The Rising of Tanaka in Another World

Chapter 28: (1)

Chapter 28: (1)

Trembling Soul 

The large pavilion where the Alliance headquarters were staying. On the balcony of one of the rooms, a man was standing with his arms crossed. It was our protagonist, Tanaka.

In front of his eyes spread the cityscape which was already submerged in darkness. However, such a scene didnt register in his eyes in the slightest. As an aura of gloom, even darker than the darkness stretching in front of him, was hanging in the airs around him.

Just why? Where did my calculation go wrong? No, not yet. The game isnt over yet. The great general, Toyotomi Ieyasu also once said, Lord Nobunaga, if you couldnt summon Mitsuhide here, then just drag him here That was most likely a providence that implied to me, Crawl in the night and grab Aisa-chans weaknesses.

Light glowed in Tanakas eyes. And libido rose from the depth of his body.

I see. So Aisa-chan was embarrassed, huh. And right now she must be waiting in her room for me to come! I can do it! I can definitely do it! Wait for me, Aisa-chan! Toou!

Tanaka let out a cool, spirited yell. At the same time, he leaped up to the roof in a single step. Then he proceeded to crunch and move ever so quietly. His footsteps were light. There was no longer any hesitation in Tanaka, as he had justified this night crawling in his own mind.

But yet again, the world stood in his path. A lone figure could be seen lurking in the direction where Tanaka was heading. A black-clad figure was sneaking into the pavilion while hiding their presence.

The flames of anger arose in Tanakas heart. Another person, who was performing night crawling to steal his Aisa-chan, had appeared. As far as Tanaka was concerned, it was natural for him to be angry.

Thats as far as you go.

In order to stop the pervert, Tanaka called out in a cool tone. Not forgetting to strike a cool pose, of course.

The pervert turned around to look at such a Tanaka. At the same time, a knife flew out of him in a natural motion. Those reactions and techniques were those of master class movements.

However, in front of Tanaka, it was no more than a childs play, as he easily dodged it. To Tanaka, it was a natural movement, but to his opponent, it was an unrecognizable domain of movement. It was as though nothing had happened at all.

In this instant, the pervert was overcome with a sense of despair. In that slightest exchange, whether he wanted it or not, he was forced to realize it. That the person standing in front of him was an overwhelmingly powerful existence.

Unaware of all of this, Tanaka was puzzled by the perverts actions. However, he soon realized that the action was taken by the pervert in a fit of anger. He was mistaken, however.

Naturally, Tanaka, for his part, didnt want to be bothered by the perverts anger. Thus, he came to the conclusion that he had to deal with the situation in a smart manner.

Once he decided that, the rest was simple, and Tanaka moved into action at once.

Youd better leave this place quickly, otherwise.

Tanaka swiftly took a stance and unleashed his fist several times. He also didnt forget to produce poor swooshing sound effects with his mouth. Then, he warned the pervert with a smug look on his face.

My karate will go wild.

Nailed it! Tanaka raved in his heart. Naturally, he had no experience whatsoever in karate.

In contrast to Tanaka, however, the pervert was confused. What was the intention of the man in front of him, he wondered.

However, no matter how much he thought about it, it was unlikely for him to be able to find the answer to that question, but with that said, there was no way he could do anything against the transcendental opponent in front of him.

The pervert quickly turned around and began to run away.

As if Id let you go!

Tanakas invisible attack magic exploded on the ground around the pervert. Even though he was the one who had urged the pervert to leave, he still pulled off such a stunt. You couldnt expect less of Tanaka.

Perhaps finding the explosion too powerful to withstand, the roofs around the pervert broke. The pervert fell into the pavilion at once as he was.

Hahahahaha! Just as planned. Right now youre nothing but a trapped rat.

Tanaka then dove into the hole that he had just created in a good mood. He coolly landed in a certain room of the pavilion.

The pervert from earlier seemed to have fallen unconscious. He wasnt hit directly by the magic, but he still received impact from the flying debris.

Tanaka was relieved that the matter seemed to have been resolved safely. However, he soon noticed another presence in the room, and turned his attention toward it.

Aisa, who was probably in the middle of changing, was frozen in place, hiding her chest with the clothes.

Tanaka couldnt help but let out a cry of admiration and almost jumped at her. However, he quickly suppressed his libido with his firm and powerful will. And then, for the time being, he immediately saved several footage of the scene into his brain separately for safe keeping, for appreciation, and for propagation. Truly a gentleman he was.

And he then proceeded to admire her uncovered white soft fair skin once again. However, at this point, Aisas gaze forced him to come to his senses. He immediately judged that this situation was definitely not good.

It took him less than a tenth of a second to get to this point after recognizing Aisa. As expected of Tanaka, he was truly a sharp guy.

Then, led by Taisa, a group of women came rushing in with a bang as they violently burst the door open.

! What on earth is going on here?

Taisa was dumbfounded by the situation unfolding in front of her. Time quietly passed as tension drifted in the air. Eventually, unable to withstand the tension anymore, Tanaka coolly soared and made his escape through the hole in the ceiling.

Not good its definitely not good. I wonder if Ill be sentenced for lese majeste or something after this. Kuh, looks like Ive jumped into a trap. In other words, that man was an assassin sent by this world, huh Damn him!

In the city which was submerged in darkness, Tanaka was miserably scampering for his life in a hurry.

On the other hand, as for the remaining people in the room

Big sis, are you okay? What in the world happened here?

Taisa walked up to Aisa and made sure if she was alright.

Y, yes Im fine. But I dont know what happened either

While the two were conversing, a female soldier examined the man, who was referred to as a pervert by Tanaka.

Taisa-sama. I believe this person is a spy. Its just, I found no trace of the one who sent him.

The air in the room turned cold. If it wasnt for Tanaka, the headquarters information would have been leaked. Furthermore, if the person were an assassin, he would have been able to succeed.

Everyone there realized how perilous the situation they were in. And that something was beginning to move somewhere unknown to them. Everyone was beginning to feel that way.

It seems that Sergeant-san has taken action because he noticed the spy.

That seems to be the case. And judging from the fact that he left so briskly, there may be other spies lurking around.

Taisa and Aisa quickly sorted out the situation, and ordered the female soldiers to increase the security of the pavilion.

With the end of the civil war in sight, the mood at the Alliances headquarters had grown somewhat lax. However, from this day onwards, they braced themselves again and worked hard to create a new system.

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