The Son Of Ragnar

Chapter 260 Bjorn Rides Forth

King Ragnar had stormed off to meet his brother, Ulf but this time, he was not alone. 

His five men that had traveled with him were finally with their King, and Ragnar knew this was their duty. 

Ulf dared kiss his wife? Ragnar was livid. 

He did not even bother knocking on the door, Ragnar kicked it in.

"ULF! SHOW YOURSELF!" Ragnar shouted but he was met with silence telling him that Ulf was not around. 

The Generals were there for that sole reason, they did not know what was going on but they had never seen their King this livid. 

Ulf was his brother so what could he have done to get him so mad, this was the question on their mind. 

"King Ragnar, do you want us to find your brother?" Gudleif asked but Ragnar ignored him. 

This was a family matter but with Ulf being a Commander, he could not lay his hands on him despite their relationship or it could be deemed an act of aggression. 

Ragnar had the time to calm down, Ulf was lucky he did not meet him in the house or he would have laid his hands on him even though Askild would have most likely swept it under the rug as a show of good faith. 

Besides, it was a family matter so an exception was in order.

Ragnar thought it strange that he had yet to see Bjorn that day considering he was supposed to depart. 

He thought Bjorn would want to spend more time with him so this was kind of a kick in the gut as he began to wonder if he did anything wrong. 

A man soon appeared in front of Ragnar, it was the man known as Scar, the same man that was selling information to Bjorn. 

"King Ragnar, it is an honor to finally meet you." Scar said and Gudleif immediately stood in front of Ragnar to act as a barrier between this strange man and his King. 

"I do not know your face…" Ragnar blurted out, he did not look interested in having a conversation with this stranger.

"I go by the name Scar and I think I have the information you might want to hear," Scar said, pausing theatrically as he knew that if he took even a step forward, Gudleif would cut him down.

This made him second guess his decision, he knew Ragnar was not a rash King, and spilling blood in Kattegat was not going to be a good look for him. 

"What information could you have that I would need?" Ragnar asked and Scar smiled inwardly because Ragnar had taken his bait. 

"It is about your son, Bjorn Ironside." Scar said and this indeed piqued Ragnar's interest.

Scar now had the attention of the Vestfold's King and he had every intention of leveraging it. 

Information was true power.


"Commander Bjorn, are you sure this was wise?" Viggo asked as Bjorn was traveling with as many as a hundred men and they were all on horseback increasing not only their travel speed but how much of a threat they posed on the battlefield. 

A horseman was the last thing exhausted enemies needed because they not only had to worry about the horses, but the men riding them. 

Bjorn had set out the place where people were gathering with Askild's approval. 

Askild knew Tyr was alive and had hoped that Bjorn would be the one to kill him or die at the hands of Tyr.

This would give him the only excuse he needed to hunt down Tyr and make sure he dies and Ragnar would not be able to do anything because Tyr had killed his commander after all so he had every right to seek the head of Tyr. 

Bjorn knew Tyr might not be able to withstand the storm that was coming but for the past few years. 

Bjorn had been entertained by the thought of killing his brother. 

He trained and got stronger because of this sole purpose, he knew it would be an embarrassment if he faced Tyr and he could not even stand up to him. 

"Viggo, focus! We have a long journey ahead of us!" Bjorn responded as he increased their speed. 

It didn't matter how fast they traveled because their time to arrive there was already fixed at three days from now and Bjorn knew it would be stupid if they exhausted their horses so he was sure to take breaks all while having fate in Tyr to stay alive. 

The day advanced further, the ballet was over, and the corpses of the fallen were collected and burnt ceremonially.

With the flickering of the fire, the whispers grew loud among the men under Skaði.

They looked at one another with contempt for their brothers who had switched allegiance creating a division but Tyr had every intention of converting all of them and it started with Skaði.

He had been informed about how she surrendered telling him she did not want to die. 

Tyr had instructed the men to untie her as he invited her into the house in which he resided. 

Skaði knew she could not act rashly because while he might be a child, he was the one who killed Sturla, even though she did not know the conditions surrounding his death. 

Kolbeinn was injured and currently unconscious, making Tyr the leader, being the second in command. 

This entire army belonged to him alone and this sort of authority came within a day. 

Skaði was skeptical when she came in as she should be, she wanted to know why Tyr wanted her here. 

Did he want to rape her? That was the only thing that came to her mind because most men thought with their dicks.

"Are you hungry?" Tyr asked, gesturing for her to come forward as just enough food was in front of them. 

Tyr knew they could not feed an army, this was of concern but he knew that this was a problem they would have to face tomorrow, not today. 

Today was for celebrating, the fact that he had convicted members of the Sturlungar clan to fight under his banner showed that loyalty could be swayed with a good enough speech, something he learned from Askild during the day of his exile, it was admirable how he turned a certain death situation into him regaining his crown. 

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