The Royal Contract

Chapter 237 - Broken Heart And A Lonely Soul

Chapter 237 - Broken Heart And A Lonely Soul

They fell into a comfortable conversation as if they were back to the time they first met. The awkwardness slowly dissipated but was not completely gone, but at least more tolerable than earlier.

"It had been more or less the same," Jacky answered his question of how she had been since they last saw each other. "Nothing much did happen. Work is still the same."

She assumed that was what he wanted to know. But what else could she tell him when her life was not as glamorous or adventurous as his. Nothing exciting had happened to her except dating Sebastian.

But should she tell him about him when that topic was not even relevant to their conversation? Anyway, she was sure that listening about her love life was the last thing he would like to do.

"Oh. I would think that a girl like you will always have something fun and exciting to do." Lance stated, studying the girl that sat across from him.

"If you really must know, I step in the shoes of the people that I read in the news, the net, and other gossip columns and imagine a life like theirs. That is the most excitement I get in my life." She admitted, hoping that would sum up her life.

She was tired of pretending that her life was anything but what it was. It was boring life of work and home. It was the reason why she sought a partner to share her day.

She wanted someone to give her life meaning. She dreamed of colors and rainbows when she woke up in the morning. She craved for the sparks and fireworks before she drifted to sleep at night.

"That seems exciting enough, although I had never tried that before. Maybe you can show me how to do that sometime." He smiled at her, genuinely interested in her unusual hobby.

But in all honesty, he knew that he wanted to see her again. She could probably tell him that she was a bum, a waitress, an assassin, a secret agent, or something else, but he would still be interested to know her.

"Are you for real? Why would you want to do that?" She looked at him with a raised brow, unable to figure out what was going through his mind. She wondered if he was making fun of her.

He was a prince with a very adventurous lifestyle. Why would he want to hang out with her and join in her crazy daydreaming? That did not make any sense to her at all.

She was positive that there were millions of things that he could think of to entertain himself. If he fancied any activities, she was sure that many establishments would more than welcome him, and it would be more worth his while.

"Because I want to experience that with you. It seems fun." He knew that it sounded surreal if he was going to use common sense. But nothing about what he had been doing since he saw her again was anything logical.

He could not explain it, not even to himself, why he had this need to see her. It was not as if he could not find another company. He was sure that many would line up to spend some time with him.

But the problem was, they were not her. Lance could go on a date with a model, an actress, a wealthy daughter of a businessman, but it would not be as exciting as talking to her and learning things about her.

She raised her hand in the air as a sign of surrender, finding his claim ridiculous. "You are out of your mind." She said as if he had gone insane. "Why would you waste your time doing boring things with me?"

Why would he want to spend time with her? He could have any girl in this city to entertain him. Many girls were already eyeing him, just looking around the restaurant.

Besides, she did not want her heart to hope. She knew that after this, there could not be something more. Lance would go back to his world, and she would remain in hers.

"Why? Because I enjoy your company." He dragged his chair until he was seated beside her. "Furthermore, I don't think you are boring at all." He said, staring at her face, close up. "I don't think so."

He was not a player, not in the true sense of the word. Although he did date many women, it did not mean they all ended up in bed. He still preferred meaningful relationships.

However, his life as a royalty and his obligations to his family limited him from seeking a lasting relationship. Rules had restricted him from pursuing what he wanted.

"I give up. Anyway, it is your time, your lost." She was not about to argue with him. "But I will suggest that you find something else to occupy your time while you are here."

But all she got was an adorable smile from him, clearly amused with her. She was glad he felt entertained by her actions, but she was not. On the other hand, she gathered she should not be spending more time with him.

"Anyway, are you dating again?" He knew that was none of his business, but it was beyond his control when the question slipped out of his lips.

"I was." Her answer came out automatically. She suddenly realized that she should have said she was currently dating. That would have given her an excuse not to see him again. "I am." She tried to retract her earlier answer.

"Which is it? Are you or are you not?" He stared at her hand, which was fidgeting on her lap. Was that an indication that she was trying to make some excuse, a lie?

"I just stopped dating a great guy." She finally admitted, knowing she was not good with lies. "But I am still trying dating." She should have stopped with the first sentence.

Now, she believed she sounded like she was expecting him to ask her out again, which was not her intention at all. She suddenly felt frustrated because she was making a mess of everything.

"Oh, that is interesting," Lance responded to her statement with a grin on his lips.

He knew that dating her would always be exciting, but he had to consider if that was indeed a good idea. After all, he would only be here for a month.

He was not sure if he could promise her anything but a good time. Well, he did not like the idea at all because that might hurt her in the end. The last thing he wanted was for that to happen.

Then, what was he doing dating her now? Because nothing about what he was doing was friendly. He had to admit that he fancied her, and he wanted to see her again. But was there any future in this.

"Nothing about my dating is interesting." She contradicted him, not wanting to encourage him to another one.

She feared that seeing him again might lead to something more. Her heart was already in the process of letting him in, but how long would he be staying.

A month, then he would be gone again, and she would be alone again. This time, it might be for good.. What then would become of her when that time came? Another broken heart and a lonely soul.

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