The Royal Contract

Chapter 417 - The Debts

Chapter 417 - The Debts

She arrived at the office with people looking at her funnily, treating her as if she was made of glass. She had an accident. It did not mean they should treat her like she would break any second.

"Hey, guys. Thanks for all your concern. But I am fine." She shouted for everyone to hear her message, including Alex.

She was glad when she and Alex were finally in the confine of the elevator on the way up to her office. She could not stand another stare of pity in their eyes.

It was an accident, and she survived. That was the end of that story. She just wanted to move on, but going back to her regular work was not an option anymore.

"Ok, Dani. I get the picture." Alex expressed, sporting a wide grin on his lips, wrapping his arms around her waist as he kissed her neck. He knew that Dani intentionally said that also for his benefit.

Maybe he could loosen up a bit when it came down to how he was handling her situation. He was afraid that he had overdone his smothering.

"I hope so. It feels like you became an overbearing mother hen who would not let me out of your sight." She taunted him but believed that he only had his good intentions.

She allowed him to turn her around and enveloped her in his arms. Their lips locked in a passionate battle of will, but both did not intend to win. In the end, they were equal.

"How long will it take you to finish here?" He asked as soon as they exited the lift that brought them to her floor.

She insisted that he attended his meeting first before he returned to pick her up. She promised to be done by then. She just wanted to check her cases before she finally took her very long vacation.

"Just enough till you return." She told him as they walked nearer her office.

She could already see Jacky, waiting for them at her desk, wearing a smile that could light up the place. She was glad that her friend was happy to see her and her fiance.

"Fine." He conceded before letting her go. "Jacky, I will leave you in charge while I am gone. Don't let her out of your sight." He instructed as he pulled Dani back in his arms for a goodbye kiss.

"You heard the boss," Jacky interjected, enjoying the fun exchange of the two lovers.

"You two will be the death of me," Dani complained this time after sealing the kiss.

She let go of him again, letting him walk away from her, back to the elevator. Watching the man that would not let his eyes off of her even for a single second left her finally to be alone.

Well, not exactly alone since Jacky would be there to watch her. But at least, she would not feel his watchful eyes inspecting everything she did.

"Remember Jacky. Watch her. Don't let her get away with anything." Alex ordered as if his words were a law that could not be broken.

Alex finally left the two of them to start with her work. Jacky had already arranged the materials that she would need. So far, with the rate she was moving, she would be finished early, even before he returned from his meeting.

"I am happy that you are doing well. You did give me a fright when you were in the hospital." Jacky stated as she grabbed the files that she had already reviewed and given a remark.

"I heard that you blame yourself for my accident. Please don't." Dani turned to her friend, assuring her that it was an unfortunate incident that nobody wanted.

"I guess you are right. I am just happy that you are ok now." But after that, she did not want to organize a party for her. She was afraid that next time, they might not be so lucky.

"Me, too," Dani agreed with Jacky, continuing to finish the rest of the papers in front of her.

Fortunately, David and Evan understood what she wanted with each case. There were only a few suggestions she left in her notes for them to use as resources.

"Are you done?" A voice by the door echoed in her room. She looked up, happy to see his face.

He was later than he had planned but still early according to their arranged time. He did not want to be away from Dani for far too long, but the meeting was far complicated than he thought.

"Yes," Dani uttered with a jolly smile.

She placed the files neatly back on the side of the table for Jacky to return to the partner's office. She was done with them for now. It would be up to the partners to continue what she had already started.

"Before we leave, I want to discuss something with you. Then, we will have a short meeting at David's office." Alex informed him as he sat down on the front chair, staring at her.

He looked serious as if he had some business that he needed to discuss with her. Gone was the playful smile on his lips. In its place was a solemn look with a slight hesitation in his eyes.

"What is it about?" She gazed at her fiance with a puzzled look. She could not read if this was just his terrible sense of humor, playing tricks on her or if he did have something important to discuss with her.

"It had something to do with paying a debt owed. I want you to handle it for me." Alex voiced out his business that he wanted her to handle personally for him.

"Who's debt? Yours? To whom?" She began to ask a series of questions, but he did not answer right away.

He wanted her to listen carefully to his explanation before he would allow her to ask her questions.

It was a secret that he needed to reveal to her before they plunged into their vows. He did not want to start their new life together with something hanging over his head.

A secret had a way of revealing itself. Well, he would not allow what he was not intentionally hiding from her to become an issue in the future.

"The debts due to a bet that I ought to pay.." He clarified to her, hoping that she would understand and had an open mind.

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