The Sleeping Devil

Vol. 2 - Chapter 19 - Sheriel's Magic Tutorial

"Alright, alright, what is it? Even though I'm quite busy, you know? Honestly, these kids are a handful, don't you agree, Zaris?"

While grumbling, Sergio's eyes were sparkling like a young boy's, and he approached us with exuberant joy.

We had come out to the usual garden next to the tower. It was decided that it would be better to test magic outside, so we had dispatched Didier's assistant and came outside as well.

"Father, Julius can share senses with magical beasts, so we were discussing whether that's why he can use magic without incantation. And according to him, this method of sharing can be extended to others as well. So, we're thinking of trying it out."

"Oh, have you already revealed the name? That was quick."

Since Didier succinctly explained, there's no role for me to play. Didier narrated the story in a funny and amusing way, so my real intention was to not get involved. I swiftly moved toward Julius.

"Before those two share their senses, I'd like to see if it's possible through explanation alone. Can you teach me? You seemed to be unable to grasp it when I explained it once, but it's a bit frustrating, so I'll try again," I said.

Come to think of it, can anyone create dimensions within themselves? I probably can because the memories from my past life remain as a dimension within me, which makes me think that my body was naturally attuned to sensing.

If those two are going to try, it might be better for them to do proper incantations.

As I recall the time I succeeded in using magic without incantation, I gather my thoughts.

"Father, do you have any unnecessary glass? I want a few pieces about the size of my palm."

"You can break some lying around here."

As expected of the head of the family, he's quick in his judgment. Didier walked over to a nearby window without hesitation, breaking the glass without a second thought. He reminded me to be careful not to cut my hand, and he laid them out on the ground.

"I want to draw something on this, do you have ink or something?"

"In that case, I'll draw it with magic."

Truly, as expected of a teacher, he can do anything. I asked if he could draw a few trees on one piece of glass. However, something seems a bit off.

"Um... Teacher?"

"What is it?"

"Well, I mean, maybe it's okay since it's decipherable?"

On the glass were two very creative trees, like a child's first drawing. Julius seemed to be catastrophically bad at drawing. However, it wasn't entirely incorrect to say that the drawings were easy to understand as they captured the main features.

"I guess so. Alright then, on this side, a person, and on this side, a star within a circle."

Something barely resembling a human figure and a perfect hexagram arrangement resembling something done with a compass and ruler appeared on the glass. What's with this difference?

With the preparations in place, we decided to begin the magic tutorial. I, who had been learning magic for only a few days, was going to teach them.

"Well, when you activate magic, you can see the magic circle, right?"

"No, I can't see it."

"Ah, I see. You can see it when you enhance your vision, right? On the battlefield, I occasionally saw magic circles."

I see, so it's not normal to be able to see magic circles either. True to Sergio's style, while surprised at Didier's explanation, he seemed to be enhancing his eyesight while casting low-level magic.

"Oh, right. I can see it now."

"Great! Magic apparently summons phenomena from the gods or some other alternate dimension. The magic circle is what performs that summoning."

Saying this, I pointed to the drawn magic circle on the glass. Then, I stacked the glasses on top of each other.

"Think of this glass as a dimension. When you stack different dimensions like this, don't they appear the same? The wooden dimension is this world, the empty glass represents the dimension of the gods, and the magic circle is apparently an intermediate dimension between the two."

We cast magic circles within this world's dimension, and during that time, an intermediate dimension is automatically created. This is probably a fundamental aspect of how this world works, like an option that's already integrated.

We generate this intermediate dimension within our own dimension and directly draw the magic circle within it. That's Julius's method.

Trying to explain using terms like VM (Virtual Machine) or OS (Operating System) would definitely not convey the message, so I attempted to explain using the concept of layers. I wonder if Didier and the others understood.

"I sort of get it, but recognizing one's own dimension seems challenging. According to this explanation, before creating a new dimension, there should already be an original dimension. Without grasping that first, you can't create a new dimension within it."

"Didier, you're quite something. I didn't understand it even after one explanation, but you've managed to grasp it with this simplified explanation."

Meanwhile, Sergio seemed to have given up thinking part way and was just smiling contently, perhaps only catching the atmosphere.

"Hmm, I can understand this much. I don't know if it's the same for others or just you guys, but it's intriguing."

"But sensing dimensions is difficult. It's something that conceptually doesn't exist within oneself."

"Then, shall we try connecting the sensations? This might require spatial creation magic too."

We decided to start with Didier first. Julius placed his hand on Didier's head and created a new dimension.

"Whoa, that's a strange feeling. Huh? Ah, I see. Do the water magic without incantation again. Mmm, I think I get it now."

