The Son Of Ragnar

Chapter 272 Switcheroo!

"Commander Bjorn, we have crossed the border, we should be arriving in a day if we keep up at this pace!" Ivan said and Bjorn nodded as they continued their journey.

Bjorn wanted to somehow cut the time needed to arrive into two because he had a bad feeling in his gut that something was going to happen.

Ivan was keeping track of their path and informed them when they crossed lands because he had an understanding of the terrain that the others lacked.

"Onward!" Bjorn commanded but everyone knew they ought to rest considering night had come and they did not know where they were. Bjorn's excuse was that they needed to keep the horses' bodies warm for as long as possible to stave off the cold.

Their strength and energy were preserved, that was the whole reason they were on horseback and only when the horses were tired would they rest.

They had already lost a few but they had lost the equivalent of men in those parts. 

Bjorn Ironside, Ivan was certain that the wolf he caught like it was nothing had grazed him but he saw no wound on Bjorn.

He was beginning to understand his nickname, it was either his skin had some unholy density or his eyes were playing tricks on him, it had to be the latter because he had heard stories about Bjorn's exploits but Ivan was a realist and knew that stories were often exaggerated,

"We should allow the horses to rest, Commander Bjorn. We will reach our destination soon and we cannot afford for them to tire out…" Viggo said, he was the only one not scared to air his thoughts and he sounded serious for a change,

Ivan hated him but the feeling was mutual, Ivan shot him a murderous gaze with Viggo responding by flipping him off with his middle finger. 

"You are right Viggo, we will pass the night here…" Bjorn said; he was eager to see his brother after so long but everyone was simply curious about what kind of person the famous Tyr Ragnarsson was and was he stronger than Bjorn?

It is a miracle he survived this long in the first place, that was nothing short of impressive.

Ivan found himself thinking about why Bjorn was so obsessed because Tyr simply showed loyalty to the man to who he swore his loyalty, even at the cost of his family.

To him, Tyr was the ideal warrior that was not ruled by emotions, this was how he viewed him but of course, he never said that.

Everyone was certain that Tyr killed Erik, but not Ivan, Ivan was convinced that Tyr was framed somehow as there was no way he could do such a thing.

A few people knew where Erik came from but no one cared because Kattegat welcomed all.

Now was the time for action and no one knew what fate awaited them the next day but everyone was curious as to if they were going to meet Tyr.


Signy was curious as to what was happening, he had not heard a word from anyone, just silence.

He was restless and Jan noticed he was becoming too invested in this.

This could prove to be disastrous if things did not go according to plan or if Ragnar heard about their involvement.

Jan knew they had to play their cards carefully but Signy had made big progress in figuring out where Bjorn came from for he had made contact with the trio that brought him to their waters.

Signy had to pay a large sum to get them talking but he was not familiar with the lands they mentioned and thought they were more people like Tyr, with the same complexion.

Sgny assumed they were equally as strong as Tyr and knew that he had to find a way to kill Tyr before he could bring them all here.

That was what Signy believed, he believed Tyr was a spy that they sent to learn their ways and culture so he could teach them.

Signy knew there was more to Tyr than meets the eyes, he refused to believe he randomly washed up on Kattegat and became the son of one of the Vikings of such level.

What was he missing? Tyr had to be part of a much bigger plan and he had every intention of killing him before whatever plan he thought Tyr had could come to fruition.

"Signy, I have no idea what you plan but if you do anything that threatens the well-being of my kingdom, I will not hesitate to kick you out. You are no longer king, you are just a boy…" Jan said bluntly, he had only kept Signy around if he could reclaim the throne of Vestfold but that was looking like an impossibility. 

Ragnar only grew stronger each passing day and Signy, was weaker and that was why he wanted his son or at least that was what he thought.

"Shut up Jan, do you think you would have a kingdom without my father? He might be dead but do not test my patience because I have the means to make you lose everything just as I have…" Signy said; this was an interesting threat.

"Watch your tongue, you are talking to a King!" Jan had to establish his authority before Signy forgets his place.

eαglesnᴏνel "Do you think I have been sitting idle all these years?" Signy questioned, casually getting to his feet as he walked to Jan with intent to harm.

"Have you gone mad? I will not accept treason, even if it is from you.." Jan dismissed the threat that Signy thought he posed, he snapped his fingers and instructed the two guards standing behind him to apprehend him but neither moved.

"Are you guys deaf? I said I should apprehend him!" Jan instructed but the men did not move an inch.

"Vingulmark stopped being yours the moment I stepped foot into it… 'boy'..." Signy said as Jan became the one that was apprehended.

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