The Royal Contract

Chapter 357 - Wake-up Call

Chapter 357 - Wake-up Call

She just finished with her hair and makeup. She already wore her new gown. All that was left was to put on her matching shoes. Then, she was ready to go.

She looked at the mirror to check on her masterpiece. She had put some extra care into making herself look stunning for her man. She had to guarantee that he would fall for her charms.

"You look delightful in that dress." A man stood behind her and whispered in her ears as his lips kissed her cheeks and his hands started caressing her exposed neck and shoulders.

She was indeed quite beautiful with a body to match. She was cunning and vile, an asset that she was proud to possess. Besides that, she was incredible in bed.

"Because you always know what is good for me." She teased him as she turned around to face him, running her fingers on the side of his muscular arms until they landed on his chest. "You certainly know what I like, Nick."

She spread her palm flat on the surface, feeling his steady heartbeat as she stared into his eyes. She maintained his gaze, not wavering as she convinced him that she was still a part of his world.

"And you certainly know what to do with it." His hands slid down on her back until it settled on her behind, giving it a firm squeeze before letting her go. "Shall we go, Cassie?"

As much as he would like to play with her and enjoy her delectable body, where they were going was more important at the moment. He finally let go of her body and assisted her out of the apartment.

"Where are we going? What is this meeting all about?" She asked him, hoping that he was still under her spell.

If he answered her question, she would know that he still trusted her. She had to determine where she stood in this situation. It could mean her life and freedom.

He sat in the backseat with her as the chauffeur drove them to their destination. He studied her under his gaze, deeply thinking if he could still trust her.

"Well, I think you will like where we are heading. As Edward said before, we are moving up our timeline." He finally spoke up and told her just a few bits of information to feed her curiosity.

After what happened earlier with Dani, he still could not figure out why Dani wanted to see her. What was her connection with Cassie? With the delicacy of their situation, he could not afford to make any mistake.

He had to be careful in everything he did and said, especially in front of Cassie. Until he had proven that she was still worth his trust, he would be wary of her presence.

"Then, I can't wait." She smiled, acting excited and giggly with his plans. Just like before, she started doing her part.

She put on her invisible mask and behaved like a dumb bimbo that all she could do was do his bidding and make him happy. It had been her ammo against him from the very start.

All she had to do was feed his ego, and in return, he would give her what she wanted. Her assets had been her way around him, and she would continue to use them until she found a way to escape.

"Me too." He replied, taking her hand and teasing it with peppered kisses.

A few more minutes, they had stopped in a famous underground club that they had frequented in the past. Nick loved to invest in this kind of business.

He found the business lucrative. It was also a nice place to conduct his other private meetings since he could avoid the prying eyes of his enemies and the law.

"Don't you just love this place?" He whispered in Cassie's ears as the hostess ushered them to the exclusive section.

Men and women scattered the room, consisting of patrons and their guests. This establishment offered a different sort of entertainment. This place offered an assortment of activities that enticed their wealthy clients.

Illegal activities predominated around the place, making it the perfect place for his more lucrative projects. Nobody dared bothered him nor messed up with his business.

"Yes," She answered as she smiled at him shrewdly. She had to play the part perfectly.

He could not suspect her plans, or else she would be screwed. If she wanted to get away from him, she had to do it tonight. Before he finally discovered her secrets. Then, she would be as good as dead.

He ordered them some drinks as they waited for their guest. If her suspicion was correct, she believed they were meeting the prince again to finalize their plans.

"Who are we meeting anyway?" She asked casually, feigning boredom as they sat and drank on one of the corners, with the view of the entire room.

"Patience, my dear. I made sure to be early. I want to see his grand entrance." He told her as he sat comfortably in the soft cushion of his chair, watching the people that roam around the place.

He never liked coming in late in a meeting. It always put the latecomer at a disadvantage. As the saying went, the early bird caught the worms.

"Then, can I at least go dance on the dance floor?" She stood up from her chair and moved to his lap, playing with his hair with her fingers.

"Fine." He grabbed her arms and pulled her closer, kissing her intensely until she was barely breathing from the pressure of his lips. Then, he finally let her go, allowing her to move out of his grip.

"What about you? Don't you like to dance?" She stretched her hands to him, alluring him to join her. But she already knew that he would not.

"You go ahead and dance for me. I will join you later." He told her as his eyes kept glancing around him. "Cassie." He called her back before she could step further. "Stay where I can see you."

He did enjoy watching her move. She was a good dancer, very graceful in her movement. She could stand out in a sea of people as soon as she let her body sway to the rhythm.

The way she ground her body to the music had always been a prelude to what she could offer to him once they were in his bed. She was a vixen sent to torture him.

Then, his eyes caught the man he had been waiting for, and he was just on time. The same hostess earlier showed his guest to his table, guiding him through the crowded place until he stood in front of him.

"Welcome home, my brother. How was your flight? I hope you are ready to join the family business." Nick stood from his chair and started to hug the man he had not seen for a long time.

He could certainly use his help. That was if he had finally changed his mind about being part of his plans.. He had been reluctant to participate in his grand master plan, but maybe this time, he ultimately had a wake-up call.

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