The She-Devil And Her Alphas

Chapter 206 - Two Hundred And Six: Electra

Chapter 206 - Two Hundred And Six: Electra

And just as he sprang from his bed, a dagger was plunged into the spot he had been lying on moments ago.

Trevor was shocked, what just happened? He was almost killed?!

Why would anyone want him dead, he didn't remember offending anybody other than his sister.

"Who are you and what do you want from me?" He asked, scanning his opponent's fighting stance.

"Your life"

The voice was feminine and she was dressed in black entirely but he didn't have time to study her further because she was suddenly in front of him.

His eyes widened, a supernatural.

He scarcely had time to avoid her punch but she successfully kicked him in the guts which made him stagger back and topple over some contents on his table to the floor.

Trevor was quick on his feet and swerved the dagger that was projected his way which stuck into the table, she pulled it out quickly.

"What did I do to you?" Trevor asked through labored breath, defending himself against the swipes from her weapon.

"Blame your sister"

She swept the dagger towards him but he sidestepped it, grabbed and twisted the weapon out of her clutch, and threw the dagger halfway across the room.

Aggravated, she smashed a blow to his face that threw him back on the bed.

Trevor crawled back on his bed, she was obviously stronger than him and had strong murderous intent.

But the girl didn't let him go, she grabbed his leg, tugged him down, and was stopped from cowering away. She straddled him and began to throttle him.

Trevor went red in the face as soon his air supply was caught off. He fought against her; clawed and gouged his fingers into her arms but her strength was not deterred.

He then looked into her eyes while struggling to retain the little breath he had left. For some reason, her eyes felt strangely familiar, where had he seen it?

His eyes almost popped out of his socket, not because of the asphyxiation but because of the name that came into his head - Asher!

How was that possible? Asher didn't have a sibling, did he? He never asked. But why would Asher's sister want to murder him? Oh right, she mentioned his sister, what did his Lia do wrong?

Trevor didn't know what Lia caused this time but if his death would settle the quarrel, then so be it?

He knew his mother and Rex would cry for him, but they shouldn't worry since he's going to a better place - how comforting, he would see his dad soon.

Perhaps, if he had known, he should have told Williams he kind of liked him too, he just needed a little time. This was just so new and confusing to him considering the fact he was sure he was a straight guy.

To Lia, he never hated her guts, just mad at her yet he loved her so much. He was sorry he wouldn't be able to apologize and settle their differences before she returned but he would look after her in heaven.

Trevor gasped for air, he was beginning to grow weak but it would be such a shame not to have a glimpse of his murderer's face.

So he reached out and pulled away the mask covering half of her face and was stunned at the sight.

"She was beautiful" That was the thought he had in mind when his eyes closed in death.

Electra froze, her hands on his neck slackened at once as soon as she saw his eyes plus his scent hitting her nose.

God, he was her true mate.

F*ck the universe, what has she done? She killed her mate?! How was she any different from her father?

Asher had killed her mother, the love of his life and now she had killed her mate? Wasn't she then a hypocrite by fighting against her father?

No, this can't happen! What was she going to do?

Great, she began to recall what she knew about humans over the years she had lived amongst them.

It was a known fact humans don't die immediately, their heart could survive for a limited time.

Electra considered resuscitation but there was no way she could administer mouth-to-mouth resuscitation, she was a vampire for God's sake - a dead creature, she had no breath.

Might as well just pocket the oxygen in the room, she thought but that was stupid. What if she gave him the wrong air, what was it called again? Carbon Dioxide?

"Just do something! " She scolded herself before placing her hand on the breastbone at the center of his chest.

"That should be it?" She wondered, yet placed her other hand on top of that first hand and interlocked her fingers.

"Alright, come on" Electra positioned her shoulder and began to press down on his chest.

Though she didn't use all of her strength, she hoped she hadn't crushed his sternum; vampires were a lot stronger than humans.

"Come-on" She willed him to wake up, "You can't do this to me!"Electra slapped his cheeks.

