The Principle of a Philosopher by Eternal Fool “Asley”

Chapter 467.2, To Embrace the Past and Seize the Future Scene 2, 3, 4 (Split Part 2/4)

Chapter 467.2, To Embrace the Past and Seize the Future Scene 2, 3, 4 (Split Part 2/4)

I see, I see So this is its completed form

The man said weakly.

However, in that voice, there was a sense of satisfaction, as if he had achieved everything.

At the edge of the mans vision, as he lay on the enormous bed, he could see numerous ornate ceiling decorations.

The room was one that ordinary aristocrats could never hope to inhabit.

That alone hinted at the mans high status.

The man with silver hair had a face full of wrinkles, unmistakably marking him as elderly.

He murmured in a hoarse voice,

If I remember correctly, he used to chant like this whenever he used magic

Extending his index finger, the man gathered arcane energy at his fingertip as he reclined.

Rise, A-rise, A-rise Storeroom!

Before the silver-haired man, a deep black darkness unfolded.

The man wore a satisfied expression, exhaling a sigh of relief.

And then


A man descended from the Storerooms space with a scream that sounded somewhat like a battle cry.



Two heads collided.

Indeed, from within the Storeroom, another head had emerged, flying straight at the mans head.

AHHHHHH!? Do you have any idea how much this hurts!?

The man writhed on his bed, voicing his dull ache.

Man, what the hell!? How does this hurt so much!?

The man who had emerged from the Storeroom also complained of the dull pain. His behavior was almost childlike.

The silver-haired man glared at the one who had caused him pain, while the other man looked like he was about to offer an apology.

Then, suddenly, time stood still.

As if the pain in their heads had vanished, the moment froze for the two of them.

L-Leole Mask! No! Asley!?

The silver-haired man pointed at Asley and exclaimed.

Likewise, Asley pointed at the silver-haired man and asked,

W-wait Sagan? Is that you?

Indeed, it was him.

The War Demon Nations first War Demon Emperor Sagan.

Sagan nodded repeatedly in response to Asleys question.

Whoa-ho-ho! Man, it hasnt been THAT long for ME, but Im feeling really nostalgic right now! And this means I have succeeded!!

Indeed, the path Asley had taken was the Time Teleportation spell within the Storeroom. It was true that no one besides Asley knew about his Storeroom, but if someone had seen Asleys storeroom and possessed extraordinary talent, then the situation would be different even if it took time, it could be recreated.

As for how Asley arrived at this answer, it could be traced back to a hint he had received from Tsar, Sagans former Familiar.

It all started when Asley returned to the present and received the message from Eigul, the leader of the Eddo Boars, along with messages from Polco Adams and Garm Kisaragi. Immediately after, a series of events unfolded to delve once more into the Labyrinth of No Return and obtain Drynium Steel, Asley and the others headed to Radeata. That night, Tzar had asked Asley a certain question.

[[By the way, Sir Asley]]


[[Sagan struggled to master a certain magic spell in his final years. An extremely difficult spell to create and maintain space. Could that be one of the spells that you taught him?]]

[Huh? No, I dont remember teaching anything like that. I might have altered the course of history if I did, you see. Its more likely that it was one of his original creations.]

[[Is that so You see, he voided Our contract shortly after showing it to Us. We never got to see it be completed.]]

[Master Vaas ascension happened relatively recently, didnt it? Did Sagan keep the throne to himself until the last minute?]

[[The official date of Master Vaas ascension was first day, first month, year seventy-nine. Sagan breathed his last one month later.]]

First Day of the First Month, Seventy-Ninth Year of the War Demon Calendar

That, to Asley, was the biggest hint.

It was uncertain whether Sagan would complete the storeroom on this day. It might have been before or after, but Asley had no choice but to bet on this specific date.

The reason was that Asley knew firsthand the convenience of the Storeroom.

Assuming that Sagan did succeed at mastering the Storeroom, and that he would use it frequently, Asley believed and bet on him using it on the day of Vaas ascension.

I see you have not changed one bit, Asley.

And look at you youre an old man!

Hehehe I wouldve had your head chopped off if you werent my friend, you know.

Good thing were friends, eh?

By the way, what about Pochi? Is she still with you?

When the aged Sagan asked this, Asley hesitated with his words and in doing so, inadvertently revealed the answer to Sagan.

Ah, I see Your friend is in trouble.


Revealing everything might alter history, yet Asley wanted to confess his current sorrow. Sagan sensed this mixture of emotions in Asleys expression.

But Asley could not answer. Even affirmation might contribute to altering history. Therefore, Asley asked Sagan with a determined will, unable to inquire beyond casual conversation:

Look, Sagan, just tell me Do you think I can do this?

