The Royal Contract

Chapter 321 - The Delicious Entrees

Chapter 321 - The Delicious Entrees

Nick learned that the lovely couple went missing this morning. A welcome surprise that he could capitalize on to his advantage if the rumors were true.

He learned from a source that Marcus could not contact his best friend, his bodyguards, and even Dani. They were still trying to determine where the couple decided to go or why they left in the first place.

"Hi, Cassie. How was your sleep?" He moved towards the bed, sat down near her, and touched her face, waking her up in the process.

It was already late in the morning, but he did not want to disturb her peaceful sleep until now. He could not wait for her to wake up so that he could share his news with her.

"What do you want?" She muttered under her breath as she stretched her arms, then suddenly feeling the leather-bound that prevented her from moving.

She remembered that he tied her up on the bed, preventing her from running away and escaping. Since he caught her with her bags packed and ready to leave, he had held her hostage at his apartment.

She could not talk to anyone, only him. She was now a prisoner in his house. She still had no clue how she would break free from his abusive clasps.

She suddenly regretted opening the door and letting him inside her apartment. He automatically saw red when he saw her things packed and ready to leave.

"I have some news for you. But before I tell you, I want you to fix yourself, and we shall eat breakfast." He lowered himself and planted a solid kiss on her lips.

He did not allow her to avoid his lips as he held her hair in his grip. He also shoved her back to the bed as he deepened the kiss. With her hands tied, she could do nothing to stop him.

When she got the chance, she bit his lips, making the red flesh bleed. It was the only way she could stop him from his onslaught. She might be able to stomach his kisses and touch before, but not anymore.

"Stop!" She twisted her body until she was free from him. "I am hungry." She complained, but she would not allow him to walk all over her willingly.

He might have her as a prisoner, but it did not mean she would follow him blindly. She would fight tooth and nail to get out of here and start over again, away from him.

"That is not nice, Cassie." He wiped the tiny drop of blood that came from his broken lips. "But I will need you to behave or else." His voice was full of venom. A threat that she should heed because he was not fooling around.

"Of course, but you have to untie me first." She told him, feeling the fatigue ness of her muscles for being tied all night.

He usually locked her in the room. But after fighting him last night, he decided to tie her up as her punishment. She realized that fighting him was not the way to escape him.

"Follow what I say, and we will eventually go back to the way we are. You know I cannot let you go. You are important to me and my plans." He touched her face again, running his fingers through her cheeks and down her throat.

He could not simply let her leave him because she still held a lot of valuable information about Ethan Hamilton's secrets. Other than that, she also was privy to his secrets.

He had to make sure that she would not share those details with his enemies. He had to know what she still knew and if it could damage his plans.

"If I say I will behave, would you believe me?" She asked him, doubtful that he would. She already savaged their relationship. Trust would be hard to achieve again.

She could not walk to him like before and pledge her loyalty. She wondered if he would ever believe her again. But she had to try if that was the only way to set her free.

"We'll see, but for now, I am taking off your ties. I expect you to do what I say because I hate hurting you." He started pulling the bond that tied her to the bed.

He needed her cooperation to fulfill his plans, but he also believed she needed him with hers. He still had no idea that she had already given up on her revenge.

"I promise. I will cooperate this time." She smiled at him, trying to win him over again.

She was glad that her evidence was now safely in the hands of Alex. If Nick found them in her possession or discovered that she had already betrayed him, she could only speculate on what he would do to her.

He already managed to slap her on the face, locked her up, and tied her. She believed he would not hesitate to do more horrible things to her if he learned of what she did against him.

"That is my girl." He ran his fingers through her hair as if he was taming her. He tapped her cheeks, who still had slightly bruised skin from his slap. "I hate hurting you. So, don't force my hand." He whispered, leaning over to kiss her on the affected area.

"I also don't like us fighting. I think I have learned my lesson." She entwined her arms around his neck, pulling him to her until their faces were inches away.

She had to find a way to convince him that she was still on his side. It would be a stretch, but she had to try. At the same time, she could also use this to her advantage.

She could find out more of what Nick planned against their enemies, but she would use it for something good this time. She was not going to let him use her anymore.

"Good, then shall we eat?" He pulled her out of bed and into a table, already set with their breakfast. "Then, we can discuss my news.." He said excitedly to her as he presented the delicious entrees under the covers.

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