The Son Of Ragnar

Chapter 237 All Hopes Lost?

The hunger soon swept through the camp like a tidal wave, it did not take up to an hour before the hunger and thirst began.

The ones that were sent to hunt or scout the surrounding area never came back, and this showed that Sighvatur was closer to them than they thought.

"What is going on?" Kolbeinn thought, at least one should have returned yet none did, there was no one coming back.

Tyr knew that they were not looking for any hostages, they had two and the bargaining had failed so what was their next move?

He knew that they would not last a week at this rate if the hunger had set in this soon.

"This was a mistake…" Tyr blurted out, and everyone was surprised by this because Tyr always seemed to have the answer.

"What do you mean?" Kolbeinn asked but Tyr was lost in thought.

"They have the upper hand, I do not know who this man is but there is something I am missing," Tyr said, but he was talking to himself rather than Kolbeinn.

"There is something familiar about this… Sighvatur, I fear he is not working alone…" Tyr muttered; he thought that Sighvatur was a regular man like the rest of these people but something was strange, it was not adding up.

This felt like a taunt, but Tyr knew if it was what he was thinking then the chances of them surviving were extraordinarily low if not zero.

Gissur was the one that had lost the most in this attack, he had lost his family, the only two people that kept him grounded and in control.

"Sighvatur, that bastard… He has gone and created another monster like him," GIssur joked with the men around him, he found this funny despite knowing the danger that lurked.

"You know, I thought I cut him but his sleight of hand is impressive!" Gissur continued to talk, his voice was the only thing keeping most of them sane.

"Do you know that they have taken my family?" Gissur was talking gibberish, he was not drunk either and his men thought he had lost his mind at last.

Gissur had never been stable but he was most dangerous when he felt threatened and right now, he felt very threatened.

Gissur had allowed the others to do it their way but he was done losing men and manpower over this.

Gissur knew violence was the only way to stop them, if they were surrounded then that means that they were split, and divided.

Gissur knew he needed to exploit the weak link but he did not know who was stationed where, and it would be disastrous if he ran into Sighvatur or Sturla.

He knew he would not come out of a battle with them alive because they were the head of this army but there was a third, Gissur knew he had to attempt this because he knew waiting for them to make their next move would prove disastrous.

Gissur stopped his rant and called both Tyr and Kolbeinn into his home to discuss their next step and this included hitting them on all three fronts.

"You want us to attack them?" Tyr asked, he was confused because this was reckless, to say the least, and judging from their army's strength,

"We will not split up, we will hit a single spot at once, We just need to break the encirclement and if we succeed, we can kill the others." Gissur was surprisingly calm and civil, maybe he does have a brain after all.

"This is reckless, Gissur! We might have the advantage in numbers but what is the plan after we break the encirclement?" Kolbeinn asked but Tyr quickly reeled back, this was something he knew the others might not like to say the least.

"I have an idea but you might not like it," Tyr said but the other two men were interested in finding out just what he wanted to say and nodded for him to continue.

"Allow me to go alone, we are being watched so any major move will be reported but no one would notice a missing person in an army. I will sneak through their lines and give the illusion that we have slipped through or have backup coming, this will force them to expand their lines to accommodate this possibility," Tyr said and this plan was feasible if he could execute it, and trust was the last thing that Tyr needed to worry about as Kolbeinn could swear he had him on his side.

"That is genius! If you die, we will just go with my plan," Gissur said, he did not care if Tyr lived or died but this was worth considering.

Kolbeinn, however, was skeptical, he was somewhat worried about this development because the chances of Tyr making it through were slim but he was certain that this was a move that Sighvatur himself would not predict. He approved this move, and he knew he could not follow Tyr as a missing Chieftain would not go unnoticed by them.

"Tyr, our hope is on you. You better not die!" Kolbeinn said, giving his consent.

"I cannot die, I am Tyr Ragnarsson," Tyr responded with a reassuring smile.


Signy was seated on a chair, he looked a lot more rugged than he did a few days back. Signy was obsessed with killing Tyr.

"I have never seen anyone hate someone as much as you do the boy that killed your father," Jan said, he had a woman sitting on his lap and his hand down her pants, she was making naughty faces so it was obvious what his hand was doing.

"I will avenge my father and regain his honor," Signy said and Jan was impressed by just how much hate one person could have considering Signy has killed people's fathers as well.

That was how battle worked, one should not take it so personally, and his Generals had aided in Vingulmark's growth by training their forces.

"You would go to such lengths?" Jan asked as the lady on his lap let out a lustful sound.

"I will do anything! Even if it means using those barbarians…" Signy muttered under his breath confirming Tyr's suspicion.

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