The Response to my Drunken Proposal was Surprisingly Good

Chapter 65: Would You Rather Marry Than Have Your Limbs Torn Off? (5)

Chapter 65: Would You Rather Marry Than Have Your Limbs Torn Off? (5)

​✦  Chapter 65 – Would You Rather Marry Than Have Your Limbs Torn Off? (5)  ✦

「Translator – Creator」

The Black Tower could be succinctly described as a manifestation of a demonic fortress within the human empire.

It was also the sole place within the empire where demons were legally accepted and where black magic could be researched.

Some demons who had completed their integration into society lived in the Black Magic Tower, but they lived while enduring various entry restrictions and behavioral constraints.

While the research of black magic was indispensable for the empire, any misconduct was strictly unforgiven.

And now, with one day remaining until the exchange meeting,

Teddy, the secretary of the Black Magic’s Tower Master, who had the appearance of a young girl, was passing time idly while holding a doll.


It was boring.

Once the exchange meeting commenced, the day would be brimming with exciting events, but the immense anticipation made the current waiting unbearably dull and draining.

Teddy was someone who could hardly stay still.

However, the reason she was currently waiting quietly was—

“…The Imperial Magic Tower.”

Indeed, it was the Imperial Magic Tower.

Truthfully, Teddy was incredibly excited to see what kind of presence the Imperial Magic Tower would show at the exchange meeting. Surely, she wasn’t alone in feeling this way.

The Imperial Magic Tower, which claimed it would never forget the attitude of the Black Magic Tower.

Was that attitude born out of real confidence?

If not, perhaps it was merely an empty show of bravado?

So far, it seemed like nothing more than bravado.

“Teddy, some of the attendees have already arrived.”

A mage from the Black Magic Tower reported, wearing a hood to cover the demon’s characteristic horns.

“Who are the key figures from the main towers that have arrived?”

“All four of the towers have arrived, except for the Imperial Magic Tower. Also, as per your instructions, a festival has been set up in the area to attract as many spectators as possible.”

“Well done. The more eyes watching, the better~”

The Black Magic Tower was more than just a single building; it was an entire region.

Due to the nature of the exchange meeting, most events were conducted informally among key figures, but some announcements were made in front of the crowd.

Teddy aimed to attract a large number of spectators through the festival.

To proudly showcase the Black Magic Tower’s achievements.

To openly reveal the shortcomings of the Imperial Magic Tower.

…In any case, the gathered masses would soon learn the results.

However, there was one thing that caught her attention upon reflection.

“So, everyone’s gathered, except the Imperial Magic Tower?”

“Yes, that is correct. The Imperial Magic Tower had issued a public proclamation not to be late for this exchange meeting. It seems to have had quite an impact.”

“They made such a proclamation and yet they are taking their time….”

Whether the challenge from the Inspector of Imperial Magic Tower had a solid backing or was simply bravado, it would all become clear by tomorrow.

Teddy stepped outside to greet the distinguished guests.

Well, it was just a simple greeting, though.

“How harshly has the Imperial Magic Tower treated us all this time?”

“Indeed. They have hindered the progress of other magic towers!”

“Still, no other tower suffered as much damage as the Black Magic Tower. The significant projects we prepared tirelessly were either dismantled or rejected midway.”

Wherever one went, there was talk about the Imperial Magic Tower; thus, everyone was keenly watching the developments regarding the Imperial Magic Tower this time.

“They impose all sorts of sanctions, yet they keep their own announcements secret and don’t even attend the exchange meetings!”

“Let’s see this time around. How impressive they are.”

Of course, most sentiments toward the Imperial Magic Tower were filled with resentment.

The primary role of the Imperial Magic Tower was to monitor, restrict, and punish other towers. Whether they did their job well or poorly, it was tough to earn the favor of the other towers.


What if the Imperial Magic Tower that watched over and restricted other towers hadn’t even maintained its own internal integrity?

Wouldn’t that be truly disgraceful?

While walking, someone gave Teddy a friendly smile.

“The Black Tower has had the toughest time.”

“Hmm~ It’s nice to be acknowledged~”

Teddy responded lightly as she passed by.

Considering the presence of demons and the study of black magic… naturally, the Black Magic Tower had been treated the harshest and oppressed the most by the Imperial Magic Tower.

“I hope the Imperial Magic Tower is well-prepared~”

Teddy muttered quietly to himself.

“My pranks can be pretty harsh, so don’t expect any mercy if you cry?”

• • • ₪ • • •

Ezekiel slowly sat up.


A sharp pain radiated from his shoulder and chest, and he noticed white bandages wrapped tightly around him.

‘There’s pain, but my body feels much better than before.’

That was his first thought about his own condition.

The injuries from the arrows were mere external wounds caused by his mana being exhausted. The important thing was that the flow of ice mana inside his body was better than before.

…It felt more like he had received a refreshing treatment.

‘By the way, where am I… Ah, this is the infirmary inside the temple.’

It was familiar.

He remembered collapsing during his duel with Ether, and now he was in a familiar place. The infirmary inside the Imperial Palace temple. He had been brought here countless times in the past.


But soon, his brows furrowed.

In the midst of familiar scenery, there was something unfamiliar.

His eyes took in the objects filling the infirmary.

