The Son Of Ragnar

Chapter 202 Bjorn's Target

"Bjorn! Bjorn!" A man called out to the boy that now had a goatee around his face.

Bjorn looked menacing in every sense of the word.

His body mass had increased, and his arms were gigantic.

There was something different about the look in his eyes, he looked more focused and menacing, Bjorn had quite the reputation in Kattegat, he was loved because he showed no mercy to anyone that threatened Kattegat or its people/.

"What is it?" Bjorn's voice had gotten deeper, sitting with a cup of ale right in front of him.

"I have news!" The man said; the man speaking was a 5' 7 individual; twenty-seven years of age.

"The man we have been searching for, we have found him!" The man reported and Bjorn spilled the ale in his mouth the moment this news was delivered.

"WHAT!?" Bjorn exclaimed, springing to his feet but he caught everyone's attention doing this.

Bjorn cleared his throat and sat back down quietly.

"Have you told King Askild?" Bjorn asked and the man shook his head to deny this.

"I have not, commander…" The man responded and Bjorn's tensed-up body eased up.

"Keep your mouth shut! I will handle this myself," Bjorn instructed the man and the look of confusion on his face showed that this was a strange request.

They were interrupted by a man, he popped his head between both men.

"Is this piece of shit giving you any problem, commander?" A man in his early twenties asked, his scalp was painted pitch black, and he was approximately the same height as Bjorn but his physique was slender.

"Settle down, Viggo!" Bjorn warned and Viggo did just that, Viggo was a man that liked to provoke people but he was not rash, he did not kill indiscriminately.

"Who is this person that has you so riled up?" Viggo was curious because he had not seen Bjorn this riled up before.

"You have no business knowing…" Bjron responded, sitting back down with his cup of ale in hand but this did not satisfy Viggo.

He stuck out his tongue to reveal it had been split down the middle like a snake.

"That is not fair, commander!" Viggo complained but Bjorn knew he needed to keep this under wraps; he also was aware that he could not keep the person that delivered the news to him shut.

Bjorn knew gold was the only way to buy such silence, he knew Askild would eventually find out but all he needed was a day or two to get his affairs in order.

Bjorn had men and boys that were inspired by his tales and relation to Ragnar Lothbrok and swore their allegiance to him just for those two things. Asger's men were relieved of their loyalty to Asger, he had allowed his men to choose their own path and only a few remained with him but the rest deserted to Bjorn as they knew he was the future with a strong claim on Vestfold should Ragnar Lothbrok pass away.

This would not only bring Vestfold back under the influence of Kattegat but reestablish Askild's power over them but Ragnar had amassed too powerful of an army to be messed with.

This was what kept the fragile peace, and all it needed to go to shit was a single spark.

"Who was the person that Bjorn was watching? It was Signy Asmundsson.


King Rugalf had taken an unhealthy interest in Tyr ever since that, it was almost to the point of obsession. Ragnar had spoken to him about how the alliance should hold up because it was looking like he could not reach the conditions for Rugalf's loyalty.

Yet Rugalf had no problems providing support to him, because as long as Ragnar did not take away Tyr's last name. Tyr remained the Ragnarsson he wanted for his daughter.

His daughter was an unparalleled beauty, she had silky white hair that oozed wealth.

It was hard to believe she was the daughter of a Viking because of how clear her skin was, and her yellow eyes felt like two mini suns.

King Rugalf treated her like a goddess and did not allow any of his men even look at her and this only made her estimation of her self-worth skyrocket through the roof.

She was the same age as Tyr, but her body said otherwise because her proportions were not that of a sixteen-year-old.

"Father, how long do I have to wait to see this brute you have chosen for me?" The girl asked and King Rugalf could only laugh because he knew his daughter could marry anyone she wanted but her spoilt nature made her develop a form of narcissism.

She was picky and felt she was better than everyone, and Tyr was no better.

Tyr would not be the only one King Rugalf had proposed to his daughter but he gave her the decision to ultimately decide who she wanted to be with because his wife would nag him if he did not allow his daughter this much control.

"Estrid dear, you have to be patient…" King Rugalf said, he knew that Tyr would change her mind and he was not bad-looking compared to the rest.

"King Ragnar sired a thrall… Father, do you think a thrall is worthy of me?" Edtrid was disgusted by her father's obsession with a thrall, that is what she saw Tyr as.

She could see herself marrying Bjorn because he was a direct descendent of Ragnar but not Tyr. King Rugalf, however, had no interest in Bjorn for his daughter even though he knew Bjorn would make a good husband as he was very much like his father in that regard.

A man that would sacrifice his family for the world or a man that would sacrifice the world for his family, the sons of Ragnar were different sides of the same coin.

And King Rugalf had chosen his own side of the coin, that side was Tyr Ragnarsson.

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