The rise of the pervert primordial

Chapter 402 Returning To The Sect (Part 3)

While Aster caressed Lilia's hair, he proceeded to tell her how things resulted inside the secret realm, including how he met other people with similar backgrounds as Mylene and Eris… and how he fought them, he focused on that and left Espi and Esmeralda for the last.

Unfortunately he had to keep the name "Divine Firmament" a secret from his mother, because the laws and regulations weren't as lax in the Dragon Legacy Heavenly Quadrant, if not Mylene or Eris would have told him about it already.

But still he could suggest and give hints to Lilia about it, Lilia seriously listened to Aster's story, showing different reactions through it, she was happy that her son had made an advance in how he uses the paragon body, and also she noticed it won't be long before he breaks through.

And she was convinced that venturing, fighting and experiencing was the best for her son to become stronger.

Also she couldn't help but be angry when she heard about the Storm Roc family and what they wanted to do to Kana, not to mention she was surprised so see their origin wasn't in the "mortal plane" as Mylene and Eris called it.

Also, she giggled when Aster told her about Natasha and Charlotte, because without him knowing he and the other girls did a little bet, about how many girls will he bring home, since the last time he returned with a new pair of mother and daughter, as well as two "candidates" for the family in the form of Eris and Mylene.

"Now that Mylene and Camila are in the bag you are already bringing more candidates to the family darling, you already have a long line to deal with as of right now~", she whispered at Aster's ears.

Of course, how could those two had fallen asleep so easily, and while Aster didn't notice it because Lilia's body blocked his sight, she did "see" both Mylene and Camila covering their faces with the blanket and she inwardly giggled.

'You can run all you want, but once you have gotten to know with my darling better there is no escape for you, the big bad "wolf" will catch you little lambs at its due time of course~', thought Lilia.

While she still was longing for Aster's embrace as a woman, as a mother she was more than proud that her son managed to get the hearts of all these outstanding women, because that also talked about him.

Such talented women wouldn't agree to share their man, if the latter wasn't worthy, she believed from the bottom of her heart that her son was the best, and while probably most mothers would be the same, Aster has lived up to… no he has exceeded by far even her wildest expectations.

"Those two sound pretty interesting, what a shame you had to part ways with them, but don't worry darling, mommy will take you there, who would have thought there was a whole new "hunting field" for my darling up there~", said Lilia with a playful voice.

Aster chuckled, but he still nodded.

"I guess we at least now know what's going to be our next stop… still once we reach that place I will have to take out some trash".

Lilia saw her son's cold expression and she moved her body upwards a bit, until his face was resting between those big pair of breasts of hers.

Aster didn't resist, the soft and warm sensation of Lilia's body was soothing for him, no matter how agitated or angry he was, listening to that heartbeat and feeling the suppleness of her body was enough to comfort him.

"By the way, you mentioned that besides those two, there are some new additions to our family, but who are they?", asked Lilia while she caressed her son's hair.

Aster wrapped his arms around Lilia's thin waist as he answered.

"A variation of a sand wyrm that got close to me due to my lineage but ended up becoming Kana's playmate, it's called Espi I will present it to you all once we return to the sect, because it's quite large, speaking of that I have some things to ask you", mumbled Aster.

He still hasn't forgotten about the fact that Lilia knew the name of a true dragon race, one that is a legend at this point even at the Divine Firmaments, also he wanted to share what he learned about dragons from the book Charlotte lent him.

"Mm, I have never heard of such a spirit beast, but I guess it's something that has gone extinct in our plane… I know a certain someone who is going to be on the moon about a rare spirit beast", said Lilia as the image of one of her two sisters popped in her mind.

Aster sighed, he imagined someone who is like Agnes but instead of just getting infatuated with him, a person who is as curious and devoted with anything that picks her interest, mainly research and alchemy if it's the ancestor of the Alchemy peak.

"As long as there is no harm, and Espi doesn't mind I don't have a problem, it made a contract with me after all", he said.

Lilia nodded, she knew her sister the best, so she could assure her son that won't be the case.

"The other addition to the family, is the actual reason as to why we went to the mission, we got the Emerald Whirlwind but as you can probably already guess, it's wasn't for me", said Aster as he pointed at Kana.

"Knowing you, you probably rejected it so that Kana would get stronger right darling~", said Lilia with a lovely voice.

Aster couldn't help but smile, his mother could read him like a book.

"Yeah, Esmeralda, I know you aren't asleep, say hi to my mother", mumbled Aster with Lilia snuggling on top of him.

Esmeralda couldn't project her body like before as she needed to cultivate alongside Kana, to advance with her so it will be some time before Aster and the girls get to see her, but she could still speak to them.

