The Sleeping Devil

Vol. 1 - Chapter 16 - Family Meeting

"Didier, what are you doing?"

Sheriel nodded repeatedly in response to Dior's question.

They were gathered in the Beriard Castle's discussion room, just as they had planned after dinner.

And for some reason, Sheriel found herself sitting on Didier's lap.

Since their conversation about past lives and dreams of death last night, it has been like this.

They slept next to each other while crying, and when breakfast was over, Didier started making a fuss about not wanting to go to class. Eventually, things settled down when Sheriel accompanied Didier to class.

Since then, they hadn't separated from each other, or rather, it would be more accurate to say that Didier took Sheriel with him wherever he wanted to go.

In any case, they were attached to each other like magnets and couldn't be separated.

"I feel anxious when Sheriel is not in my field of vision."

"Then please sit across from her."

That's a valid point, Mother.

"I feel uneasy if I don't personally confirm Sheriel's presence."

"Oh dear, it's unusual for a Beriard to be anxious. Is something the matter? Are you worried that Dior might steal her away?"

I don't think that's the case, Father.

"Oh, there's no need to worry about that. After all, Mother's affection for her child must be based on self-interest, right?"

"What do you mean? From the moment I recognized myself as Sheriel's mother, I had no doubt about the bond of blood. It's only natural for me to have affection for a talented child who brings benefits to myself. I wouldn't lack compassion for my own sake, would I?"

"Wait a minute, isn't it unfair to leave me out like this?"

Father intervened in the mother and child's dispute with an incomprehensible reason.

Is the Beriard family really alright?

Two years ago, when we had just arrived at this castle, we also sat like this, the four of us.

The only person present behind us was Sergio's chief aide, Zaris. But the atmosphere felt completely different, somewhat awkward.

"Sheriel, can I tell them? It feels like a waste to reveal the secret I obtained after two years of effort so easily, but... I think it's better for them to know. Especially since we don't know what Father might do."

"I leave it to you, Brother Didier."

"What's going on? It seems like you've become quite close as siblings, but please don't portray me as the villain."

Concerned about Sheriel, who hesitated to talk about her dreams, Didier started talking about her past lives and dreams of death.

Sergio's expression was unreadable, and Dior looked pale.

It was indeed terrifying to feel one's own death so closely.

"I see, it all makes sense now. When you woke up in the carriage for the first time, it seemed like you already knew who I was."

So that's where it started.

Sergio's thoughts were completely unreadable. I couldn't tell if he was suspicious or concerned.

Perhaps it was neither.

"Regarding cooking and beauty techniques, it's related to memories from past lives, right? For the sake of our territory and for me, let's make use of anything that seems useful. We can discuss the details later... But the issue is the dreams of the future."

"I see, I was indeed about to die soon. Thank you, Sheriel."

Dior's voice was calm, but she was pale to the point where even a thin layer of powder couldn't hide it.

Sergio gently held her trembling hand.

"Oh no, it's not like that. However, I don't know the exact timing or circumstances. At the very least, please take care of your health and get your condition checked regularly."

"Don't worry, I will do whatever it takes to protect Dior. But I'm certain that I killed Dior in that dream, and it's undoubtedly connected to the current situation."


Sergio's dubious smile disappeared, and he put on a rare serious expression.

"I found the foreign merchant they mentioned, but he was already dead. There are a few suspicious points, and it's highly likely that it was staged. If Dior had been covered in blood as planned, she would have died for sure. That's how troublesome this disease is."

I was amazed at their ability to find the foreign merchant in just over a month, but I felt a chill down my spine at the realization that someone had intended for it to happen.

"What happened to the maid?"

"Thanks to Sheriel, we discovered her condition before it manifested, so we moved her to the temple. If it's before the manifestation, it can be controlled at the temple, and she can live a relatively normal life. Normally, we wouldn't know until the symptoms appeared, so we were grateful for this stroke of luck."

"I see."

I felt relieved upon hearing that. I had been worried that she would be punished severely.

The thought of being used and discarded like a tool made it difficult to consider it as someone else's problem.

"In terms of dreams and reality, are there any definite differences?"

"I don't have very detailed recollections of the dreams, but in the dreams, I didn't have memories of my past life. So my personality, or rather, my character is different... although it might change in the future."

There might be something in the future that would make her have that kind of personality.

Feeling lonely, emotionless, and worthless, thinking that she should exist as a tool.

And then, being despised by everyone and dying like a discarded object.

"I don't think I'll become exactly like the person in that dream."

Didier gently stroked Sheriel's head as if reading her mind.

"Last night, I heard about the personality of the Sheriel in your dream, but I didn't think I would be interested in that Sheriel. That Sheriel would surely be able to smile even at the brink of death. But the current Sheriel is different."

He tightened his arm around Sheriel's stomach.

"If Sheriel had accepted her own death and become emotionless like a doll, I wouldn't have been interested from the beginning. If we had lost both our father and mother, I might have resented Sheriel. That's the kind of possible future it was, I'm sure."

"But you know, what if this is a gift? There are gifts for future foresight. It's said that Beriard's curse and gifts don't go well together, but if Sheriel's talent is due to memories from her past life or a gift, then she wouldn't have received the curse in the first place."

"But even if it's a gift!"

Didier's voice became unusually agitated as he argued. Sergio was slightly taken aback and formed a puzzled expression with his vague eyebrows.

