The rise of the pervert primordial

Chapter 367 Troubles Under The Moonlight (Part 3)

"Booom!", back to Aster's fight, once the clash was over, they both took some distance and reduced the output of their spirit energy to inspect the result.

Aster was a bit surprised to see a few holes in his clothes that even left pierced his skin, leaving some cuts in his skin.

The green haired woman snorted at Aster's expression.

"What happens mortal, are you that surprised to see your muscle head body cultivations isn't enough to block my daggers".

A series of ten green daggers swirled around the woman, before she continued.

"I can't blame you though, the metal from the higher firmaments is enough to cut…".

"Crack!", a loud cracking noise interrupted the green haired woman's condescending voice.

She slowly turned to see one of said daggers, just to see the thing getting a large crack that nearly divided it in half.

Aster smirked, though it was surprising that he was cut even using the golden armor, he showed the woman his arms as the shallow cuts fade away in a matter of a couple of seconds.

"What happens, did you expect those shitty daggers to actually harm me?", he responded, a couple of seconds later.

Also, the cuts were really shallow, and while he noticed the daggers tried to infect the wounds to poison him, his own body rejected it and the cuts were too shallow wo be a problem.

Aster then took out one of the swords from the dragon buster series and pointed it at the green haired woman.

"I wonder what cuts are you talking about".

The woman gritted her teeth, she quickly replaced the damaged dagger with a new one, but she was in awe after seeing that the marks left by her daggers didn't even infect to poison the black-haired youth in front of her.

"Humph, so what, a body cultivator should be physically stronger than me to begin with", the woman coldly snorted, but Aster simply smiled in response as he let his cultivation in plain view for her.

"I-Impossible!", as Aster expected the woman nearly lost it once she noticed he was an energy/soul cultivator.

"What happens miss from the higher firmaments, could this really be the first time you experience it, the sensation of being inferior to someone?", said Aster with a mocking voice.

He then pointed his sword at her and his body exploded in a dazzling golden light, making the air tremble, and his sword roar.

This time not only the green haired woman, but even the other two who were fighting with Mylene and Camila couldn't help but steal some glances at Aster, but the ones who reacted the most were the Genesis Manifestation cultivators.

"Miss, be careful!", one of them who was being stalled by Ixas, shouted worried that the green haired woman wasn't taking the fight seriously, which he originally didn't care… until he felt Aster's sword intent a moment ago.

The woman waved her hand and the daggers started rotating at an insanely high speed, forming small cyclones of lime colored wind, the way she controlled her daggers gave her away as a soul cultivator too, but she wasn't even a spirit opening realm as she seemed to have prioritized the energy path.

Also, after breaking through to the next big division, it was harder to advance on your secondary path.

"Humph, I won't be threatened by a mortal who is sentimental with the descendant of a traitor, once I finish you I will get that little bitch and personally behead…".

Before the woman could finish her sentence, a line of golden light flew past her disappearing into the horizon a few seconds later.

She then slowly looked downwards just to see an empty space where her right arm used to be, also the lifesaving pendant she was wearing burned down a split of a second later.

Ais if it took her brain a couple of moment to process what just happened, she looked for the origin of that ray of golden light, and found it on the black-haired youth which was now pointing at her with his middle and index fingers extended towards her.

"You talk too much, you know?", little golden sparks were still flashing on Aster's fingers as he slowly spoke, then without giving the woman a chance to say anything, he swung his sword at her.

Mylene saw Aster's current angered expression and she immediately disappeared from where she was, and dragged Camila with her, the red head girl as well as the blond girl took the hint and they torn off a talisman before their images blurred as they appeared about two hundred kilometers away from their previous positions.

As for the others, Ixas's body became dust and dispersed in the wind, while the Genesis Manifestation cultivators went to the side of their respective young misses, unfortunately for the green haired woman, and her companion when they tried to move, an insane spirit pressure hit them from above.

"Sky rendering".

With a couple of words, the world seemed to stop for a second, first a loud cracking sound echoed through the desert as Aster's sword exploded in a ton of little shards, before the night was pushed aside by a dazzling pillar of golden light that suddenly appeared, reaching the roof of the sky.