"Hi, I'm the Emerald Whirlwind, and just like Aster said, my name is Esmeralda it's a pleasure", said Esmeralda in a low voice to not wake Kana up, which wasn't really needed, with how tired the little girl was, she was sleeping like a log, not to mention she was really comfortable cuddling with Aster.

Lilia's eyes glowed for a split of a second, since she heard the name "Esmeralda", she was giggling.

"The pleasure is mine; I'm Aster's mother and you can call me Lilia".

'And of course, the spirit wind is also a woman', she mentally added.

After that little exchange, Esmeralda who wasn't exactly talkative returned to rest, it's been a while since she experienced the "weakness" of mortals after all, and she had to get used to it.

And she wasn't the only one, without realizing Aster was so comfortable hugging Lilia's body, that he actually fell asleep, he didn't even enter the mind space, he was asleep for good.

Lilia's eyes were filled with tenderness and love, as she moved her body downwards a bit, being careful not to wake him.

She looked at her beloved son's calm and peaceful sleeping face, and she softly pressed her lips against his, before she snuggled on his chest.

'So you got to know three new girls, a rare spirit beast and that rock gigas guy, it's not a bad result for an adventure', she thought as she closed her eyes and entered the land of dreams while in Aster's embrace.

Mylene and Camila saw that Aster and Lilia ultimately didn't do go all the way, and they inwardly let out sighs of relief.

They both were conscious that they gotten closer to Aster during this small trip, but as women who were yet to experience love, it was confusing, they didn't know if they were just in friendly terms, or if they were indeed starting to fall for Aster.

They did know one thing though, despite Lilia teasing them they both agreed on something.

'Being around him make me feel happy', they both thought as they fell asleep.

The rest of the travel back to the Myriad Occupation was uneventful, in fact everyone actually overslept to recover from the fatigue of the continuous fights they went through, and before they noticed the sight of five planets and five castles floating on top of them, became visible through the windows of Julian's spaceship, after they left the dimensional tunnel.

And not even a second later, Julian's voice echoed through the common Areas of the spaceship.

"We'll be arriving at the neutral city of the sect in a few minutes, I have already updated the mission as completed so you can all receive your rewards at the mission hall… since there is a lot I need to tend to, we'll reunite in three days to discuss a few things, you can all contact me through my talisman, also I will stay in the castle of the city lord of the East Sky city".

Aster who was eating with the girls, heard Julian and he couldn't help but smile.

'Finally we are back at home', he thought as he patted Kana's head, and also imagined what kind of welcome he will be receiving from a certain dragon older sister, an ice princess and also Sarina.

The only thing he knew is that he was going to be pretty "busy" in the upcoming days.

The spaceship soon landed on the designated space at the neutral city, and after the door opened they all left after saying goodbye to Julian.

Vivian seemed to have something to say, which of course didn't escape Aster's eyes, he was amused by the fact that she was so shy about asking him if she could visit them, but it was understandable, she has never had a friend or been able to go out like any normal girl of her age.

Aster chuckled and he extended his hand at Vivian before saying.

"Give me your identity token for a second".

Vivian was a bit confused but she still did as he asked, since the Galatia family were allied to the sect, they had "guest" tokens that allowed them to visit the sect, with some exceptions normally, but Julian is a honorary ancestor, so there is a really small list of places they weren't allowed to visit, and mostly it consisted in the private mansions of the supreme elders and the ancestors.

Aster took out his own token and then the crest of the twin sword valley was engraved in Vivian's token, before he returned it to her.

"You can come to visit us whenever you want, the valley is pretty large and I bet a certain someone will love to play with you", said Aster as he patted Kana's head.

"Mm, sister Vivian come to see us everyday so we can play in the forest, there is a lot of spirit herbs and pretty flowers which I can show you, or we can go swim at the big river in the heart of the valley big brother owns~", said the little girl with sparkles in her eyes.

Vivian who was new to this kind of interactions, limited to nod with a slightly flushed face.

"While Esmeralda finds the proper way to help you control your body constitution, some relaxation doesn't sound bad at all", added Aster, making Vivian smile.

"Mm, thanks… I'll drop by tomorrow if it isn't too much of a problem", she said in a shy voice.

Aster nodded, though he was going to spent the following days with the girls, adult activities will be limited to the night, for the rest he wanted to hang out with them, and there was a perfect place in the valley to take the whole family to enjoy a well-deserved rest.

They loved the last time when they went to that island back at Sarina's planet, so why not repeat such a good experience, now that there were more members of the family, even Eric and his family will probably go if they are here, there is also another person that he is sure will appear at his door as soon as she gets a wind of their return, Agnes and she was invited too.

Without Aster realizing, his friend group and ultimately his family has gotten larger, who would believe that a little valley in a remote planet in a mortal plane would be the beginning of the largest dynasty that will ever exist, but that is a story for another day.

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