The Ruined Death Knight

Chapter 317 Gods And Great Runes

Danzel was genuinely surprised in seeing the name Uzal reappear again.

Reason being that it was his first time seeing a rune having the same creator.

Though out all of his runes, be it common, uncommon, rare, or even epic. The only runes that had the same creator were the warmonger Uzal.

'So they must be other runes made by the same creators in the [Dead Rune Knowledge], right? Maybe there is the 'successful' version of [Rune of Mana Essence]. Well, if she even achieved making such a rune in the first place. Nevertheless, for two other runes to appear by that Uzal...'

"Could it be that this Uzal is famous for his runesmithing?" Danzel mumbled to himself.

The only reason he came up with as to why he got those runes were either they weren't many undead/soul runes in the [Epic] option to pull out of or that it was purely out of luck.

Which of those two they were or if the reason was total, Danzel didn't know.

Maybe there was a pattern in the [Dead Rune Knowledge] talent that he wasn't aware of.

After all, the first time was luck, the second time was a coincidence and the third time is a pattern.

A saying he remembered back when he was traveling with some mercenaries and one of them was being cheated of his money.

Back then he could have stood up and pointed out that one was cheating him of money, but he didn't find much reason to do as such.

He quickly pushed old memories to the back of his mind and focused on the description of the runes.

[Rune of Living Legion]: Following his beliefs to conquer the whole continent, the tyrant Uzal was betrayed by his own people. Awaiting his death on top of a mounted of corpses, he expected to feast with the gods even in the afterlife after all that he accomplished. Alas, the next thing he knew he was surrounded by an endless world of darkness and weak souls. Refusing to fade and become like those weak souls surrounding him, he learned how to wield souls and their soul essences, becoming ad himself. Using his new powers, he carved runes to serve as his mortal vessel and of his armies. This rune in particular was one of his many failed experiments achieving in creating 3rd-tier undead, [Living Armor] with the swordsmanship talent.

[Rune of Þolian Repent]: Foolish mortals tricked by the call of endless power and immortality, open the path into the physical plain for Uzal. They bent their knees and called him the God of Death, but he knew that Gods didn't exist and granted their wish, sealing their souls into his weapon for all eternity and, granting them their immortality. Their souls strengthen his weapon. And by using this weapon, he gave them endless power that no mortal could match. After all, he wielded them, granting them unfathomable honor.


Reading through those two runes, Danzel's ethereal eyes flared up in surprise.

"To think that I will be capable to make 3rd-tier undead..." Danzel mumbled out loud.

Just thinking of the idea made his finger start to twitch with excitement.

He didn't know what kind of undead a [Living Armor] was, but based on the knowledge he gained and the name of them, he could vaguely make up an image in his head.

As for the other rune,[Rune of Þolian Repent], he wasn't as sure as what the rune did.

All he got was that he could imprison someone's soul in an item and draw its power. In what kind of way that power would show up, he had no clue.

It sounded quite menacing for sure.

Just thinking of putting someone's soul into a dagger and then throwing it into a river, for never to be found again was quite cruel.

'It's bound to be good as it's a [Epic Rune] and the requirement to get a soul is just to kill someone and activate the rune.' He thought to himself.

He kinda expected it from the [Rune of Harvest], but he was still surprised by how strong each rune single [Epic] was. One would even allow him to make 3rd-tier undead.

Also, the description mention that gods didn't exist, at least this Uzal believed that this was the case.

But that brought another question to the table.

If gods didn't exist, then what the heck was holy magic? According to what he knew, those who used holy magic, draw the power to cast them from their god in exchange for their mana. This is called holy magic.

But if the entities they drew power wasn't a god...what is it? Or is this Uzal wrong?

Nevertheless, he quickly dropped the topic as he found it to be an endless rabbit hole. All he could do was speculate.

Putting his attention instead somewhere where it was needed

Thinking about the [Great Rune]'s being above the [Epic] rune, he couldn't help but get excited once more.

Indeed, spending one wealth was the greatest joy out there!

While trying to push the thoughts of spending a total of 8 000 000 XP back on his mind, he went ahead to search up his first 2 [Great Rune]'s.