After that the world went blank for a split of a second, before a loud explosion took over.

"Booom!", a storm of dust was raised due to the impact followed by gusts of wind, although it only affected a limited area, it was as if the world was about to end and only stopped after pillar of golden light, razed everything to the ground on a radius of about one hundred kilometers, with the exception of a small rock formation near the center of the pillar.

Once the night returned, there floating in the sky the sole figure of a black-haired man wearing a golden armor remained silent for a moment, before he looked downwards, at the aftermath of that attack.

"Damn, I might have overdone it… girls are you alright?".

Mylene and Camila who were floating near the rock formation, approached Aster with shocked expressions.

"Ahem, it wouldn't hurt if you tell us before using that the next time", mumbled Mylene, she still had goosebumps knowing that even if he used all what she had right now, that attack would have taken at least an arm from her.

"Mm… that was different from what you used at the admission trials, you nearly made a hole in the planet", said Camila as she pointed at the ground in front of them, where a pitch-black crater had appeared.

Well, it had some illumination in the form of magma that was oozing from the bottom.

Aster bitterly smiled, even he didn't know what happened, he just got angry for a split of a second, and since he was using his sword intent now that he has set a foot in the third level, he expected some improvement in his best attack… but the result was out of hands, his sword which wasn't a training one exploded half way through it, and he nearly dug a hole on the planet.

The current devastated landscape reminded him of the result after the mother of all bombs was launched back at earth.

'A sword with the power of a nuclear bomb, thanks to the heavens cultivators weren't a thing back at earth', he thought, despite him being the responsible for what happened.

"Mm?", Aster frowned, he looked at the sky about five kilometers at east and saw a green figure with the shape of a bird crumbling apart, revealing that the Genesis Manifestation cultivator jumped in front of the green haired woman and used some sort of protection talisman.

Unfortunately, it wasn't enough, all the lower body of the man was gone and his back was burned beyond recognition, in fact once the protection disappeared the man turned into dust, he was death long ago.

"Aghhhh, you will pay for this!", the green haired girl finally registered what happened here, probably because she tried to grew her arm back judging by the empty bottle in her remaining hand, just to realize it wasn't growing back.

With a good reason, as Aster practically used all his reserved of annihilation in that golden ray, he used to blast away her arm through the protection of that pendant, her clothes which were also a treasure and the daggers which she used to black part of the impact too.

Aster was about to finish her, when the green haired girl's body dispersed in countless of gusts of wind, Aster tried to track her real body but was unable to.

Mylene shook her head and placed her hand on Aster's shoulder.

"Don't bother… she used a forbidden technique to escape, though she has burned away at least a third of her current lifespan, it's practically impossible to track her now, unless you have gone past the Heavenly Conqueror realm of course".

Aster took a deep breath, in any case he practically used all his spirit energy in that attack earlier, and although he could still fight thanks to his abnormal stamina, he could only use physical techniques for the time being, in fact he wasn't flying anymore, but was standing on top of a floating little platform created with the paragon body.

Ixas's body reconstructed itself in front of Aster, from little grains of sand until it regained its previous humanoid form.

"A little warning would be nice if you are going to use that often… luckily we can't die unless there is nothing left of our bodies, but damn, that was insane".

Aster didn't know what to say, while he now had gotten the hang of it, it wasn't "him" the one who did that attack, his body, meridians and spirit energy moved on its own, as if they were teaching him.

It was an evolution of his sky rendering, taking it to the next level, one that he had no control over yet.

"Sorry, that attack was a bit too much, but I still didn't touch the rock formation so everything is fine, can you close the crater so that the magma doesn't overflow?".

Ixas sighed but he nodded, and jumped into the action as it was going to take him some time to fill the crater and force the magma to return to its origin.

As Aster and the girls were about to return to the underground village to rest, the other two girls who apparently were unscathed approached them, but this time, their protectors were standing in front of them with cautious expressions on their faces.

But then, the redhead girl pushed his protector away, her eyes were sparkling as she looked at Aster.

The blond girl whose eyes were closed was the same, she intensely "looked" at Aster for a couple of seconds, before the both of them shouted.

"Marry me!".

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