"Wake up, you bastard" She punched him while her other hand pressed harder on his chest.

"Don't prove me the same as that man!" Angry tears burst out from her eyes.

This was the second time in her entire life she cried; the first during her mother's death and the second; now, during her mate's death.

Electra wouldn't have killed him if she had known he was her mate. Though mate didn't hold much meaning to her- she planned to reject him later - but killing him? That makes her no different than her murderer father.

She just wanted to hurt the brother of her father's mate. His death would have been the message sent across: Electra would destroy every last of her family members, then save her for last.

Who knew the supposed brother was her true mate, the heavens were messing with her!

"Wake up...wake up! "

Trevor jerked up with a gasp, causing the female on top of him to tear up with relief.

"I thought you died" She hit him on the chest repeatedly.

Trevor's head swarm with confusion, what was going on here? Why was the assassin crying over his death - wait, he was still alive?!

But Trevor was an opportunist, he quickly scoured under his pillow while she was distracted and grabbed the stake which he used to impale her right in the stomach.

As a hunter in training, he had to be security conscious and kept his weapons hidden at strategic places.

He had targeted her heart but she had somehow obstructed his move at the last moment.

Truthfully, Trevor had been mystified why she revived him, nevertheless since he had a second chance at life, he'd do everything to live.

Electra looked down at the stake sticking out from her belly from shock and her anger grew. That little shit of a human had taken advantage of the distraction and tried to end her?!

Trevor was backhanded so hard he passed out.

Electra stared down at her sleeping mate and decided the next time they met, she'd sever the blossoming connection between them.

She had to cut off all ties with him before the bond got deeper and difficult to break. No one would stop from revenging for her mother- not even her mate.

The universe disrupted her plans tonight but not the next time - she'd come fully prepared.

With that, she disappeared into the night.


"So it's him, huh? " Shane started a conversation with his son whose moodiness increased with the absence of a certain friend.

But his son didn't say a word.

Shane went on, amid his son's unwillingness to join the conversation "I always thought it weird, you hardly ever come home with girls. It just never crossed my mind that you're interested in boys"

Williams grimaced, "I'll rather think of myself as liking both chocolate and vanilla"

"Oh, you swing both ways" he understood the meaning beneath his son's words - Williams was bisexual.

"Either way you swing or dance, I want a grandson" poor Shane attempted a joke which failed miserably.

"Ahem" he cleared his throat awkwardly afterward, "Just give him some time"

"Trevor doesn't want time, he's made his choice already" He replied to his father.

"Williams, you dropped a huge bomb on him tonight and not everyone is as strong or brave as you, people react to shock differently. His brain probably needs space to process everything"

"Fine," he grunted, readjusting himself on the car seat.

"Good" he focused on his driving.

"So what's with you and your lies today?"

He gave him a side glance," What are you talking about?"

"Trevor's sister Lia, why are you suddenly interested in her?"

" I'm curious, nothing else"

"You can fool others but not me dad. I'm your son and I have known you my entire life, so stop with the act " Williams demanded the truth

He sighed, "Chris discovered something weird about the girl"

Williams frowned, "What is it?"

"Not only does she knows about the? supernaturals but she's been associating with Asher of the Nicoli clan and Daniel of the Moonlight pack, but that's the weird part"

" What's weird about it?"

"Nicoli Clan and Moonlight pack has never been allies but lately there seems to be some harmonic relationship between both and Chris suspects it has something to do with the girl"

"You think she's a mate to either one of them? I've seen her hang out a lot with Daniel and they're dating as we speak" Williams informed him.

"That's confusing, she's a mate to one of them, how does that explain the symbiosis between the trio?" Shane pondered.

"Oh my God" Williams gasped when a certain question Trevor asked him today came into mind.

"What is it ?" Shane asked, surprised.

"Nothing " he replied abruptly and his father returned his gaze to the wheel.

That can't be true, two mates? Impossible, Trevor must have been bluffing.

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