"There's no such thing as an absolute future, right? In reality, she has memories from her past life unlike the dreams, and our mother avoided death. So Sheriel won't die. Isn't that right, Sheriel?"

Not fully understanding the concept of gifts and struggling to keep up with the conversation, I wanted to believe that there wouldn't be a future exactly as shown in the dream, considering the clear difference in memories from my past lives.

I still didn't know for sure if Dior's death had really been prevented.

"Yes, that was really me, but I'm different now. Besides, I have Didier, my older brother, and mother with me."

"Oh, really? Am I not included? Maybe we should make more father-daughter time, shouldn't we?"

Sergio, who was usually composed, somehow felt a little lighter.

I had been trying not to think about it too much, but my own death was still a heavy burden.

At times, I suddenly became unsure about the meaning of life, even though everyone eventually dies. But just by having someone who cares about me, I can cherish the present moment.

"Of course, Father too."

"Sheriel is such a kind child. Ah, that's right, should we call Father?"

Father's father? Didier's grandfather?

My sentimental thoughts quickly shifted with Sergio's sudden suggestion.

"Hermes-sama currently resides in the northern forest, right? So, is the suggestion to have Hermes-sama examine Sheriel for her future education?"

"Yes, that's right. Such matters are Father's specialty. If we keep hiding this interesting specimen for too long, it might cause trouble later."


Are you sure it's okay?

Unusually, my older brother remained silent, his face contorting. But is it really okay? Sheriel's head was filled with question marks.

"Hermes, you see, is my father and the former head of the Beriard Marquis family. His obsession is about the state of people's hearts, or something like that. I don't really understand it either, but he's obsessed with such things and retired early to conduct his research in the forest. It's really unfair, isn't it?"

"Are you saying he has similar interests to Didier, older brother?"

Didier let out a sigh and reluctantly spoke.

"He's similar, but also a bit different. I like to sense movements, but Grandfather seems to be more interested in the states and mechanisms themselves. It feels like he can always see through me, and it makes me uncomfortable. He's much more accurate in reading people's hearts than I am."

From my perspective, the difference wasn't clear, but if Didier said it made him uncomfortable, it must be significant.

"No need to worry, he examines commoners for his research, so he'll surely be interested in Sheriel too."

Dior and Didier nodded in agreement to Sergio's entirely unconvincing reassurance. Since she had no memory of Grandfather, he must not be involved in the dream of her death.

"Oh, right. Since we have the opportunity, let's show Sheriel a familiar spirit."

Saying that, Sergio opened the window and held out a short wand he took out from somewhere, muttering something under his breath.

Then, after a while, something yellow started approaching rapidly from a distance.

...What could it be? A bird?

The creature perched on Sergio's arm looked like a splendid parrot with bright yellow feathers and green accents.

"Sergio! Kurumi! Kurumi!"

"Whoa! It spoke!"

"Isn't it fascinating? This type of magical bird has the attribute of wind and can deliver letters very quickly. They're quite conspicuous, so they're not suitable for stealth missions, though."

Sheriel knew that parrots could talk, but this one was slightly bigger than the parrot she was familiar with.

A big bird, isn't it amazing?

"Anyway, let's quickly write the letter. You can play with this little one in the meantime."

"Oh... Sheriel, don't get too close. Even though it's Father's familiar, we don't know what it might do to others."

The large parrot remained perched by the window, tilting its head left and right. Sheriel slowly approached it, but it didn't show any signs of aggression and behaved calmly, like a good child.



"What's your name?"

"Namae, nai!" (No name!)

"Oh, you're clever!"

All living beings in this world that possess colors also have magical powers. This is the first time I've actually seen one, so I don't know how they differ from the animals in my past life, but the fact that it understands language is truly befitting of a magical bird.

"Father, even though it's your familiar, you didn't give it a name?"

"A name? I've never thought about it. You can give it any name you like."

Isn't it too casual to say that about your own familiar?

"Can I give it a name?"

"Namae! Hoshii! Namae!" (Name! I want a name! Name!)

Though it said that, it doesn't chirp like a chick, and I'm not sure what would be good.

"Let's go with Kurumi."

"Kurumi! Kurumi! Kurumi, suki!" (Kurumi! Kurumi! Kurumi, like!)

The magical bird named Kurumi spread its wings, fluttering them as if dancing.

If it's happy... that's good, I guess?

Didier, who was watching from the side, had a bitter expression for some reason.

"Sheriel... um, that's... "

"Is it not good? Was it a bit too cute?"

"Well, if Sheriel decided on it, then it's fine."

Zaris handed over the walnut he had brought, and Kurumi started dancing, shaking its body up and down.

"Kurumi, Kurumi suki! Kurumi, kara, katai! Sergio, Kurumi, kara, waru! Kurumi, Kurumi, taberu!" (Kurumi, Kurumi like! Kurumi, hard shell! Sergio, Kurumi, do bad things! Kurumi, Kurumi, eat!)

Since most of Kurumi's vocabulary consists of "Kurumi," it became quite incomprehensible... Oh well.

Sergio quickly finished writing the letter, rolled it up, sealed it with wax, and tied it to Kurumi's leg.

"There you go, it's done. Please deliver this to Father."

"Kurumi, tegami, Hermes, todokeru." (Kurumi, letter, Hermes, deliver.)

"That's right. You'll receive another walnut over there."

Quickly devouring the walnut, Kurumi flew out of the window... or so I thought, but it caused a gust of wind and disappeared in an instant.

"Isn't it too fast?"

"It's a magical bird, after all."

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