The Son Of Ragnar

Chapter 167 Tyr, The Boy That Should Not Exist!

Tyr began crawling on the floor, in the house's direction, Herfjötur was speechless because this was quick thinking from the kid but she noticed his body was leaving a trail.

There was no way someone would not think something was amiss and Herfjötur knew it was up to her to make sure nothing befalls the son of Ragnar.

He might not have been conceived by Lagertha but she viewed him as her child.

Herfjötur took the limelight, running past Tyr and in the direction of the house, Tyr froze in place the moment he heard the chaotic vibrations of the floor.

"I-It is Herfjötur!" The guards guarding the door screamed with their weapons raised, but Herfjötur turned back and ran in the opposite direction.

These men could not see the obvious bait and chased after her, this not only left the building temporarily defenseless allowing the smaller boy in his mud covered underwear to gain entry into the house but he noticed that it was not empty, his eyes already registered four guards. But he knew the possibility of even more guards being present existed.

Tyr tip-toed, his muddy feet acting as a cushion for his steps, but there was a big disadvantage to this and that was that anyone would be aware of his presence if they saw the dirty floor.

Tyr had both his axes and knew he needed to take them down as quickly as possible, he jammed the ax in the back of one's head and before he dropped to the floor, Tyr removed it from the back of his head and threw both of his axes like a projectile, slamming right into the other two's forehead, reducing his enemy to one but he only had no weapon on him.

"Y-You!" The man said, and Tyr noticed he did not shout or call for backup, telling him that these were the only guys here.

But he did try to run into the other room, Tyr assumed that that was where Birger and Lagertha were and promptly tackled the running man, Tyr was a lot faster and he was thankful for his speed for times like these.

Tyr held the floored man in a headlock, choking him until he lost consciousness but Tyr did not stop there, continuing until he was no longer breathing.

He had just taken down four people in the space of a minute, he had unnaturally good aim with his ax throw, something Ragnar Lothbrok never taught him.

He was like an assassin, stalking and closing in on his target, and Tyr could feel his breathing become heavier.

"I am coming to rescue you, mother…." Tyr thought to himself, he opened the door slowly, enough for him to peek through and he saw no one, the room looked empty but there were blindspots so Tyr knew he could not rush in.

But something soon made him throw caution out the window and that was hearing the pained whimpering of a woman. Tyr barged in and what he saw horrified him.

Lagertha had been beaten to a pulp, her beauty looking like a shell of itself as it was swollen in multiple places, Tyr saw bruises all over her body or at least the part exposed.

Tyr stood in shock for a moment, and Lagertha's eyes soon caught a glimpse of her son but she became erratic like she was trying to tell him something but Tyr just stared.

She could see his face go from horrified to lifeless like a switch had been flipped in him.


A huge sword descended, and the way Tyr moved was fluid as he not only dodged the weapon that was meant to split him down the middle but slit the throat of the man, all in a single move.

This made his blood gush out like a fountain, the blood washing away the mud that clung to his body.

Tyr rushed to Lagertha to remove her gag, the life in his eyes returned with Lagertha wondering what just happened. Tyr had effortlessly dispatched a Viking that was in no way weak.

How strong was her son or rather, how strong did the war make him?

Tyr's eyes were filled with tears, he could not believe someone had touched her, and he could not accept that he was not there to protect her.

Lagertha tried to jump Birger but it ended terribly, Birger was aware that she was cutting loose but wanted to see if she would carry through with it. This was a moment he had to teach Lagertha how hopeless her situation was.

"Did Birger do this to you, mother?" Tyr asked, his shaky face ringing with hatred.

"I-I am okay, we need to get out of here!" Lagertha tried to talk to Tyr but she could feel it deep in her bones that something changed with Tyr, something she did not recognize.

Tyr freed his mother but her legs were severely wounded, and she could not walk.

He knew they had limited time but he had murder on his mind right now, he wanted Birger dead.

In this compartment, one more door lay ahead and Tyr was certain that Birger was there.

"I am going to kill Birger!" Tyr growled, spit leaking from the edges of his lips like some feral animal and this made Lagertha back up momentarily in fear.

But they were interrupted by a loud bang, Tyr immediately rushed to the door, hiding right beside it awaiting whoever it was.

The moment he saw a foot protruding out of the door, he swung his ax without a care in the world with the sole intention of killing this person.

But the collision of metals informed Tyr that his attack was stopped.

"TYR! STOP!" Lagertha warned him as the person revealed to be behind the door was Ulf.

He had managed to block Tyr's death blow, Ulf saw the bodies in the other room but he was glad he did not drop his guard. Ulf's face creased in rage the moment he saw Lagertha but he held in his words, no it was not the time for talking, now was the time for action.

Tyr's eyes held disdain, Ulf could tell that Tyr no longer had a passive view in regards to him, Tyr genuinely disliked him like he dislikes Tyr but right now, they had a common enemy and that was Birger.

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