The Royal Contract

Chapter 378 - A Capable And A Good Lawyer

Chapter 378 - A Capable And A Good Lawyer

She was working on finding a solution with Jeremy's case in between her several other files. She had called him just a few minutes ago to check on his condition.

He appeared to be fine but still too afraid to trust anyone else besides her and Alex. She made a mental note to visit him either tomorrow or the next day.

She remembered what Jacky said, reminding her to be careful. "Don't get too attached to the kid. You know you can't keep him." She knew her friend was right.

It would not do the boy any good once she found him a better home. In all honesty, she knew it would also be hard for her when the boy eventually left, but she knew the boy would need a friend in a hard time like this.

"Oh my!" She dropped her pen and slumped back on her seat. She suddenly remembered something she had forgotten because of her excitement.

She felt stupid for forgetting something as important as a meeting, a dinner meeting with Gerald and Mr. Bradshaw at that. She looked at the schedules that Jacky had given her this morning and noticed at the bottom, written at six o clock.

Why did she not see that earlier? Because your mind was preoccupied with work and the other date you wanted to go to, she scolded herself.

She knew she could not cancel on Gerald anymore. She promised to make up to him after the last time. But that would mean canceling on Alex.

It was the last thing she wanted to do because she was looking forward to their date. But it was the only sensible thing to do. She could always go out with her fiance at another time.

"I'm sorry, Alex. I did not know how it could have slipped my mind. I am looking forward to our dinner, but I already gave my word that I will attend this meeting." She implored his understanding regarding her situation.

She immediately called him upon realizing her mistake. She did not want to make him wait and waste his time when she was not coming. She was sure that he had more important things he could do with his time.

Canceling their date was the last thing she wanted, but she could not help it. She could not back out again and leave Gerald hanging. That would be unprofessional of her, and that would mark on her impeccable record.

"Don't worry. I understand," Alex answered her calmly, a bit disappointed because he was also looking forward to their date. However, he did understand that she also had a responsibility in her job.

He also had to cancel on her when he had no choice, so it was not a big deal. He could always ask her out another day. Maybe tomorrow or the next day.

They ended a call after reassuring herself that Alex did not take canceling on him the wrong way. She did not want to add on their misunderstanding, especially since they only recently made up.

Then, she realized another thing after ending the call with Alex. She was not dressed correctly for her business meeting. In truth, she felt overdressed.

But when she looked at the time, there was barely half an hour left before the appointed time. She would not make it if she had to rush home and change into a new outfit.

"How can you forget about the meeting?" Jacky expressed in astonishment.

She could not believe that she would overlook such an important event. Suddenly, the entire situation had some clarity in her mind.

"I know. I feel bad about it. Now, I have to wear this." She explained to her friend.

She had no options left but to attend the meeting in her current clothing. She readied herself and the files she might need later. The only consolation she could think of with this sacrifice was the possibility that the case would be over.

"Well, if you don't hurry up, you will still end up late." Jacky reminded her as she tapped on her wristwatch to indicate the time.

Dani immediately moved from her position and grabbed her things. "Wish me luck. I hope that this case ends here." She left her friend to meet her boss and their client.

As soon as she stepped into the classy restaurant, she knew that many did turn to look at her. Some guests looked curious, while others seemed appreciative, especially the young men.

She tried to ignore them, following the hostess to her designated table. She could already spot Gerald, but their client was still missing.

It was still early by a few minutes. It was only proper that they should be the first to arrive before the client. Once Gerald saw her approach, he quickly stood up from his seat to receive her.

"Good evening, glad you were able to come." Gerald greeted her. "You certainly look stunning." He could not help but compliment the beauty that stood beside him. He did appreciate the dress she was wearing.

He automatically pulled a seat for her as he assisted her to the chair. To the other patrons of the restaurant, they looked like a couple on a date. They did look perfect together.

To him, it felt great to be in her company. Although, it would have been better if this was a date. But for now, he would settle for a few minutes to be alone with her.

"I'm sorry about what I am wearing. I know I am overdressed, but there was a mishap, and I did not have time to change." She rambled on, trying to explain to Gerald her situation.

Although, she believed she did not look like a dumb bimbo in her dress. Still, she did try her best to impress, which she did succeed, as evident by the appreciation she saw in his eyes.

But he was not the intended audience. Dani was a bit disappointed that Alex would not see her in this lovely dress. But maybe she could still work something out once she got home, a bit of a surprise.

"Don't fret on it. I think no matter what you wear, people will still stare." He pointed out, seeing that she was a bit uncomfortable around him. "But I do think you look just fine."

He did not want her to feel like she could not act normal around him. On the contrary, he wanted her to feel at ease when she was in his company.

He wished for them to get closer. And he could only do that if he could gain Dani's trust. He liked her very much, but it would take a lot more than just confessing his feelings for her.

That would surely guarantee his instant rejection. He had to be patient and take his time. Good things came to those who waited for the right timing.

"Thanks." She replied, feeling less anxious. She did not want to make a wrong impression with her boss and her client.

All she could do now was to maintain her grace and confidence until the night was over.. She should not allow her dress to overshadow who she was, a capable and a good lawyer.

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