The Royal Contract

Chapter 235 - Entwined Hands

Chapter 235 - Entwined Hands

"The way I feel about you." It kept ringing in her head as he stared into her eyes.

It was what frightened him the most. What did it mean? He was afraid that he might be feeling more than he intended. All of a sudden, she was confused.

She did not expect him to say that, and now, she was left stunned, unable to react to his words. She did not anticipate that kind of response to a question meant to be just for fun.

"I think it is getting late." She abruptly mumbled, grabbing her bag at the side of the table, breaking the connection they had.

She could not describe why she felt anxious with his statement. It was not as if he declared that he was madly in love with her or the exact opposite. It was vague, but she felt she was not ready for the explanation.

"Yes, it is." He was not surprised by her retreat. He realized that if she told him those same lines, he might end up running in the other direction too.

He did not understand what prompted him to express what he felt for her. It was not as if he said that he loved her. But in his mind, it sounded that way.

Now, he questioned his mind if it was interpreting what he felt in his heart. Was he beginning to fall in love with her? That was the only explanation he could think of with the way he felt for her.

"I just remembered that I need to go to the office early tomorrow." She knew she was making excuses because she did not want to face the inevitable question.

Not that she was closing her mind and heart to the possibility of love. In truth, she dreamed of it. But the fear of being broken again once she fully engaged her heart in this relationship was overwhelming.

She knew she would not make it if she allowed herself to love him and then ended up making a mistake again. Was she ready to give him her heart and risk everything for him?

"I also need to report early tomorrow." He could sense her need to get away from him.

But he had no plan to pressure her to face their situation now. They were still new. There was still plenty of time to deal with their emotions as they continued their journey together.

Nevertheless, if he was not in love with her yet, he knew it was only a matter of time. The inevitable would happen. He could not prevent his heart from falling for her.

The car ride was silent as they were both lost in their thoughts. Who knew that such a statement could have a striking impact on them?

"I think I'll grab a glass of water in the kitchen." She told him, once inside his apartment. But she only needed an excuse to calm herself from the thoughts that plagued her on their way home.

But could she keep running away from her feelings, or should she face what she had feared since she agreed to this arrangement? If she was to fall in love. Would it be better to risk it with a man like Alex?

"I'll just be in my office." He walked past her and continued on his way to the other side of the living room.

Despite wanting to confront her and make her face her fears, he had to hold back. He felt it would be better to let her come into terms with her feelings for him on her own rather than forced her to admit it.

Once inside his office, he started working on some of his files, distracting his mind from what happened earlier. But his thoughts still went back to Dani and her reactions to him occasionally.

After drinking her glass of water, Dani decided to go straight to the bedroom. It was the first time they acted like this. As if they were both avoiding each other's company.

She laid on the bed for almost half an hour, but sleep was not coming anytime soon. Eventually, she gave up as she stood and decided to fix what she started.

"Hi!" She greeted him by the door of his office, seeing him busy with a bunch of papers on his desk.

It would be her first time to enter his private room. She never tried before, and now she could see that it held many of his memories of home.

The first time she came here, she remembered that she could not open the door. Now, she could see the mystery hidden behind that door.

Photos, memorabilia, and other precious artifacts, probably family treasures, were spread across the room. It was not the sort of heirlooms that thieves would be interested in, but it was indeed beautiful.

"Hi!" He responded, dropping the papers in his hand and prying his eyes away from his computer screen. He quickly glanced at the clock and only realized that he had been gone for a while.

"I have something to tell you." She walked towards him, stepping further inside the room while still checking the different decorations that surrounded them.

"What is it?" He asked, glad that her mood had changed. It would seem that she was back to herself.

He swiveled his chair until he faced her when she stood beside him at his table and waited. He was genuinely interested to hear what she had to say.

"I have been thinking of your question." She began, hoping that she could be brave enough to finish what she was about to start.

She could not continue to fear the future or the possible rejection and the heartbreak. She had to start taking a risk even if it meant another painful experience in the end.

"Which one?" He asked, encouraging her to continue. He had no idea what she was talking about since they had so many arguments and open questions.

He gently pulled her to him and made her sit on his lap as he cradled his chin on her shoulders. He wrapped his arms around his waist and waited for her.

She turned her head to him so she could see his face when she said her following statement. "About marrying without love. I think I change my mind." She wanted to see his reaction.

"Are you saying you might consider it?" He was not sure what she meant by that. He did not want to assume, but from what he understood. She would marry even in the absence of love.

"Yes, I think so." She immediately answered before she changed her mind again.

"What made you change your mind?" He asked, slightly unsure of what was going through that pretty little head of hers. But he could not wait for her rationalization. He could guarantee it was based all on her fears.

"I believe marriage due to compatibility would be so much better than waiting for love that may never even come." She waited for what his response would be.

He remained impassive as he continued to stare at her eyes.

Then, he took her hand in his, imagining a ring on her fingers.. Would that be so bad? He thought, staring at their entwined hands.

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