The Regressor and the Blind Saint

Chapter 262: After Story: A New Family (1)

Chapter 262: After Story: A New Family (1)


A beautiful, languid voice echoed across the drill grounds. Then, the person in question raised her head towards the direction of the voice.


Entering her vision was a lady with disheveled black hair and sluggish demeanor; the only unusual thing that could be said about her was the ragdoll in her arms.

It was Jenny, who was now eighteen years old.

As Aisha wiped the sweat from her face, she spoke.

“What’s the matter?”

“His Holiness summons you.”


Aisha’s expression furrowed.

If the Holy Emperor, her former master Vera, was calling for her specifically, there could only be one reason.

“Is it another dispatch?”

At her exasperated question, Jenny nodded her head.

“Yup, and I’m coming with you this time.”

Jenny’s cheeks reddened slightly. Aisha knew that was her reaction when she was excited for something, but it was surprising even for her.

After all, wasn’t this rather positive from Jenny, who suffered from chronic laziness?

The reason for her reaction soon slipped out.

“The dispatch is at the Cradle this time.”


Apparently, she was excited to go back to her hometown.

Immediately understanding the reason, Aisha nodded.

“Tell him that I’ll go after washing up. I’m still drenched in sweat.”

“Got it.”

Aisha stretched.

Her golden hair, which had now grown past her shoulders, swayed with her movements. Her physique was robust, with muscles honed through rigorous training clearly outlined, and her ears and tail perked up as she did so.

Gazing at the refreshing image of a healthy beauty, Jenny thought that she looked really cool.

[If you keep this up, you’ll end up like those gatekeeper bastards.]

Annalise mumbled.

Jenny pinched the cheeks of her ragdoll.


“No bad words.”

Jenny’s expression darkened.

Imagining her only friend ending up like Krek and Marek sent a chill down her spine.

‘...This is fine for now.’

Jenny sincerely wished.

Please, don’t let Aisha’s muscles grow any bigger.



The Grand Temple’s Office.

As he heard that voice, Vera raised his head.

The door opened before he could even respond, and in came Aisha with a sassy look on her face.

Vera sighed.

“I don’t remember telling you to come in.”

His voice was full of displeasure.

It was due to Aisha’s increasingly brazen attitude as time passed.

Of course, Aisha wasn’t so weak-minded as to be intimidated by this.

“Why, were you doing naughty things in the office?”

At her playful words, Vera’s eyes widened and his cheeks flushed with shame.

It was for no other reason.

Indeed, there was a time when Aisha caught him kissing Renee in the office.


“It’s not bullshit, though.”

Vera’s fist clenched tightly, snapping his pen in two.

Aisha’s smile only grew more amused.

After entering without a care in the world, she crossed her legs on the chair and continued.

“So we’re going to just the Cradle, right?”

She changed the subject to the dispatch, knowing that Vera would scold her if she lingered on the previous topic.

With a frown at his mannerless disciple, Vera answered.

“Right, go look around the Cradle and orcs.”

“That’s it?”

Aisha asked, then waited for his reply.

She was well aware that he wouldn’t send her for only a scouting mission.

Vera let out an empty laugh at Aisha’s insolent attitude, then leaned back in his chair.

“...I need you to stop by the Ronan Strait as well.”

“Ronan? The one above the Academy?”

“That’s right.”


Aisha tilted her head.

The strait Vera spoke of was a backwater among backwaters, with nothing but a few fishing villages.

“There’s someone I need to find.”


“An Apostle.”

Aisha froze.

Seeing her reaction, Vera tapped his finger on the desk.

“They’re likely there.”

“As in Apostle, you mean…”


Saying so, Vera thought back.

‘It’s been three years since the war.’

In his past life, something had happened around this time after Vargo died.

The emergence of the new Apostle of Judgement.

In terms of timing, it had happened while the decisive battle against Alaysia was underway.

‘I clearly remember. Red hair and red eyes, a girl around Aisha’s age.’

He recalled she didn’t talk much and had an intimidating aura.

At that time, she had been brought by Renee herself, and was active in piercing through the frontlines during the war.

“Are you certain there’s an Apostle?”

Aisha’s words cut into his wandering thoughts.

Vera shook his head as he replied.

“I’m not completely certain. However, since it is something that needs to be confirmed, I am sending you to go see for yourself.”


“There is no harm in making sure.”

Unlike his previous life, Vargo was alive in this one.

The threat of Alasyia had also been resolved.

However, since Vargo had relinquished the Stigma of Judgement, preparations needed to be made just in case.

At least, that was how Vera saw it.

“It will be a girl around your age. With red hair and red eyes, a rare trait, so she should be easy to find.”

As Vera flicked his hand at that, Aisha’s face scrunched up in displeasure and she stood up from her seat.

“You’re always making me do the annoying stuff.”

“I want you to confirm it.”

“Don’t I get praised for anything?”

Aisha stuck her tongue out at Vera, then left the office.

Vera sighed, thinking to himself.

‘Who does this mannerless brat take after…?’

This was why he didn’t like young ones.

Oblivious to his own past behavior towards Vargo, Vera grumbled internally.


In the northern reaches of Elia stood a single distinct place that contrasted with the pure white castle.

It was the forest where Vera’s cabin was located.

The small, humble cabin, nestled among thick trees, emitted wisps of smoke as they spiraled out even today.


A shrill scream pierced the air, coupled with a heavy thud as something fell onto the floor.

Such sounds had become a daily ritual over the past year, originating from none other than Renee’s culinary pursuits.

The kitchen was a mess.

A pot was rolling across the floor, its ominous ingredients spilling out.

And there stood Renee, wearing a defeated expression.


She had failed again.

Though she wanted to prepare a homecooked meal for Vera’s return, Renee’s efforts ended in disappointment yet again.

