The Royal Contract

Chapter 410 - An Accident Or A Foul Play

Chapter 410 - An Accident Or A Foul Play

Ben was following Dani closely when the accident happened. Fortunately, he was a defensive driver who had easily maneuvered his car away from the accident. If not, he would be one of the piles of tangled metals on the street.

He immediately went out of his car to check on Dani. He scanned the chaos and counted five vehicles involved in the accident. At the front of the pack was Dani's car.

He simultaneously took out his phone and dialed for help. He reported the incident and made a quick assessment of the situation.

He debated for a second if he should call his boss right away or check on Dani first, but the latter won. Every second counts. His boss could wait. Then, he returned his phone to his pocket.

In instinct, he moved into the wreckage, checking if he could reach Dani's side. It was a tight squeeze, but he managed to work around the carnage of twisted metals until he was standing outside her window.

"Dani, are you alright?" He automatically asked but then again internally berated himself. Of course, she was not, not after she involved herself in the accident, he told himself.

"Dani, can you hear me?" He asked this time. She did not even move or acknowledge him when he repeated to call her name.

She seemed to be unconscious but still breathing from how her chest moved. It continued to go up and down as air entered her lungs. But it was slowing down.

He knew he had no choice as he moved to the backside of the car. He took off his jacket and rolled the cloth in his hands before smashing it on the side mirror.

Glasses shattered, flying across the backseat and onto the floor. Clearing the remaining glass, Ben slid his hands inside the window and reached for the lock in the front seat.

Once he unlocked the door, he quickly opened it, giving him access to her injured body. He could now clearly see some of the damage she incurred during the accident.

In an accident like this, he was aware he could not simply move her body. It might cause her more harm than good. All he could do now was try to help her in any way he could until help arrived.

He moved his two fingers into the side of her neck as he felt her pulse. It was still beating strong, a sign that she was still fighting for survival.

"Dani," Ben called her name as he gently shook her shoulders, trying to wake her up.

He could see a little blood gushing on her forehead, an indicator of a head injury. Then, a few bruises on her arms that was visible to him.

Luckily, the airbag deployed just in time to save her from crashing to the steering wheel or flying through the front windshield.

"Dani." He repeated to call her name, hoping that she would finally respond. But she remained immobile on her seat.

He quickly pulled out the pocket knife hidden on his ankle to stab the airbag that would release her body between the bag and the car seat. But then, he decided against it.

He could not risk causing permanent damage to her spine if he moved her and accidentally severe a part of the vertebrae. Instead, he just stood by her side and guarded her in her sleep until the paramedics arrived.

"Dani, stay with me. Help is on the way." He held her hand to give her support, so she would know that she was not alone.

He had guarded her since the very start of her relationship with his boss. He had learned to like her for the person that she was. She was always trying to be independent, not wanting to be a burden to anyone, not even to him.

But Alex had treated him like a brother, not just a paid nobody. He believed it was only fair that he returned the favor. He would risk his life to protect and keep her safe.

He did not only see the physical beauty she possessed but the inner glow that came from the purity of her soul. She was just like his boss, Alex. She was selfless.

He was ready to offer his life to a woman like her because she was not just anybody anymore. This beautiful princess in front of him became family as soon as she agreed to marry the prince.

"Hang in there, Dani. Help is almost here." He whispered near her as he continued to keep her hand in a firm hold.

He heard the ambulance stop just beyond the wreckage, but the siren kept ringing in his ears. He could see the paramedic teams working their way to the victims. "Here, please help her." He beckoned two of them in his direction.

The only time he had breathed deeply was when he saw her attached to the machines inside the ambulance on her way to the hospital.

Now, he felt that he had failed his prince when he did not foresee the accident before it happened. But he would make up for it. He would figure out what caused the accident.

He followed in his car towards the hospital, reviewing the following incident. He recalled from memory the sequence of events that led to the car crash.

Now that Dani was in good hands, it was time to contact his boss and inform him of the incident. Taking his phone out of his pocket, he dialed his number.

He had already prepared himself for his questions. He already guessed that he would first ask about Dani's initial condition. He also foresaw that he would want to know the details of the car collision.

"Sir, I think there is something else that you should know." He stated after reporting Dani's condition.

"What is it?" Alex could hear the alarm in his voice. He already knew that there was something else he had not told him yet.

"It had something to do with the car collision." Ben began as he continued to the hospital, tailing the ambulance in front of him. He already knew what his boss would ask him about this incident.

Was it an accident or a foul play?

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