.

But then Konoha said just now that ‘ the other side really doesn’t care about that now’.

I don’t feel like I can answer this — maybe because of this chaotic time we’re all going through, maybe because it’s just my indecisive nature when it comes to some things.

I don’t know… I really don’t know, but…

“Huh? Did you just say… girls? Plural?”

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