The Regressed Demon Lord is Kind

Chapter 296

Chapter 296

The day after Zich pinpointed Condel Siede as the most likely suspect, Joachim brought a piece of paper.

“It’s a warrant for our investigation.”

With text that stated that Joachim had the authority to forcefully investigate the casino, the mayor’s stamp was also on the document.

“We also got some troops and a skilled investigation team. Now, all we have to do is confront Condel Siede and search his casino.”

Zich stared at the troops and investigators Joachim had brought. Their sleek armor and sharp spears sparkled under the sunlight.

“They seem like elite troops. The mayor must be expecting a lot from this investigation.”

“It’s because our investigation hadn’t been progressing to our expectations. The information you gave us in this situation gave us new hope. Well, of course, I still have my own thoughts about why you didn’t inform us about it.”

Even if Zich had his reasons, it seemed like Joachim still held a grudge over the fact that Zich had hidden information about Condel Siede from him. However, Joachim’s grumbling had no effect on Zich.

“I don’t care for opinions from men,” Zich simply responded.

“…Lady Rouge seems to have the same thoughts as me though.”

“Ah, that’s right. I also don’t care for opinions from women.”

“…Do you usually say things like that in front of the person you are talking about?” Evelyn shot back sharply as she had just come out early in the morning to greet Zich and his companions.

“It’s only proper to say things like this right in front of the person related to it. If I do it behind their back, wouldn’t it just be shady gossip?”

“So, you say it right in front of my face?”

“Truthfully, it doesn’t really matter if the person I am talking about is right in front of me or not.”

“…I don’t think I would be able to lament the fact that you are my personal savior any more than right now.” If Evelyn wasn’t indebted to him, she felt like she would have grabbed Zich by his collar and shook him.

“Sigh. I can’t believe talking to someone can be this tiring,” Evelyn murmured.

“Isn’t that my charm?” Zich asked.

“You are so noisy. Why don’t you shut up a bit?” In the end, Lyla came to block Zich from speaking further. Seeing this, Evelyn sighed again and said while looking at Joachim, “Since Mr. Zich’s companions have a high chance of getting swayed by Mr. Zich, I can’t help but rely on your words.”

“Ha, ha, ha! You have such high expectations of me. Although Sir Zich speaks like this, I know he will become serious once he goes into the investigation.”

Like that, Joachim took Zich’s side and made a solemn expression. “It’s the same for me.”

“Sir Dracul, you said you have to succeed in this case for your family and estate at all costs, right?”

Since they met each other often from meetings and so on recently, Evelyn knew Joachim’s general situation. Not only had the issue regarding the Dracul estate been famous, but Joachim also never thought of hiding the dark incidents that had occurred internally with his family.

“Yes, even if we resolve this case, I’m sure we can’t go back to how we were before right away. At least it would be a big leap towards the restoration of my family’s honor.”

Joachim’s face belonged to someone who held his family’s entire future on his shoulders. Evelyn could almost feel the responsibilities that Joachim held, which he carried by sacrificing himself for his family, vassals, and people in his estate.

‘…He really is different from that guy.’ Evelyn recalled her past, egotistical fiancé who had used her and even his own family to gain power. Evelyn said with a sincere smile on her face, “I’m sure everything will work out well, sir.”

“Thank you.” Joachim answered with a smile.

“Are you both finished?” Zich asked while he removed Lyla’s hand from his mouth. Both Joachim and Evelyn flinched and backed a step away from each other.

“I understand what is going on between you two, but please refrain yourself right before we have an important matter to attend to,” Zich quipped.

“That’s not it! Also, I don’t want to hear that from you, Sir Zich!” Joachim shouted.

“If you say so, sir.” Zich replied to Joachim’s outburst indifferently and tapped on Joachim’s shoulders. “Let’s go. We have your family and estate’s honor to restore, sir.”

Joachim sighed lightly. “And that’s only after we find out that Condel Siede really is the culprit,” he murmured but obediently followed behind Zich. The troops provided by the city also began to move after them.

Evelyn watched all of this quietly from behind.

* * *

Zich saw the casino before him. The casino was running their business like usual, and there were the gambling addicts with their familiar gaunt faces and bloodshot eyes who went in and out of the casino. Since it was his fourth time in this place, Zich was used to the exterior of the casino.

“Should we go in?”

Zich stretched out his finger towards the door and Joachim nodded. Since Joachim was the leader of the group, Zich asked for Joachim’s opinion every time they had to make a move. Joachim gave his approval, and Zich placed his hand on the large door and pushed it open with a lot of strength. The insides of the casino came into view. The uniquely feverish atmosphere of the casino swept them up, but it lasted for only a moment. People who realized what was happening near the entrance stopped moving. A couple of them were struck with fear as many troops began to storm in.

“W-What is the meaning of this!”

One of the guards who usually guarded the casino with threatening eyes came running. Even the guard couldn’t dare to narrow his eyes menacingly in front of a fully armored group of troops with spears. Joachim stepped forward and pulled out the search warrant.

“We’ve come to investigate the owner of this casino, Condel Siede. We have already received permission from the mayor, so don’t think about resisting.”

The guard couldn’t find the words to respond to Joachim’s intimidating voice and the warrant with a clear stamp from the mayor. It wasn’t a situation where he could do anything with his position and authority.

“Investigate.” As soon as Joachim gave his command, the troops behind him rushed inside the casino. The guard could only shout, “Uh, uh, uh...!” in response and couldn’t stop them. Customers screamed and scurried about. Most of the soldiers led the customers out of the casino, and the rest began to search through the casino under the investigators’ orders.

“Let's go in,” Joachim said. Their goal was Condel Siede.