A heavy frustration weighed down upon her as she bent down to clean the mess.

‘Where did I go wrong?’

All she had done was boil cream, noodles, sugar and salt, and yet the result was a catastrophe.

It was delicious when Marie had made it, but Renee couldn’t replicate the flavor herself.

‘Is it the boiling time? The wrong ingredient ratio? Or am I missing some secret sauce?’

Renee couldn’t understand.

Of course, her agonizing was futile and unnecessary.

Regardless of the dish, Vera would never enjoy Renee’s cooking. It was because of her strange and eccentric tastes.

Only Renee and her culinary teacher, Marie, remained oblivious that their own tastes were the underlying issue.

She sighed deeply.

At that moment, the cabin door opened as Vera entered.

“I’m back.”

Renee’s body jolted in surprise, afraid he would discover the disaster. Cold sweat trickled down her back, and her thoughts raced frantically.

Renee swiftly unleashed her divinity and began weaving a spell.

A six-sided cube was formed by a pure white divinity.

Advanced Annihilation Spell [Devour].

The spilled pot, ominous black contents, stains, and lingering odors, all vanished without a trace.

Having tidied up in an instant, Renee leapt to her feet and dashed to the cabin entrance.

She embraced Vera warmly with a radiant smile.

“Welcome home!”

Her carefree demeanor felt as though she was saying ‘Nothing happened!’ but Vera knew otherwise.

‘...She used a spell.’

The moment he had entered the cabin, he sensed the flow of divinity and her unstable heartbeat. They were obvious clues as to what had just transpired.

Vera felt uneasy.

‘She’s cooking again…’

Renee still hadn’t given up.

She was still trying to get him to eat her food.

Vera looked upon Renee with trembling eyes.

Her beaming face was full of affection, her clear blue eyes stared at him lovingly, and her hands discreetly slid down towards his rear.


A year should have been long enough for her to quit, so why was she so fixated on cooking?

It was frustrating.

And frightening.

The thought of her skills improving to the point of having to eat her cooking daily made his anxiety surge.



It was a late response.

Renee tilted her head at that, then shook off her thoughts and got on her tiptoes, then said.

“You know what you have to do when you come home, right?”

She closed her eyes and puckered up her lips.

Feeling cold sweat running down his neck, Vera briefly kissed Renee.


Their lips parted with a soft sound.

Seeing Renee shyly blushing, Vera smiled as he shook off his unnecessary thoughts.

‘...It hasn’t happened yet.’

Worrying about things that hadn’t happened was foolish.

Vera decided to relax.

“How was your day today?”

“Hmm, I didn’t do much. I talked with Lady Marie in the morning, and looked at the garden flowers with Vargo…”

Hearing her lively voice, Vera’s expression returned to normal.

He was extremely happy that Renee, who had stepped down as the Saint, could live so peacefully after returning.

‘If only she didn’t cook…’

That would be great.

“…Oh, I also went to see the Evil-Sealing Circle for a while. I think that’s all I did?”

“I’m glad to hear you’re fine.”

“Vera also worked hard.”

Tap tap.

Renee tapped his butt.

Vera couldn’t help but laugh.

“Do you like it that much?”

“Yes. It’s firm and feels nice to touch.”

Renee grinned.

It was a lewd smile, like a newlywed in her first year of marriage.

“You know...”

“Wanting a child, aren’t you?”


Renee hugged him.

And Vera hugged her back.

Although she was smiling, her face was slightly bitter.

“…It’s not happening so easily.”

Renee expressed her wish to have a child six months ago, and they had started seriously trying for four months already.

But she still hadn’t conceived.

It might be considered a bit early to worry, but this was a significant issue for them.

“Is there something wrong with my body?”

“How could that be?”



Vera patted Renee’s back to reassure her despite harboring his own concerns.

‘A body crafted in the Heavenly Realm….’

Renee’s body had been recomposed through divinity in the Heavenly Realm.

Therefore, there were fundamental differences from an ordinary human’s body that could easily interfere with pregnancy.

However, Vera wanted to believe.


You will have a child.

The Heavenly Gods are that considerate at the very least.

While shaking off his unease, he said to Renee.

“Let’s try harder. It hasn’t even been four whole months yet.”

“Try harder…”

Renee nodded slightly.

“…Yes, let’s try harder.”

It’s too early to give up.

With that thought, Renee’s expression brightened.

‘That’s right, I can’t think negatively.’

Telling herself to stay positive, Renee looked up.



“Let’s go!”

Seeing her shining determined eyes saying those words, Vera tilted his head.


Where did she suddenly want to go?

Feeling confused, he asked that, and she responded with.

“We need to go try harder!”


Renee took a large step, taking Vera along with her as she headed towards their bedroom.

Vera laughed.

‘…So she wants to try harder.’

He snuck a glance at her face, which was already blushing.

Her expression was a mix of excitement and embarrassment.

“Just three times today, okay? Because Vera has to work tomorrow!”

Only three times, she says.

Vera let out a chuckle and said.

“Are you confident about that?”


Renee’s footsteps stopped.

Her face turned bright red.

There was only one reason why.

Because Renee would also set a number, but always ended up giving up.

Trying to hold back his laughter at her reaction, Vera continued.

“Why don’t we see just how long you’ll last today?”

“But, Vera has to work too….”

“I’ll be fine.”

Renee gulped nervously.

Then, Vera picked her up in his arms.


He moved with large, confident strides.

“Let’s go. To try harder.”

Night was falling upon Elia.

However, the lights remained lit in the cabin of the couple for a long time.

On the day marking the first year of their marriage, four months since they had started earnestly trying for a child,

Renee, after seven unintended attempts, had finally succeeded in getting /genesisforsaken

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