The Son Of Ragnar

Chapter 214 Gissur's Response

Kolbeinn was dazed, he had suffered a concussion.

He had managed to match the Mad Hound's strength for a short while before he grabbed him.

But Kolbeinn realized the Mad Hound was not even fighting at full strength during their exchange.

But Tyr had saved them, by possibly sacrificing himself but this did a number on the troop's morale.

They started to look at Tyr as a martyr, a man that would even give his life to protect them, but they also began to question Kolbeinn because he did not offer himself for their sake but then again, he was the Chieftain.

Kolbeinn's life held more weight than theirs because he was the head, but these were intrusive thoughts brought forth from the situation.

If they truly felt this way or not was up for debate.

Gudrun had rejoined with them but she saw Tyr was nowhere to be seen, Nora followed behind her and noted the same thing.

"Father, where is Tyr?" Gudrun asked, darting her head around in hopes of catching a glimpse of him.

Kolbeinn bit his tongue, but he did not respond because he knew if Gissur had him then the chance of him surviving was slim.

"They took him…" A warrior said without the permission of his Chieftain, something that had never been done before and Kolbeinn's glare confirmed this.

"What do you mean took him?" Nora butted in, she was confused how they allowed the event to take Tyr without so much as a fight because the majority of their forces were alive and the corpses on the floor supported this claim.

"Father, is that true?" Gudrun asked, she was angry because Tyr had not only saved her life but she was certain that he had saved their clan.

"He went on his own volition…" Kolbeinn said, but he looked defeated and Gudrun did not like this look.

He was the backbone of his army, he did not have the luxury of giving up now.

"I was reminded why power is absolute," Kolbeinn muttered but Gudrun was not having any of this.

Gudrun slapped her father across his face, this was the first time she had ever raised her hand against the man whose sperm shaped her.

Everyone was shocked, but no one was as shocked as Kolbeinn.

"You would not have a clan without that man! You would not have…. YOU WOULD NOT HAVE A DAUGHTER!" Gudrun lashed out.

"YOU WANT TO GIVE UP ON HIM!? IF YOU DO NOT GO, I WILL GO MYSELF!" Gudrun screamed at the top of her lungs.

Mind you, everyone was used to the gullible and innocent persona she had worn for years so this was an utter shock. Gudrun was done wearing her mask, not when Tyr was in danger.

No, when the boy she loves was in danger.

Kolbeinn smiled weakly before chuckling.

"You have grown Gudrun…" Kolbeinn said, she reminded him so much of his wife and seeing his daughter go this far told him that what he was about to do was what a coward would do.

"My daughter has grown the set of balls I lost!" Kolbeinn said, getting to his feet with a renewed vigor.

"I AM NO COWARD! I AM CHIEFTAIN KOLBEINN UNGI ARNÓRSSON!" Kolbeinn shouted, beating his chest like a gorilla. This was the man they all needed right now, not the pathetic shell he had shown them moments ago.

He had picked himself up because of his daughter and Kolbeinn knew if he was going to save Tyr, he needed to move fast but he could not be reckless.

But he knew for a fact that he needed to move today and what better time to travel than the cover of the night?


Noa had done exactly as Tyr instructed, he had impaled himself but luckily he could be saved after he delivered the information to Gissur about the point of attack.

Information that Gissur dismissed because he had taken measures to eradicate them himself, but even that did not work as Tyr had managed to talk the Hound down.

The Hound was relieved when he saw Noa was alive but he felt guilty about attacking the person that had saved him, Noa told him about Isak's death which devastated him.

He asked for how he died or who killed him but Noa chose silence because he did not know how Tyr intended to spin the story but he knew that he could not act on his own.

The Hound was instructed to return to his 'cage', Noa noticed he was missing fingers and was impressed that Tyr could injure him, but with that many fingers missing that hand was as good as useless.

But if Tyr was here, he was within the grasp of Gissur.

Noa asked and he was told that Gissur was talking to Tyr and his eyes dilated in fear.

He was in a bad state but he knew he had to go meet Gissur because Gissur was a lunatic, he knew exactly what would happen if he spoke to Tyr.

He was advised to stay put but he was not a child, he was allowed to do as pleased and no one attempted to use force to stop him.

He managed to go to the building that held the prisoners but all he heard was a continuous thumping sound.

Noa scrambled towards the noise, he noticed the prisoners averting their gaze and he managed to get within sight of the noise.

There it was, Gissur was mounted ontop of Tyr, and punching away at him.

Tyr's face had become disfigured and his nose breaking from the impact, blood splattering everywhere with a menacing look in Gissur's eyes.

This was a man that could kill bears with his bare hands, one could only imagine the force his fists carried. Tyr was not moving and Noa hoped he was not too late but the assault soon stopped.

Gissur just started laughing, this was a full blown laughter as he glanced over at Noa.

"I like him," This was all Gissur said but why the hell would you beat someone this badly if you liked them?

Gissur was not a stable individual so it was pointless using logic when he was involved.

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