The Reborn Me Get Spoiled By Everyone

Chapter 360

With ye shuisu, no matter how to draw or write, it is impossible to surpass her!

She thinks she has applied her painting and calligraphy skills to the extreme in a short time.

Fu Hanxue politely owed a voice to the people. At this time, she looked light and light, and said, "I'm flattered. It's just my work."

However, the works that are true and praiseworthy are there. Even if Fu Hanxue pretends to be modest, she still can't change the voice of people's praise for her.

At this time, ye shuisu was still quietly painting his paintings, completely immersed in them, and was not affected by all the agitation around him.

But most people still don't believe ye shuisu, so at this time, if Fu Hanxue has won, he shouted a lot.

People still praised Fu Hanxue warmly. At this time, the deadline for the creation of painting competition is approaching.

Ye shuisu solemnly put down his brush and said, "I'm finished."

Ye shuisu's voice is somewhat ethereal, and seems to be immersed in the artistic conception just painted.

After all, this is a competition between Fu Hanxue and ye shuisu, although people have been attracted by Fu Hanxue's paintings and are praising them.

Now when ye shuisu's paintings are finished, many people pay attention to ye shuisu.

However, no one thinks that ye shuisu's paintings will surpass Fu Hanxue's paintings.

The host also observed the movement here.

After ye shuisu finished writing, she sat quietly in her position and didn't move the painting in front of her.

After the host came, he was about to say something, but after seeing the painting in front of Ye shuisu, he couldn't move his eyes.

What did he see?

Originally, the host's heart was floating, but after seeing the painting, he didn't know why, and his heart immediately calmed down.

Then, he couldn't help exclaiming, "this is really a world-famous painting!"

The host's mouth was hung with a microphone. As soon as his voice came out, it immediately spread all over the venue and spread in the live broadcasting room.

Because what the host said would have been exaggerated, they did not agree with the host's praise of Ye shuisu's paintings.

As everyone knows, the host's praise just now is entirely from his inner voice.

After the host praised, he ordered the staff: "come on, two people, show this painting."

This was the normal process of the competition.

The host could not help adding: "be careful, don't break the picture."

The painting has not been released yet, but it shows how rare the painting is.

In the face of such a strange attitude of the host, whether Fu Hanxue or the people around him, they don't think so.

Fu Hanxue even thought that ye shuisu's painting was not too bad, so the host was so mysterious that he wanted to make ye shuisu more ugly?

After all, the contest was hosted by Fu Yiyu, and the host was also the person Fu Yiyu found. So I'll help her.

In fact, it's true that Fu Yiyu found the host, but Fu Yiyu, like everyone, thinks that Fu Hanxue will defeat ye shuisu in today's competition.

So there is no need for the host to be biased, just the normal host.

If Fu Yiyu and Fu Hanxue can expect ye shuisu to suppress Fu Hanxue in the chess competition, they may also buy some navy troops online in advance to guide Fu Hanxue's public opinion.

But no.

Everything is natural.

The staff went to ye shuisu's painting, just like the host. Originally, their hearts were restless. After seeing this painting, they couldn't help but calm down.

At the same time, as soon as they saw the painting, their hearts were amazed.

This is a different surprise from seeing Fu Hanxue's paintings.

Some of them marvel at Fu Hanxue's paintings, which are sensory marvels at the beauty of things.

The exclamation of Ye shuisu's paintings comes from the bottom of my heart.

Because of this, their actions of picking up the painting could not help becoming softer.

However, as ye shuisu's paintings were displayed high, people could not help but feel a slight change after seeing ye shuisu's paintings.

At this time, when people on the field or before the live broadcast saw ye shuisu's paintings, their eyes were also amazed.

Such amazement was obviously deeper than that of Fu Hanxue's paintings, but they didn't send out words of praise, but their whole heart was immediately swallowed up by the painting.

The so-called great beauty without words, what really shocks the soul, has never been expressed by voice, that's all.

What do they see in ye shuisu's paintings?

There are two characters, a man and a woman. In the rain, in front of a fairy tale manor, the man looks at the woman silently outside the manor.

Such a figure doesn't have a very fine sketch, but it's just a few strokes. The vivid coloring is to draw the figure of an affectionate man.

What can move people's hearts is only feelings.

It is precisely the feelings conveyed in the whole painting that make people understand and become silent.

In the painting, except that the man is silently looking at the woman, the woman in the manor leans alone in the small garden of the manor, looks into the distance, and seems indifferent to the man.

But this is what adds to the tragic color of the painting.

It makes this painting more moving.

In addition, in addition to the vivid and emotional characters, the scenes such as manor and sky in the transformation are also very vivid, although they do not have much fine description, even with a few strokes.

Coupled with the rendering of strong feelings, people seem to put themselves into it at a glance.

This can arouse people's feelings, which is by no means what ordinary paintings can do.

And the painting is powerful enough to move people's minds. When people look at the painting, they even react from it for a long time.

Then there was a sound of praise.

"I was in a good mood. As soon as I saw this painting, I suddenly felt that I was in a relationship and wanted to cry. Why?"

"You are not alone, so am I! Has this painting been enchanted? Why, when I see it, I not only feel that it has a sad beauty, but also seem to be trapped myself?"

"Wake up, it's not magic. It's because ye shuisu painted so well."

"There is love in scenery, love in things, and love in people... It's wonderful! I seldom see such a painting, which excites my feelings at the first sight."

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