The Royal Contract

Chapter 440 - Private Servant And Loyal Protector

Chapter 440 - Private Servant And Loyal Protector

The next day had been more eventful than the previous one. The day started with brunch, where all the guests were invited. At least those who were already present.

Many of the other guests were still scheduled to arrive later or soon. But the couple was glad that those who mattered were already sitting beside them at the breakfast table.

"I am so glad that you are finally here. I tried to see you yesterday, but Antonette would not let me see you." Jacky complained to her friend, who sat right beside her on the round table.

As her best friend and maid of honor, Antonette gave Jacky several tasks that she had to do before and during the ceremonies. A tradition that she had to do for the bride.

But knowing herself, she would be incorporating her own tradition and style into this. She would not lay back and allow Antonette to get all the fun. She was not afraid to spice this up.

"I am sorry about that. But don't worry, we will have some more time to bond later." Dani assured her friend, knowing she was as excited about the wedding. Maybe even more.

She had been dreaming for the two of them that they both find the right man. A man who would fall head over heels in love with them. Then, they would be the luckiest and happiest women alive.

She could feel her genuine happiness for her. She could only hope that Jacky would also find her knight who would take her to her happy ever after. Because for her, Jacky deserved it more than her.

"I am just so happy for you. Your dream is finally coming true." Jacky told her, beaming with happiness for her. "Well, not this wedding, but you are marrying the man of your dreams."

She could not stop the slight sob that escaped her mouth. She could feel the tears brimming in her eyelids, just thinking of her friend walking down the aisle in a few days towards the man that she would share the rest of her life with.

She held them back, not letting the tears of joy spoil the evening. It was time to rejoice and be merry. It was a celebration of two hearts uniting into one very soon.

"I am happy, too." She told her friend, looking at her fiance, who sat across the other side of the table with Marcus on his other side.

Then, on the other side of the table were their parents, who were busy conversing with each other. Her parents arrived early that morning and were more than happy to join them for this late breakfast.

On the other tables were the other guests, who would join them through the entire ceremony. Some were families, friends, business associates, and influential connections.

Who said that weddings were family affairs? They did not know what they were talking about as Dani observed their guests. Many successful business transactions happened during these occasions.

Unfortunately, hers was no exception.

"Do you want to get out of here?" Someone suddenly whispered in her ears.

Dani was preoccupied talking with one of the guests, while Jacky was whisked away by Antonette to do something again. A familiar voice slightly startled her by his sudden presence at her back.

"Can you excuse me for a second?" She told the lady she was talking to.

She allowed him to drag her wherever he had planned to take her. Enjoying the thrill of running away, ditching the stuffy event for something fun.

The only problem was, she left Jacky to fend for herself again. But she guessed her friend would understand. She was the one who encouraged her to take a chance with this man.

"Where are we going, Alex?" She asked when they were safely outside the massive structure, ducking behind the big trees and threading the grassy lawn.

She figured they were going on an adventure. However, she feared she was not appropriately dressed for it as her pointed heels kept sticking in the muddy surface.

She did not mind ruining the shoes, but she was afraid to break her ankle. "Wait." She pulled her hand out of his grip when he did not respond to her question.

"It is a surprise. I promise you will like it more than talking about our history." He had been watching her the entire morning, enduring the lectures about their past.

He had admired her dedication to learning about his culture and tradition. But, he could also detect the boredom in her eyes. There was a time for those life lessons but not today.

He planned to save her from the tragedy of his past and show her the beauty of the future. Of course, it is a destiny that would only end in a happy ever after.

"What makes you think that I did not like talking about your history?" She dared him to challenge her. But one raise of his eyebrow was all it took for her resolve to crumble.

She could not deny that he was right. As much as she wanted to discover his heritage, it was not the time. She wanted to enjoy this day with her family and friends, not some scholar who wished to teach her their ways.

"Really, babe?" He finally asked, not at all, convinced that she enjoyed a minute of her conversation with the professor.

He had seen the excruciating pain she was in during the entire time that she was listening to the professor's discussion. He could have deceived the professor, or she chose to ignore it, but it did not fool him.

"Fine. I almost yawned when the professor reached the war between whatever, luckily you pulled me out of there just in time." Dani could not even remember which era the woman was talking about.

But she could not disgrace Alex by ignoring his heritage. She was indeed fascinated by it and would surely love to know more about it. One day, she would find time to study them.

"Anyway," Alex was about to say something when she stopped him again. She pulled him to a stop again, and this time, she removed her shoes and decided to walk barefoot.

This grassy lawn and the pebbled walkway were not designed for the modern era as far as she was concerned. She should have worn her sneakers if she had known about this plan.

"I could carry you instead if you like." He offered, finally realizing his mistake, noticing the discomfort of her shoes in their task ahead.

He positioned himself at her front, signaling her to jump on his back. "I can also carry you in a bridal style, whichever you will prefer." He offered as he waited for her to choose.

"Are we still far from our destination?" She was weighing her options, although the back ride seemed like fun.

"A bit further through those trees. I will suggest you get on. Walking will be painful for your feet." Alex recommended as he made a quick glance at her.

He could see that she was still contemplating her options. In truth, there was no other option. He was not allowing her to walk by her barefoot.

He would not allow anything to hurt her, not even him. So, if he had to carry her throughout this marriage to protect and keep her safe, he would do it without any hesitation.

He might become one of the most influential and powerful people in their lifetime.. A king who would sit one day on a throne, but he would never stop from being her private servant and loyal protector.

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