The Son Of Ragnar

Chapter 112 The Truth Of The Past [PT 2]

Xenophanes reacted to the news of Kattegat allying with Raum The Old, he was indifferent to the accusation but what broke his heart was Asmund cutting ties with him.

He felt betrayed, if it was so easy to break the bond they had built for years then what was it all for? Xenophanes could not believe this was the man he was ready to lay down his life for in a heartbeat but he also knew this was good because now he knew not to risk the welfare of his kingdom for personal relationships. Asmund put Vestfold first and it was about time he did the same. The personal bond between both men was terminated on both sides.

But the trauma did not leave his head, the trauma of children being cut down because it was ironic that he was just having this conversation with Askild.

A few years passed and Kattegat still struggled to regain the trust of former allies because everyone was wary of them, and their image was smeared all because of Xenophanes' loyalty to Asmund.

Askild became one of his most trusted acquaintances and he was made his right hand at such a young age, Xenophanes never took in a wife as he was not interested in having one.

And now he had a son in Askild, Askild had a different more extreme mindset and each time he presented an idea to Xenophanes, it was abruptly shut down.

"Askild, come here…" Xenophanes called out to the occupied child, who dropped what he was doing and rushed into his chambers.

​ "Yes, my king!" Askild answered his call with his head bowed.

"Do you want to be king?" Xenophanes asked bluntly and Askild was taken aback by this question as it was so random and there was nothing that led to it.

"You carry yourself like a ruler. Do you wish to succeed me?" Xenophanes reiterated, rephrasing his words differently but asking the same question nonetheless.

"I am not fit to be a king, you are the best king we could ask for!" Askild said, but Xenophanes knew this answer was not from his heart, he was being politically correct.

"Hahaha! I was not fit to be a king once upon a time but I think men that do not want the crown, rule the best," Xenophanes responded, focusing his gentle gaze on Askild.

"You have grown so much, and I think you can make Kattegat great…" Xenophanes said and Askild's face creased to reveal a broad smile.

"Y-You really think so?" Askild question and Xenophanes nodded but he was not done talking.

"... But, you are not fit to be a king," Xenophanes said with a saddened look on his face.

He could see the disappointment on Askild's face the moment these words left his lips.

"Why can't I be king?" Askild asked timidly, the irritation in his voice present.

"You want it too bad. Power corrupts people like you, and I cannot trust you to continue my legacy. I have tried to convince myself but on the frontline is where you belong. Not on a throne." Xenophanes said sternly, there was no hesitation in his voice.

"Do you plan on having a son to succeed you?" Askild asked bitterly.

"No, I have found my successor…" Xenophanes said and Askild was surprised by this revelation with his curiosity peaking.

"Who do you plan to make the next king of Kattegat?" Askild asked but just then, Birger made his way inside the house of Xenophanes.

"I have returned King Xenophanes," Birger greeted and Xenophanes' attention shifted to Birger.

"Welcome back, Birger. You may be excused now Askild, we will pick this up later," Xenophanes dismissed Askild and Birger had a smug look on his face as he never liked Askild.

The moment Askild was outside, his jaw dropped on an assumption he had thought to be fact.

"He intends to make Birger king!?" Askild thought and this idea made him throw up.

He could not conceive the idea of Kattegat being ruled by someone that was not even from the kingdom, there was no denying that he was against this.

Askild had no plans on ever letting that happen and accused Birger of being responsible for ruining the mind of his king with such nonsense. He had trained years under Xenophanes for the sole purpose of succeeding him and now even that was in doubt.

"Move it…" A voice said, this was the voice of Erik but he was not known as a Berserker in this era, but he did have a vile reputation.

"Hey, you!" Askild shouted and Erik stopped, jerking his head back.

"Are you talking to me, shrimp?" Erik questioned with a raised brow, he was not afraid of confrontation and Askild knew that was what he was looking for.

"How would you like to be rich?" Askild asked but Erik was not moved by this offer, and his disinterest was conveyed by resuming his walk.

"I am not interested in money, scram bitch!" Erik warned but then Askild offered him something he knew he could not refuse and that was battle.

Erik accepted in a heartbeat because he always wondered how strong Askild could be, considering he was trained by Xenophanes himself.

Erik, however, was easily defeated because despite being bigger than Askild, he lacked technique and relied on brute strength alone.

This was the first time Erik had tasted defeat and his inferiority complex kicked in, he expected Askild to kill him but Askild offered him his hand instead, helping him to his feet.

This man had bested him and he was willing to let him live? This was something Erik would have never done so it was alien to him.

"Erik, is it? What if I told you there is a world where fighters even stronger than I exist? Would you let me guide you to such a world?" Askild asked as he asked for Erik's loyalty in return.

Erik was a man with a shred of empathy and he knew he needed such a person by his side because morality was often the slave of man but a man devoid of it is an uncaged beast.

"You have my sword. Askild!" Erik accepted his offer and gave Askild his loyalty.

This proved to be the most crucial piece in his quest to overthrow King Xenophanes.

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