Despite Asleys display of weakness, Sagan looked straight into his eyes without a hint of condescension, for he knew Asleys true power, having witnessed his vast arcane energy.

There was no way he could despise the words spoken by such a person.

There are reasons you cant explain yourself. I understand that. So, let me just say this to my friend, these words

After closing his eyes and exhaling softly, Sagan reopened them.

You can do it. You can do anything. No matter what your goal is, youll achieve it. As the first War Demon Emperor of the War Demon Nation, I guarantee that!

If you say so.

Asley could not quite grasp how to interpret Sagans words. He could only respond with a bewildered expression.

With no words to offer in return and no emotions to reciprocate, Asley began to feel uncomfortable in the situation.

And so, to excuse himself from Sagans presence, he started walking towards the balcony of the room.


The words out of the old Sagan this time were strong, reminding Asley of Sagans younger days.

When Asley turned back, he saw Sagan standing firmly on both feet, despite his frail appearance.

Asley could not help but be surprised by Sagans vigor, which seemed incongruous with his fate his historical one month away from this day.

Then, Sagan spoke as if to retract his earlier words.

Forget what I just said.


I chose my words incorrectly. Forgive me, friend.

Sagans kindness prevented him from conveying his true intentions, as doing so would only impose further hardship on Asley.

But now, realizing it was unnecessary between friends, Sagan retracted his words.

What he got out now was instead a frank, youthful, and resolute declaration:

Keep your eyes forward!


Sagans resolute words directed Asley outward.

I have fulfilled it! Asley! I have indeed fulfilled your wish!!

In the past, Asley had asked Sagan for a certain thing reformation of peoples attitude toward Familiars. And Sagan had accomplished it.

The words echoing in Asleys ears as he walked were gaining strength.

Remember, my friend! Remember my words! Chin up! Stand tall! Face forward once more!!

In Asley and Sagans hearts, the words of that promise from that time resurfaced.

And then, their voices harmonized. It was not planned; it was because their hearts were connected.

A man is all about DO or DONT!

When they said so, uncertainty vanished from Asleys face.

The last profile Sagan saw of Asley was slightly joyful, slightly embarrassed, and slightly robust.

[Thank you, Sagan]

[Farewell, my friend]

No words were needed for this farewell in this life.

They were already friends bonded across time.

The gaze bidding farewell to Asley and the back telling Sagan farewell were both strong and resolute.

Next! Where do I go next!? WHEN do I go next!? No, wait is there still something I have to do in this era?

Asley, floating in the air with Levitation magic, abruptly halted.

Wait a second

There was certainty on Asleys face.

Quietly overlooking Regalia Castle below, his gaze shifted far to the east.

Well, better be safe than sorry! I feel bad for Pochi and the others but theyve gotta wait just a bit longer! Just a bit longer, all right!?

~~ Early Morning, Second Day of the Sixth Month, Ninety-Sixth Year of the War Demon Calendar ~~


Billy unleashed a massive Zenith Breath at Gaston. At that moment, Asley could not afford to be found by anyone. So he moved in and out with blinding speed, taking Gaston with him at the last moment the moment when all thought his body had been destroyed.

Then, Asley proceeded to desperately try to revive the fallen Gaston.

Do I need to do CPR!? Like, really!? Id rather not, but dammit! No time to hesitate!! Here I go! Lets go! Anything for a friend!!



As Gaston gasped for breath, Asley instinctively flicked his face the other way.

That resulted in Asleys face crashing flat on the ground and, due to his inability to control his blinding speed, his lips burning as they scraped at that uncontrollable speed across the earth.

R-rise, A-rise, A-rise M-Middle Cure!!

After restoring his bloodied lips, Asley then set up the Holy Virgins Boundary magecraft directly below Gaston. With this, Gaston regained vitality, and thanks to Asleys dedication, he fully recovered.

After explaining the situation, Asley informed Gaston that his left arm could not be retrieved.

So, uh, sorry about that

Dont mind it. Its just one arm. Anyway where have you been, young man?

Oh, yeah! Now that you mention it, it HAS been quite a while since we left!

Hmm? Well, well someone else wants to talk to you.


HEY, Asley. BeEN quITe A wHiLe, eh?


And so Asley, Gaston, and Bathym reunited.

But it was not yet enough. Asley turned to Gaston and Bathym and said,

So heres the thing, sir I need to remember all the people I havent seen up until the final battle with Devil King Lucifer.


thEn LeT US MakE haSTe, MY hoST. SiNCE We hAVE BeeN givEN AnOthER chaNCE at life, wE muST MakE The Best oF it!

Shut up! Cant you be quiet for a moment!?

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