The Royal Contract

Chapter 149 - Unspoken Question

Chapter 149 - Unspoken Question

"Alex?" Dani stretched her hand and found the bed empty. "What are you doing? It's barely dawn."

Alex was already up, getting dressed. She could not help the disappointment displayed on her face upon realizing that he was already leaving.

"I am needed to be early in the office. I still need to go home and get change." He said as he buttoned his white shirt and folded his coat in his hand.

If he had a choice, he would rather stay until later or even skip going to work. But he had responsibilities that he could not ignore just because he wanted to spend more time with Dani in bed. That was just not a good excuse.

"I supposed you are right. But I am already missing you." She sounded so wanton that she did not even recognize herself.

Maybe she was still dreaming, and nothing about this was real. She pinched her skin to check if she would feel the pain. Unfortunately, she was wide awake.

"Promise. I will make it up to you. I will call you." He told her as he knelt on the bed and leaned his body until his face was only inches from hers. "I will miss you too." He whispered as he started kissing her.

"Fine. I will wait for your call." She answered him when he finally stood up from the bed.

"Go back to sleep." He instructed before closing the door behind him.

"Bye." She uttered, but she doubted if he heard it. He was already gone.

She figured that it would take time before they found a comfortable rhythm in their relationship. She and Alex would need to adjust to each other's needs, or their relationship might never survive.

She looked at the closed door. Although she understood Alex's reason, it did not mean that it did not dishearten her when she did not wake up in his arms.

When she heard her front door closed, she knew that she would not be sleeping. "Ahhhh!" She rolled out of her bed and walked towards her bathroom.

Looking at herself in the mirror, she could still remember what happened last night. Every moment she had with Alex seemed to be the best time of her life. But every time that he left her, it suddenly turned into the opposite.

"Get a hold of yourself. It is not your first time in a relationship. Think of your priorities because it would seem that you are screwing it up." She talked to herself in the mirror before splashing some water on her face. "Wake up and stop daydreaming." She spoke to her reflection.

She walked out of her room, knowing that she would not be sleeping anymore. In any few minutes, the sun will be up, so there was no point in trying to go back to sleep.

She decided to make coffee instead but decide not to jog today. She believed that she already exercised all her muscles last night.

After a few hours later, "Man, what's wrong with you today?" Marcus asked as he stood in front of his table.

They just came from an important meeting that his friend blew last night because he canceled it within the last minute. Then, during the meeting, Alex looked like he would rather be somewhere else than in that meeting.

"I'm just tired." Alex made a big yawn. He felt so tired that his body felt like shutting down.

He was not sure if the fatigue of the week-long trip. Then yesterday's hectic schedule and last night with Dani was finally catching up with him. Anyway, he figured he would only require to recharge his batteries tonight, and then he would be good as new.

"Out with Dani last night?" Marcus questioned, but he knew that he would not answer him anyway. "Come on, drink some coffee, take a nap, do something with that before we go to our next meeting later."

As far as he was concerned, his friend felt deprived for too long of a woman companion. Now that he tasted one, he was obsessed with it. He did not know what to do with it. He just hoped that he snapped out of it before he found himself trapped and had no way out.

"I'll be ready later. Besides, you already had the meeting handled. You did not need me to interrupt the flow." He was lucky that Marcus was aware of the plan, or he would have blown the project.

He felt like he was floating in the meeting as his mind went in and out of the meeting. Marcus had to clear his throat several times for him to realize that he was dozing up.

It was very unprofessional and something that should not happen again. Alex had to find a way to balance his obligation to his job and his girlfriend.

"I hope so, Man. By the way, Evan and David are inviting us on Friday night for a drink. I hope you are still available to spend some time with your friends now that you are in a committed relationship." Marcus jabbed at him.

"Of course, I'll be there." He pointed out, but the meaning of his friend's words was clear. Just like yesterday, he was not fond of his relationship with Dani.

He also had to find time for his friend even though he already saw some balancing issues on his schedule. It would seem that being in a relationship was not as easy as it looked.

"Sir Alex, Mr. Ethan Hamilton is on the line for you. He said that it was urgent. Will you be accepting his call?" His secretary called him on the other line.

"Yes." He answered his secretary, wondering why Dani's father was calling him.

During the entire trip, he and Dani were able to avoid spending much time with them. Always finding an excuse to be in their presence. They had their reason.

"Good morning, Alex. I hope I am not disturbing you with my sudden call." Ethan spoke on the other line.

"No. Not at all, Ethan. What can I do for you?" He asked with a bit of curiosity and apprehension.

Marcus, who was supposed to be on his way out, suddenly stopped. He sat back again on the seat, curious with the caller.

"If you have time, I would like to discuss something with you. A business proposal that both of us would surely benefit." Ethan informed him with his no-nonsense voice. It appeared that he had a choice, but he knew that it was just an illusion.

"Ok. I will ask my secretary to set a schedule with yours." That was his response to him.

"Why do we need others to set up when to meet when you could probably drop by tomorrow at my office. Let us say nine in the morning." Dani's father suggested. But for him, it was Ethan, establishing that he was in charge.

He looked at Marcus, and he already knew that he would not like what he was about to do. "Ok. I'll meet you tomorrow." He just made another commitment that was not part of their plans.

"Good." Then the line was dead. Ethan had ended the call without even concluding their call.

He placed the receiver back to its cradle and faced Marcus' unspoken question.

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