The Principle of a Philosopher by Eternal Fool “Asley”

Chapter 447.3, How They Spend the Night ~~Act 2~~ Scene 3 (Split Part 3/7)

Chapter 447.3, How They Spend the Night ~~Act 2~~ Scene 3 (Split Part 3/7)

A group of warriors set up a camp to the south of Eddo.

For those accustomed to living in the great outdoors, civilized life was unnecessary. Among the elite warriors of the War Demon Nation, there was a team that adhered to such beliefs — Team Silver General. 

They gathered around the campfire, spending their last night with familiar comrades.

The leader of the Silver General, Argent the Old Silver, was nowhere to be seen.

He had said that he would be going out on one last stroll, walking even further south.

That was true, but he was not alone — a red-haired female warrior accompanied him. Her name was Belia, a seasoned warrior among the elite of the Silver General, the true mother of Silver Tiger Betty and a trusted confidante of Argent.

“Leader, it’s time to return. Even in summer, you’re likely to get a stomachache again.”

“Hahaha… Belia, you’re the same as ever on the eve of the decisive battle.”

“You’re one to talk, Leader.”

“Now, it wouldn’t be strange for me to die at any moment, so…”

“Don’t jinx it — what if you die of old age? Please keep the jokes to your wrinkled face.”

Argent happily responded to Belia’s exaggerated remarks.

“You’re the only one around who’s willing to nag me like that…”

He said, looking up at the sky.

The side profile Belia saw as she glanced at him seemed to be reminiscing about memories with former comrades. Belia chuckled at the expression, but then Argent’s expression abruptly changed.

“Oh, actually, there are a few others…”

“Yes, of course. That cheeky duo… well, trio, I suppose.”

Argent widened his eyes as Belia corrected herself.

“Oh-ho… Belia, have you finally decided it was time to acknowledge your daughter’s existence?”

“Now, whatever do you mean?”

Belia played ignorant. She expected some retort from Argent, but surprisingly, he remained silent.

It was because Argent’s eyebrow twitched slightly, reacting to something — though not the presence of monsters.

Argent could sense it, but Belia could not. That was how subtle the feeling was.

“It’s about time I headed back.”

Argent’s sudden announcement made Belia suspicious.

“What do you mean?”

“Belia… don’t fumble this, all right?”

“Huh? What are you– Leader!?”

With a wink, Argent disappeared.

However, Belia quickly realized that it was Argent’s consideration.

This approaching presence — Belia, well-trained as she was, finally noticed it. A refined stride, coming closer step by step.

And then she realized that this was the presence she wanted to meet more than anyone right now.

“…You’ve gotten much better. How did you manage to come so close unnoticed by me?”

“I wasn’t expecting the old man to notice either — I was quite cautious, you know.”

“Being able to approach the Leader like this is quite an accomplishment, Betty.”

Emerging from the darkness was Betty the Silver Tiger, whose face clouded upon hearing Belia’s words.

“You praising me like that — it’s so creepy.”

“Is it? I used to praise you so much that you were annoyed, you know?”

“Incarnation of sweetness, eh?”

Betty, who had been overly protected by Belia in the past, expressed her exasperation.

In response, Belia shrugged and admitted it.

“Well, I WAS definitely taking it too far back then.”

“…You’re really getting on my nerves, you know that?”

“After Blazer was sent on his way, you and Bruce also packed up and left… And I got quite an earful from the Leader.”

“Hey, you never told me about that last part.”

“You never asked. Besides, you weren’t even anywhere near me.”

“What, feeling sarcastic today?”

Betty frowned at Belia’s words, and Belia shook her head slowly.

“Have I ever been sarcastic to you?”

“…Well… No, I guess not.”

Smirking, Belia approached Betty. Although Betty took a step back, Belia simply moved a step closer.

“Let me get a closer look at your face.”

“What’s with you? What are you planning?”

“A mother wants to see her daughter’s face — isn’t that normal?”

“Maybe, maybe not. I’ve seen way more of the opposite than I’d like to — you know, while busting human traffickers and all that.”

“Oh? But wasn’t it you who left me? How ironic — now this is a first for me…”

Betty was wide-eyed at Belia’s words.

Belia proceeded to gently place her hand on Betty’s cheek.

Although Betty showed a slight sign of resistance, the gaze of her mother’s eyes stopped her.

Moreover, it seemed to stir something inside Betty.

“You’ve become quite big and strong. A little too buff to call a princess, though… hehehe.”

While Belia mocked her own past actions, Betty remained silent, only looking at Belia with her trembling eyes.

