The Son Of Ragnar

Chapter 269 Tyr Falls...

The sun came up at long last and where Tyr rested was heavily guarded, even Gudrun was not allowed in. 

Nora was inside alongside some other Vikings versed in medicine. They had been there ever since last night because they did not know who to trust.

pαndα---noνɐ1,сoМ Tyr's life was in danger, with Kolbeinn and Gissur dead, they could not afford to lose Tyr too or that would be the end of them because they lacked leadership.

Everyone was praying for his health, they knew he would not die because he was the only one that could face Sighvatur if he indeed did kill Sturla.

Gissur was dead, he was the edge they needed but Tyr knew he would not see a better chance to kill him than that moment but it looked like the gods were done with Tyr Ragnarsson.

A scream reverberated in the building, it was Nora's cry, and the sobbing got louder and louder.

Gudrun tried to muscle her way through but she lacked the physical strength to accomplish such a feat but this did not stop her from trying.

Nora came out soon after, the look on her face told everyone that this was bad news.

"No! No! Please do not say it…." Gudrun cried, she did not want Nora to utter those words because if she did, then there was no going back, there was absolutely no way she lost the two people she loved in the space of a day.

"Tyr Ragnarsson is dead…" Nora blurted out and Gudrun immediately dropped to her knees, she could not believe what she was hearing. The man she had devoted herself to, physically and emotionally, was now dead. This had to be a cruel joke.

The whispers began and she could see everyone lose hope, Nora knew she could not lead nor the charisma that Tyr possessed.

Not to mention the fact that they were women, this was a far stretch but it was no surprise because they had yet to prove themselves in battle.

They all looked lost but she noticed that the majority of the prisoners did not look pleased with his news either despite it being a big win in terms of the war.

A few, of course, were delighted by this and could not contain their excitement.

"He is dead! That is what you get for messing with the Sturlingar clan!" A man shouted and the rest followed, but what would happen to the men that had switched sides?

They only did so because Tyr had sold them a dream but he was no longer here to carry out that dream so this made it a false promise of something he lacked the power to relish.

But they could not return because their brethren would not trust them anymore.

"Which one of you fuckers did it….?" Gudrun questioned, the killing intent in her voice echoed, everyone present could tell she had malicious intent.

She clenched her fist, she was seeing red right now and wanted the head of anyone she could get her hands on because she knew the killer was there.

"Count the prisoners!" Nora instructed, stepping in front of Gudrun to stop her from doing anything rash.

The count began, the prisoners themselves were unaware that they had taken a body count, it was done without their knowledge. It took a whole five minutes for the count to be completed.

"We are missing two people!" Noa responded and Nora punched the snow in anger.

"You fuckers! He offered you a second chance at life and you killed him!?" Nora was angrier than Gudrun because he was the future of the Viking world yet they had taken him away from them, they had prevented him from fulfilling his fate.

This was unforgivable, but this meant that whoever did this was already on their way to inform Sighvatur about what happened. 

They had no way to defend against him or whatsoever because information was currency in these parts and with their weakness, Sighvatur was sure to come.

"I will grant everyone here a single favor, if you wish to return to your camp, you may fucking go! And if you wish to stay and help our martyr make his dreams come true then I welcome you all to join me!" Nora said; Gudrun was clearly opposed to this.

This was the reason Skaði allowed herself and her men to be captured, it was so they could assassinate the Chieftains from within the camp. Luckily for them, Kolbeinn died before they could do anything as there was already little chance that he would survive.

They could not approach him the same way they did Tyr because he was heavily guarded due to him being in a vulnerable state.

Skaði's plan might have worked out a tad bit too perfect but it got the desired result.

Men began standing up and running because they did not know if she would change her mind. Gudrun wondered just what she was doing, she had no right seeing as she was the natural successor to her father but she lacked the overall battle experience to lead a clan.

"What is happening? Why is she letting them go?" The warriors bickered among themselves,  but Nora stood tall, even Noa questioned her decision.

But to her surprise, the people that left were a lot fewer than she expected, less than 10% of the overall forces left and the remaining stayed to swear their renewed allegiance to Nora.

This was worth it, and it took approximately ten minutes for them to sort themselves out.

"Sighvatur is coming…" Nora said and she could tell by the look on everyone's face that they were worried. Sigvatur's name carried power but there was another person that was making a name for himself.

"That is right, Sighvatur is coming…" The door to the house where Tyr's corpse lay creaked open and out came Tyr Ragnarsson.

"Information is power, if we control the information, we control the narrative…" Tyr said; he looked anything but dead. 

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