The Son Of Ragnar

Chapter 184 Kolbeinn Ungi Arnórsson

A few days passed and Nora had journeyed alongside Finn and a few other men numbering, but she ought to be back by now, but Tyr understood unexpected situations occur in such scenarios.

He understood that Nora and the others might be dead but that was highly unlikely because they knew this place like the back of their hands, unlike Tyr.

Tyr looked around and realized he would have to find a way to feed these men with him, but the plus side was that they ate anything that they could digest.

With this information, Tyr killed one of them for the others to feed on, he had no qualms about doing something so brazen and they had no moral compass to gauge this action either.

Polar bears had become increasingly scarce, they were migrating from these parts for some unknown reason.

But Tyr had to eat as well, and luckily, he was on friendly terms with the neighboring village but he also knew he could not be seen with these savages because it would be too complicated to explain his relationship with them to the villagers.

Tyr knew one thing he would never do is conform to their way of life, and chose to remain a human but luckily he did not have to do this for long.

Nora was back, or so he thought, an injured Finn was seen traveling the snow with multiple tongues wrapped around his neck in the form, and he was immediately retrieved by the savages under Tyr.

"Nora… Chieftain…. Take… You…. Go," These were the words he said before collapsing.

The severity of his wounds, there was no way that he escaped and Tyr correctly deduced that he was 'allowed' to escape.

"Heh," This was the only word that left Tyr's parted lips, as he walked past the unconscious Finn, and looked around.

"That was smart," Tyr blurted out, and out of the fog in the distance were multiple people, stepping out of it one by one.

"You allowed him to escape so you can trail him back to his camp, the footprints in the snow make it easy to do so," Tyr said and to his surprise, these people looked anything but savage.

They all were concealed by thick fur, a common trend in these parts as it best protected them from the harsh weather but he was curious about one thing.

"Do you speak my language?" Tyr asked and a man stepped forward like he was the representative of these men.

"Where is Skol?" The man requested, Tyr could see the savages behind him sink into themselves; they intentionally appeared small so these people would not perceive them as a threat.

"I am Inskan of Ásbirningar and I will not ask again," Inskan commanded. Tyr knew he had to make a strong statement because it was clear that Skol never did that.

Tyr began walking towards the man, but no one batted an eye, it became clear that they underestimated whatever clan this was, and who could blame them? His men had already submitted even before the battle began.

"You do not need to ask again because I have no intention of answering. Where is Nora?" Tyr asked, he was not scared because he was confident in his abilities but he also understood that with the objective he had in mind, he could not afford to show any weakness whatsoever.

"Who are you? I have not seen you here before, are you the one that killed that kid?" Inskan questioned, stepping forward to meet Tyr halfway.

"Nora was not lying it seems but you have violated the agreement we had with Skol. We agreed to leave you all alone if we never saw you in our territory so I will have to take your head," Inskan said, brandishing his weapon.

"I would love to see you try," Tyr said, as he had made the sledgehammer that Skol was using as his primary weapon due to its durability and having the ability to allow Tyr to exert his full strength.


Nora was left outside, she was placed in the freezing snow and stripped down to her underwear, she was passing in and out of consciousness as the breeze that brushed against her rough skin gave it the sensation of it being peeled away alongside the nerves beneath.

The torture was mind-breaking but she knew she had to hold on as much as she could or she would die; there was only so much the body could take.

Seconds felt like centuries, the pain felt like it was going to last forever and she wanted it to end.

The only way for it to end was if she closed her eyes and allowed herself to fall asleep.

"Nora, I am surprised you had the gall to walk in here after last time…" A man said from afar but this voice caused visible panic in Nora even in her horrid state.

She tried to speak but her lips were frozen, she could not speak without them tearing but she had to get the words out.

"I do not know how true your story is but my men have gone to confirm if your story is true," The man said once again and Nora finally gathered the resolve and embraced herself for the pain that was to follow.

She opened her mouth as her skin tore, flesh mangling as she muttered under her breath.

"Kolbeinn Ungi Arnórsson… Your man… He will not return…" Nora blurted out, her lungs feeling like it was being rubbed against sandpaper. Nora soon lost consciousness, but the last thing she saw was a man approaching her.

Kolbeinn Ungi Arnórsson was a large and broad individual with a bald head, black eyes, bushy eyebrows, and a long brown beard. He was donned in the standard fur that was popular here but his fur was different, a symbol representing their clan had been smudged into it.

A necklace with multiple fangs was around his neck but these were not the teeth of polar bears but white wolves.

"Get her inside," Kolbeinn Ungi Arnórsson commanded, he wanted to hear more about this mystery man on the off-chance that he was real. If this did not break her, then they had to be some truth to her story.

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