Potted plants, baskets of fruit, herbs that looked like medicinal plants… The quantity was overwhelming. It was hard to tell if he was lying in an infirmary or a storage room.

​Ezekiel was just about to get out of bed.

“You were instructed to stay in bed until today.”

His head turned swiftly.

A woman stood at the now-open door.

“Are you awake?”


The woman, entering the room and casually tucking her hair behind her ear as usual, was Agnes, a telekinetic and Ezekiel’s personal secretary.

“Are you allowed in here?”

“I heard the news today after receiving no word from you for several days. I also got permission to visit. As your personal secretary, it’s only natural, isn’t it?”

“Several days? I’ve been out that long?”

“Yes. The exchange meeting between the towers is tomorrow.”

Ezekiel slowly furrowed his brow.

‘That long? I’m still lacking in skill.’

If his body had been a bit better, and his level a bit higher, that match would have been nothing…. A sense of determination was kindled within him.

He soon nodded.

“Alright. Let’s set off as soon as I’m discharged.”

Meanwhile, Agnes tilted her head in puzzlement.

“…As expected, there’s something unusual about you, Inspector.”


“You suffered such a huge injury and were hospitalized, narrowly escaping death…. Yet, you don’t seem the least bit surprised. As if it were just another ordinary event.”


It was true; he had experienced it countless times.

His past missions were extraordinarily challenging, constantly teetering on the brink of life and death, with hospitalization being a regular part of the job once a mission was completed.

Ezekiel gestured with his chin to the items before him.

“…Never mind. Is all this stuff from you?”

“These are gifts for you, Inspector. From the staff of the Magic Tower, residents of Ruiple, and even guards from the imperial treasury… So many people sent them that they piled up like this.”


Get-well gifts were a first for him.

It felt strange.

Ezekiel’s missions had always required him to hide his identity, so no one ever acknowledged him. Each time he was hospitalized, his room had always been empty.

“It’s the first time I’ve seen the Magic Tower staff unite like this. The guards said this is the first time they’ve sent gifts as well. It seems you are quite respected.”

“Respect, huh?”

Ezekiel dismissed it with a wave of his hand.


A strange emotion swept through his heart. After writing that proposal letter and getting involved in various matters, he felt that he was experiencing things he never had before.

Being famous wouldn’t be so bad, and he could indeed become famous.

That thought was quite peculiar.

Agnes elegantly rotated a cube.

“So, should I start with my report? If you’re still feeling unwell, I can wait.”

“Do as you please. My condition is quite good right now.”

“Yes, then….”

Agnes handed him a few documents.

“First of all, it seems the Black Magic Tower is quite confident. They haven’t hesitated to provoke the Imperial Magic Tower, and they’ve even taken on a new commission.”

“Quite brazen, aren’t they? What’s the commission about?”

“You know the demonic sword we retrieved from Ruiple.”

Demonic sword, it took him a moment to remember.

Yes, they had recovered the demonic sword that absorbed fear.

“Yes, there was that.”

“They’re asking us to bring it to the Black Magic Tower.”

Agnes’ expression showed her disapproval as she spoke.

“They claim it’s for research to contribute to the empire, but who knows what they’re really thinking. The Black Magic Tower has always been like this.”

“In what way?”

“They regularly attempt dangerous activities and test their limits against the Imperial Magic Tower. They commit acts first, and if the Imperial Magic Tower reprimands them, they pretend to back off.”

“They’re just itching to cross the line.”

“Yes. We’ve been stopping them for the past 10 years….”

Agnes sighed deeply.

“The problem is, the Black Magic Tower always acts like a perpetual victim. If we don’t display the Imperial Magic Tower’s true strength at this exchange, it’s clear how they’ll take advantage.”

“They’ll conveniently leave out their dangerous attempts and only highlight our restrictions without justification.”

“Exactly. That’s the issue. Someone must stop the Black Magic Tower, but the Imperial Magic Tower’s poor image makes it difficult….”

Ezekiel quietly stroked his chin.

The Imperial Magic Tower reminded him of his past self.

The task of monitoring and restraining others, even if justified, inevitably breeds resentment. They could never win the favor of those they were watching.

‘But it’s obvious what would happen if we let them loose.’

He knew well what would happen if such behavior was unchecked.

They’d shout that they deserved freedom, having been wrongfully oppressed by the Imperial Magic Tower, only to pose significant threats to the continent afterward.

…Indeed, the only option was to suppress them thoroughly at this exchange.

“We need strong allies going forward.”

Given the isolation of the Imperial Magic Tower, Ezekiel couldn’t be certain that he alone could handle everything. Allies who would support the Imperial Magic Tower were essential.

“…Allies, you say?”

“Yes, people who will stand by the Imperial Magic Tower.”

Coincidentally, at that very moment.

“Ah, you’re awake?”

A voice was heard from the door once more.

Initially, it was one person, but soon they became three.

“Inspector! Are you awake?”

“Excuse me…!”

The three began to speak urgently.

“I’m the messenger from the First Princess….”

“It’s me, Tether, the Second Princess’s secretary!”

“I am here on behalf of the Third Princess….”


Agnes blinked, bewildered by the sight.

On the other hand, Ezekiel observed the commotion quietly.

Rather than furrowing his brow, he smiled.

“All of you, you’ve come at the perfect time.”

Reflecting upon it, he realized that he had more allies than he could count.

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