“I will guide you there, sir.” Since he had gone to Condel’s office before, Zich took one step forward to guide them. At that moment, they heard another voice.

“I apologize, everyone, but we will be moving separately.”

Zich turned his head around. His expression looked surprised, but his eyes shot at the speaker, Glen, coldly. As someone who had continued to attend their meetings, Glen was also participating in this investigation. Lara was also with him. Glen had brought her with him, saying that she would be helpful to the investigation.

“Since there are many people, including Mr. Zich who will be capturing the culprit, I don't think it’ll be necessary for me to follow all of you. I think it’d be better for me to stay with the other soldiers and search the casino.”

Like Glen said, there was no need for a whole hoard of people to capture one person; Zich’s group would be enough. They were certainly strong enough, and the fact that they defeated the shadow monster that ambushed them supported this. Moreover, if a battle broke out, the soldiers that were searching through the casino would immediately back them up.

Joachim replied, “Now that I think about it, that’s true. I understand. Please investigate the casino.”

And like this, Zich’s group and Glen’s group separated before they broke into Condel’s office. Glen led Lara inside the casino and disappeared.

Zich quietly stared at their backs as they disappeared.

Joachim said, “Alright, let’s go.”

Zich began leading the group again. They walked past the VIP and VVIP floors. The people in the VIP and VVIP floors seemed to have also noticed the commotion downstairs as they stared at Joachim and Zich’s group with wary eyes. However, since the people on these floors had strong connections with money or status, they didn’t fall into chaos like the people on the first floor. The VIP and VVIP customers merely stared at Zich and his group as they went up to Condel’s office. It was only when the soldiers came up to the customers and requested them to leave did they slowly head downstairs.

“This is the place.” Zich pointed at a door. Condel’s door was tightly sealed shut like before.

“I’ll go in first.” Zich was going to enter first; and just in case, he took out Windur. The others followed Zich and also took out their weapons. Joachim moved back.

Slam! Zich forced the door open. Fortunately, there was no sign of an attack as soon as he opened the door. From the wide-open door, everyone could see the inside of the room. The interior of the room looked the same as before. The same thing could also be said for the owner of the room. Condel looked as threatening as before and sat on his desk.

He looked at Zich and his companions. “I see that I have some guests.”

Even though Zich and his companions were menacingly holding up swords, Condel looked unfazed. No, maybe he was just a person who was good at disguising his emotions. Condel slowly got up from his seat.

“The commotion downstairs seems to be because of my guests as well.” Condel’s eyes scanned everyone and stopped at Zich and his companions. “There are people whom I’ve met before as well. Well, for what reason have I been honored with this visit?”

Joachim stepped forward. He showed their warrant and clearly enunciated each word, “Condel Siede, we have come to arrest you.”

“And sir, for what reason? Even though I can’t say that I’ve lived a perfectly clean life, I don’t think I’ve committed a crime that would warrant such a large troop.”

“I’m sure that you know about the serial kidnapping cases in this city.”

“Yes, sir. The people over there also came here for the same reasons before.”

“And you are the most likely suspect.”

“…Sir, I’ve been told that I was not on the list of most likely suspects.”

“Ah, the situation has changed,” Zich intervened. “We gained evidence that made us suspicious of you.”

“Sir, that sounds interesting. Would I be able to hear more about that here?”

“You have a younger sister, right?”

Condel, who had been acting indifferent so far, suddenly froze.

“She passed away, but when she was alive, you seemed to have loved her very much.”

“…Yes. When we were young, we could only rely on each other in that harsh world with no parents. It was extremely unfortunate that when I was beginning to become successful, and we didn’t have to worry about money anymore, she passed away.” Sadness filled up Condel’s face.

However, it wasn’t as if tears streamed down his face. The amount of sadness he showed was subtle, but everyone could instinctively feel that Condel was extremely heartbroken as he spoke. It was to the extent that the people who were putting up their guard against Condel began to sympathize with him for a few moments. Of course, Zich was unmoved.

“Did your sister look like this?” When Zich showed the portrait of the shadow human, Condel’s eyebrow twitched. Before he could even say anything, Zich gave a warning. “You shouldn’t think about denying it. We already confirmed that this was your sister with the priest who prayed for your sister when she died.”

“…You’re a meticulous person. I don’t know where you obtained the portrait, but yes, you’re right. She’s my younger sister who died several years ago. But what does that have to do with this case?”

“We were ambushed recently.”

“How deeply unfortunate. Sir, I’m glad that you don’t seem to have received any injuries.”

“Thank you for your concern, but one of the monsters that ambushed us looked exactly like your younger sister.”

“That’s very strange. My younger sister definitely died several years ago. Didn’t you just tell me you confirmed that with the priest? Then how could my younger sister suddenly come back alive and ambush you and your companions?”

“The beings that ambushed us were not humans. As I said just now, they were monsters.”

Condel frowned. “Then, are you interrogating me right now just because a monster looked like my younger sister?”

“Well, we have a few other reasons, but I guess that’s the main reason.”

“Is that so? From what I know, all the monsters that ambushed you had the appearance of a human. Were you not able to find the identities of the other monsters?”

Zich laughed, “You know about this case very well.”

“Isn’t it because this is quite a famous case? I also personally investigated this matter.” Condel also twisted the corner of his mouth.

“Didn’t you just pretend like you knew nothing about this case?”

“It’s because I was worried that I might get blamed for everything by knowing a bit about the case. Sir, since I’m from the back alley, it’s second nature for me to prepare for the worst.”

The two of them glared at each other for a minute.

Then, Zich asked, “Sia Rubrent. Doesn’t this name sound familiar to you?”

Condel’s expression noticeably stiffened.

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