When Julius cut the connection, Didier seemed to be muttering to himself, as if organizing something within. He closed his eyes and began to concentrate. Creating several small dimensions and finally casting a spell, there was no new dimension formed at the tip of Didier's hand.

"It seems it worked. So, we just need to cast the spell within this, right?"

Muttering so, Didier placed a water sphere on his palm without an incantation.

"Wow! Amazing, Brother! You did it!"

"This is interesting. I wasn't really into magic, but it's starting to be fun."

"I understand! It's incredible, isn't it? It's so much fun!"

Amid our laughter and excitement, we completely forgot about Sergio's presence. He tugged on Julius's arm sulkingly, pointing towards us.

"Are those kids planning to exclude only me again? Julius, I bet he wasn't really listening from partway through, right?"

Sergio truly seemed to dislike thinking. It's a wonder how he manages being a lord. I felt like I was seeing the model of a capable child who can do anything if they put their mind to it.

"Now, now! You won't know unless you try."

Julius had that same well-composed, almost mechanical smile on his face as in the beginning. He seemed like the type to overcome unclear situations with a smile.

Placing his hand on Sergio's head, just like before, Julius created a small dimension. Immediately, Sergio raised one hand.

"Yes, I understand. I see, that's how it is."

Sergio extended his arm without saying a word. An adult-sized dimension about the size of a fist emerged, and from within, he pulled out a splendid sword. Never did I expect he'd learn and succeed in just one attempt.

"Sigh... This is why I dislike this. Father lives by intuition alone; he's a true genius. He can succeed at anything through intuition alone, without thinking things through."

Didier shook his head with a sigh, while Sergio, contentedly sheathing the sword, smiled happily. Well, if you have a towering wall called 'father,' I wonder if it's tough for a son who wants to surpass that.

"Everyone did it! Thank you, Teacher."

"It might have something to do with the Beriard family lineage. For me too, I could carry out good verification."

Leaving the two who were continuously casting magic without incantation, I decided to rest in the shade with Julius.

There are still many problems ahead, but at least one burden has been lifted off my heart.

"Teacher, were you researching magic alone?"

"Yeah, that's right. There were many books, and I couldn't learn from others," he replied, his eyes seemingly looking into the distance, as if implying that I shouldn't delve further. We colorless existences might just not be able to live like regular beings. Even in the dreams of my death, I couldn't learn magic. Yet, Julius learned magic all by himself and achieved things that no one else could.

Up until now, I haven't done anything with my own power. The trading company, the Licht incident, and now the baptism, everything was accomplished with someone's help. To live until Julius's age, I would need my own strength. It was inevitable that I would come to admire and look up to Julius.

"Teacher, I want to be like you."

"Is that so? I wouldn't recommend it. Well, first you need to prevent petrification."

That's right, I had completely forgotten. Just a few hours and I had forgotten about my own lifespan. Just then, Didier, who had finished testing the magic, interrupted.

"If Sheriel were to die, Julius, you could do something, right?"

"There is a method, and I told you about it, but it's up to Sheriel to do it."

"That's right. It seems you need to make a contract with a spirit. But I wonder if it's easy to find something like that."

Are there places where spirits nest? Even if I find one, what if it doesn't agree to a contract? I still have about three years, so I need to find a spirit before then.

"Spirits? The Beriard family is compatible with spirits, so it should be okay."

Sergio appeared suddenly, speaking in a casual tone.

"Beriard family members seem to have a nature close to spirits. You know, spirits don't really empathize with humans. They don't have a conscience, so maybe their wavelengths match."

"For such a reason? Isn't that a bit disrespectful in various aspects?"

"Well, in return, they dislike fairies."

I wished spirits and the people who had formed contracts with them would hear this and demand apologies. For that kind of reason, I'd be shocked and bedridden if I managed to make a contract.

"Spirits vary too, right? Some spirits might like sweets," Didier chimed in, patting my head, which comforted me a bit. However, as I looked up, I saw my brother, who was desperately suppressing a laugh, and I swatted his hand away.

"Sheriel, if you manage to contract with a spirit, I want you to show me. I've never seen one before."

"I'll introduce him to Teacher first."

"Oh come on, that's not fair!"

With widened eyes, Didier turned his face away with a huff. Sergio, seemingly pondering something without stopping our petty sibling fight, suddenly spoke up.

"That's it! How about we go on a trip to celebrate Sheriel's baptism? If we head to the northern forest where Father's estate is, there might be spirits there."

"Is it alright? I really want to go!"

In this way, despite never having left the castle before, I was promised a trip to the northern forest. However, before that, there was a tea party with the nobles to attend.

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