The Royal Contract

Chapter 396 - Side Of The Story

Chapter 396 - Side Of The Story

When Jacky told her who was waiting outside her door, she had mixed feelings. She had been anxious to find Cassie, but at the same time, wary of her intentions for suddenly showing up.

She had trusted her before, but Cassie betrayed her. She wondered if she could ever believe anything that would come out of her mouth. But she needed to hear what she had to say.

"Are you sure that it is wise to see her?" Jacky said as she looked at the closed door.

She knew that their visitor was still outside, waiting for a chance to see Dani. She would not be surprised if Cassie would force herself inside the room. Jacky did not buy the good and decent act she was portraying.

"You know I have to see her. I need to hear what she has to say. Don't worry. I will be careful. Besides, I want you to be present when I see her." Dani told her friend, who still showed skepticism about her plan.

"I hope you know what you are doing," Jacky said as she walked back out of the door. "I will show them in."

She walked towards the two, who seemed to be conversing in low voices. She wondered what they were whispering about in the corner. Were they conspiring something against her friend?

"Ms. Hamilton will see you now?" Still maintaining her professionalism. But before Cassie could take another step, she blocked her path. "If you do anything funny, I will make sure you will regret it."

She had to warn her before she even thought of doing something stupid while inside Dani's room. She would protect her friend from any harm that might come her way.

"I assure you that the last thing we want to do would be to cause trouble." It was the unknown man who answered this time.

He could not blame her for doubting their intentions. If his assessment of what Cassie told him was correct, then Cassie did a number on his brother's fiance.

"Please, follow me." She instructed, giving them a warning look.

She led the way to the office, opening the door for them. Then, she let them proceed inside first before following behind. She watched their every move, not trusting them even one bit.

"Thank you for seeing us even without notice." Cassie immediately stated as she entered the room.

She knew she had to make her case quickly before Dani showed them the door. She still did not know how she would react to her presence, especially after all the evil things she did to her.

"I hope that I will not regret it," Dani responded with slight doubt in her voice.

Although, she had been searching for her because of her many questions. It still did not mean she would get the answers she wanted to hear. Or if she would be telling her the truth.

"I get it. I think I deserve that." Cassie and her companion remained standing in front of her desk, waiting for her to offer her a seat.

She could not expect a warm welcome now, could she? She looked at her former friend, regretting what she had done to her. She knew that saying sorry would never be enough to gain her forgiveness.

"I did not know that you two know each other. It is nice to see you again, Dr. Dawson. Please, do take a seat." Dani offered the two available chairs while Jacky stood on her other side.

She did recognize the man beside Cassie as the one who helped her with Jeremy at the emergency room. Based on Sebastian, he was not from around here. He just transferred recently.

Now, she wondered how the two knew each other and what they were doing together. In her opinion, it was an unlikely association, but she could be wrong.

Then again, she was left thinking about what happened between Nick and Cassie. What made Cassie turn against Nick? But could she trust Cassie that she was genuinely doing this out of the goodness of her heart?

"It is good to see you again. But call me Jacob." He said as he settled to the chair in front of her. "I hope that you don't mind if I came along."

He did not have any business in this meeting, but he could not leave her alone. Not until he was sure that his brother was not hunting her anymore.

Besides, she asked him to join her for support. In a way, they had established a friendship in the short time they had spent together. He could sense that she had learned to trust him even with her life.

"Not at all, Jacob. I still have to thank you for what you did for Jeremy." Dani stated, acknowledging the good deed that the doctor had shown to the young boy.

"It was nothing. It is my job, and any doctor would have done the same." Jacob told her. "I hope the boy is doing well."

Jacob knew what she was talking about, but there was no point dwelling on the matter. He understood the situation, so he only did what he believed was the right thing to do.

"He is doing well now. Only waiting for a new family that would adopt him for good." She explained to him.

She was glad that their mild conversation had eased the tension that enveloped the room as she waited for the right opening for her questions and Cassie's reason for seeing her.

"But I am relieved that you came, Cassie. In truth, I have been looking for you." She continued before anyone else could speak up. "I thought that something happened to you because you suddenly vanished."

She had enough of the pleasantries. It was time to know what was going on with her and what she needed to warrant her visit. Besides, she also had questions that needed some answers.

Answers that she was the only one who could give. Because as of now, she was still confused with what her father had told her.. She still wanted to hear her side of the story.

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