“Our struggles are nothing compared to the threat the world is facing. But without that threat, we wouldn’t have thought of overcoming this wall between us. Ironic, isn’t it?”

“…Y-you’re… not mad?”

“What are you saying? You’re a warrior — a remarkable warrior — standing at the forefront of an unprecedented historical battle. Betty, both as a fellow warrior and a mother, I am truly proud of you.”

Tears began to flow from Betty’s eyes.

Although her vision became distorted, Betty kept wiping them away, again and again.

Time, once passed, would never return. The memories between Betty and Belia were few. Therefore, Betty wiped away her tears again and again to imprint the image of her happy mother on this final night.

“I love you, Betty…”

Endless tears and unending sobs — Belia’s words filled Betty’s entire being, and she threw herself at her mother.

“…Mom… Mom…!”

On one side, gone were the days spent without uttering those words — and on the other, days spent without hearing them.

On the eve of the decisive battle, Betty and Belia finally overcame that wall between them.

As Betty shared exaggerated tales of her adventures, the flow of time between her and Belia finally resumed its course.

Belia listened joyfully, and Betty spoke with happiness and embarrassment.

However, it was still a limited time.

Watching Belia return to the Silver General’s camp, Betty lay down on her back in the south of Eddo.

There were no monsters here, so she could be this carefree.

Betty stared at the twinkling stars, but she was not left alone for long.

“Who’s there? It’s rude to peep, you know.”

Betty, eyes stinging red, swung her leg and stood up using the recoil.

“Ah… sorry about that.”

The first to apologize was the tall mage.

“Ah… Hahaha… I did try not to be detected, y’know…”

The one to speak next was the tan-skinned mage.

Better narrowed her eyes, and a moment later, she opened them wide, recognizing the two as people she knew quite well.

“What are you two even doing here?”

“W-well, Midors wanted to–“

“Hey, look, I did invite you out here, but you said you’re fine with it, so…”

Indeed, these two were Team Silver’s mages — Idéa and Midors.

Betty, her eyes still bloodshot red. silently glared at the two. With her being their senior within Team Silver, neither Idéa nor Midors could not say anything to her.

A brief silence filled the air, but the tension was broken by the team’s resident party girl.

“Oh yeah? Out on a little date, eh? You kissed her yet, eh, Midors?”

“W-What!? W-w-w-why are you asking me that, Miss Betty!?”

Midors turned bright red, and Idéa’s face, while not as prominent, showed the same sign of embarrassment.

“Alone together in the dark — If anything, I’m supposed to expect even more than that.”

With a sly grin, Betty provoked them. Midors held his head in his hands.

Indeed, Betty the Silver Tiger was the team’s party girl. She was good at making light of any situation, livening up the atmosphere… or rather, she loved doing it. 

This time, however, she may have chosen her words poorly.

Midors had no choice but to refute this — in order to keep things a secret, however open it may have already become.

“What about you, Miss Betty!? You were crying with your mom just now!”

“What the– how long have you been peeking!?”

“Look around you! It’s wide open — there’s nothing but grass around here! It can’t even be considered peeking if we weren’t even hiding in the first place!”


Whether it was because the situation was unusual or because the arguments presented were valid, Betty quickly found herself at a loss for words.

She shifted her gaze away from the flustered Idéa.

Then, Betty seemed to come to a realization. She sighed deeply, as if preparing to swallow everything that would follow.

“…Look, just don’t stay up too late, all right?”


Midors was taken aback by Betty’s abrupt tone shift.

“Here’s the thing, Midors… if you’re not ready, just say you’re not ready. But you know… if SHE wasn’t ready, she wouldn’t have come along when you asked. Just saying.”


Midors turned towards Idéa, who was fidgeting with her index fingers pressed together, freezing up upon seeing the look on her face.

“Yeah, listen to her, Midors. In times like this… ESPECIALLY times like this, that kind of thing is important to keep in mind.”

While saying this, Betty knocked on Midors’ sturdy chest as if to encourage him.

“Do your best, man! Huh– hwah… Eh, I’m getting sleepy. Guess I’m going back now.”

After deliberately exaggerating a yawn, Betty disappeared into the darkness without waiting for their response.

“Uh, so…”

The words that escaped from Midors vanished into the empty air.

A small hand was placed on Midors’s back. 

Startled, Midors turned around hesitantly.

“…What’s that look for…?”

Although Idéa puckered her lips in embarrassment, her face suggested that she was also somewhat happy.

“Sorry ’bout that…”

Even as Midors apologized, he could not help but smile, quite clearly pleased with the current moment.

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