<strong>[Great Rune of World's Gaia]:</strong> A rune said to be carved by the nature itself in taking the form of all four seasons to individuals who were deemed worthy by Gaia. Some say that the form resembles a treant by a dried up tree that has green leaves filled with unending vitality, from its roots beautiful flowers would blossom where the surroundings will be surrounded by a snow storm. Only those who received it know what form nature will take and carve those runes into their bodies. And those are forbidden to spread the knowledge. Though that didn't stop a particular necromancer from replicating the rune to carve in his bones. Increasing 25% of all Natural Elements Resistances, Poison Resistance, Regeneration, and Body Toughness. Additionally, reduce the cost of nutrients needed to regenerate by 25% while also granting the affinities of all Natural Elements and increasing once Strength and Stamina by 10%. If ones are undead, Strength is increased by 15% instead.


Reading through the whole description of the [Great Rune], Danzel froze in place similar to his Draugr's

Where his undead stood perfectly still by his orders, he was frozen open by the sheer shock of what he just read.

"T-That's too strong..." Danzel mumbled as he began reading the description again in case he miss read something.

Confirm that he wasn't seeing things, Danzel calmed himself down and tried to process what he just read.

Here I wondered what could top the [Epic] runes.

When the [Great Rune]'s put the others to the floor!

The 15% strength increase would have been enough to amaze Danzel, but gaining all the natural elemental affinities too while with a whole package of improvements to one's body?

It was too generous!

It didn't even have any downsides put in the rune.

'How can a rune-like this exist? Compared to the other runes, it's a bit smaller than a major rune. And yet it still has so many effects and buffs put into place. It's totally different from the runes I know...'

He felt just like when he learned his very first rune. Clueless about how the letters of the runes work.

It was as if someone threw a new language into the mix. He didn't even know where to start at...

p "Seems difficult...but nothing that practice can't fix." Danzel mumbled positively.

'It was just more work and nothing more, I can take it.'

"You can't"

A voice sounded behind him.

Recognizing the voice, he turned his head slightly to the right, seeing the female figure who wore some weird black clothes (she wore a suit).

"...Disappear." he said with his cold voice.

In the next second, an ethereal dark green skeleton hand grabbed the woman by her throat.

The hand could momentarily pull the woman up to the floor.

That lasted only for a second before the woman disappeared.

'Annoying' he grumbled from inside.

He had learned how to forcefully make figures disappear only just a few months ago.

It seems that soul-based attacks seemed to work out against them, but that was only a temporary solution as they didn't make them disappear for good.

He was quite happy in finding out this trick as those figures were only there to annoy him.

"Sigh, I should check the other one."

Though his mood has worsened a bit, the expectations he set for the other [Great Rune] were really high after reading the first one.

<strong>[Great Rune of Ruined Vessel]: </strong>A soul is one Existence, Mind, and Will. Though a soul without its husk, its vessel, its tool. It's extremely vulnerable. One is that ascent over the death this found the way to fix this ease. By carving this rune, the body will adapt to the soul that it keeps. Transformation of the vessel to become one with the soul entirely, thus ruining one's Vessel to create a soul that has no need of a such tool. Absorb the Soul Essence of others to fill the runes requirements to adapt the vessel, overcoming the stage, strengthening both body and soul. The total amount of stages is [???].


Danzel was bewildered.

Compared to the first great rune where it flat out pointed out what was to gain, this one, in particular, was the total opposite.

It was fairly vague, but Danzel immediately started to consider the worth of this great rune.

Those who didn't believe that souls existed and that they were biological machines couldn't understand the total worth of this rune.

But he, who is capable to go to the realm of the dead knew its true worth.

Once dead, the soul wouldn't have the same strength as it had when one had a body to utilize. Making them invulnerable to the souls that are covered by the dark waters.

As soul alone, Danzel was capable to fend off most of those souls as he could use magic and was "physically" stronger.

But he would be arrogant to believe that his mana would last him forever to cast his spells and that he was the strongest soul out there.

In fact, he had seen some souls that were 'physically' stronger than him, albeit rare.

He didn't know how much each stage would improve his body and seal.

But compared to the [Great Rune of World Gaia], he found more potential in this vague descriptive rune.

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