The Royal Contract

Chapter 424 - The Grandest Royal Celebration

Chapter 424 - The Grandest Royal Celebration

As expected, the media had the place surrounded. If not for the security, there would be chaos. Reporters, photographers, and paparazzi were not known for their decorum.

It would seem that the news of their relationship and the upcoming wedding had reached the world's attention. The two were not local celebrities anymore but the world's latest hot news material.

"How long have you known each other?" A local news reporter asked their prince.

"When and where did you first meet?" A foreign national media representative reporting for an international news channel questioned.

"When did you learn that you are meant for each other?" Another inquiry that floated in the air during the mini-conference.

Many more questions about their personal lives circulated around the enormous space the organizers provided for the gathering, but the size of the crowd could not be described as mini.

But those queries stuck to both of their minds as they recalled their past. Alex and Dani had decided to keep that one particular single night a secret between the two of them.

Though they had not talked about it anymore, both still keep that night as a special memory, a night never to be forgotten. But it was an event in their life that they did not want to share.

Instead, they told them the story of meeting at the office of her former boss. He was a client that she had worked with. Then, seeing each other again in her new job.

"It was like fate is on our side, acting as a matchmaker as our paths crossed again." Alex sensationalized their past history, providing an intriguing and exciting backup story for their love affair.

But he left out the part of the offered arrangement and the other things that might put them in trouble. As far as the press was concerned, their love blossomed just like another romantic story.

"Was it love at first sight, Ms. Hamilton?" Another question that made her think.

She and Alex alternated in answering the queries, helping each other out in some difficult situations. So far, the press was eating at their words. Loving everything they were saying.

The two of them continued to sit at the center of the crowd, while on another side was Antonette, guiding them to the process.

Even though she was strict, she was an expert in handling these things. She would tell them when it was wise not to answer a question if she felt it would only worsen a situation.

"No. It was not. We actually started like cats and dogs. Always being in each other's throats." She explained to them, speaking calmly over the microphone with a silly smile as she remembered their few earlier encounters.

How can she even call it that? Love at first sight? When she was drunk the first time, she met him. That was just impossible, although she did find him attractive. She would admit that as much.

He had been the object of her dreams since that fateful night. But she could never count it as love. Physical attraction and wanton desire, maybe what she felt at first, but not emotional ones.

"Sorry, but we had run out of time. Mr. Princeton and Ms. Hamilton still have many other engagements. It has been wonderful to have all of you here, but for now, we have to end this conference." Antonette swiftly thanked all the press who attended the small event.

Both were relieved to be escorted out of the room and into the waiting car. It would drive them to the palace, where they would make an audience with Alex's parents.

It had been an eventful morning, but the day was not yet about to end. There were still several schedules that they had to attend to before they could settle back to the villa to rest and be alone again.

"After having lunch with Prince Alexander's parents, Duchess Katherine insisted that both of you have to join her for tea with the wedding coordinators for your final approval." Antonette continued to recite the itinerary she had arranged for the day.

The couple had long stopped listening to her. They continued to walk along the wide hallway that led to the massive dining room where Alex's parents were already waiting for them.

"Do you want me to create a diversion while you run?" Alex whispered in her ears, seeing the frustration on her face upon hearing the meeting about the wedding preparations.

"Well, we can make a run for it. But I think Antonette will never stop from hunting as down." She replied to his tempting suggestion.

She could not help but think of the rose villa, missing the bed that she had missed so much. Then again, she knew she had responsibilities that she had to attend to at the moment. Instead, she focused her attention on their next appointment.

Both were excited to have lunch with the other older couple since it had been a while since they last saw them. But the rest of the remaining activities, not so much.

"Finally, my son is home." Duchess Katherine uttered with so much enthusiasm. "Welcome also to your new home, Dani." She quickly grabbed her future daughter-in-law in a warm hug before turning to do the same with his son.

She had been waiting for this day since she started helping with their wedding. She believed she and Laura were more excited about this union than their children were.

"It is nice to be back," Dani responded by hugging her. She did enjoy her last stay in this place and had looked forward to returning since then.

But, it was not only the place that she missed. She also learned to care for the duke and the duchess. She considered them as part of her family too.

"You are family now. The wedding is just a formality." Duke Frederick expressed his happiness upon seeing his son and their new beautiful daughter, greeting them both with a wide grin.

He guided them both to their respective chairs. Dani would be sitting on his left while Alex was beside her. On the other side was the duchess who would be facing Dani.

"If you will excuse me, I will leave you both for a while. I will return later for your other appointments." Antonette excused herself since she was not joining the meal.

She left the couple with the capable hands of her employers to attend to some other matters, only to return after the luncheon was over.

She had managed many nuptial events for the royal family. But, it was rare that she saw a genuine couple who were totally in love.? Most of the marriages she handled in the past were couples forced into the situation.

It was refreshing to work with two people who could not wait to get married, not because they just wanted to get it over with. But because they could not wait to be together forever.

She felt inspired by their story and the love that was clearly displayed in their expressions and actions. She believed this would be her best work yet ever.

This would be the grandest royal celebration that the kingdom had ever witnessed since the last century.

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