The Son Of Ragnar

Chapter 319 Devil's Temptation

Bjorn finished his discussion with Lars and he left his room feeling a lot more disappointed than he felt before going in. 

Magnus was eager to find out what they discussed but Bjorn was in no mood to. 

There was no way this person before him could become a warrior, even if the gods intervened.

But Bjorn knew just how important this was because if he played his cards right then Magnus could prove to be a powerful ally in his attempts to kill Askild. 

Bjorn was still not certain how he would do it because he knew he could not defeat Askild in a direct confrontation and Askild was a very paranoid person.

No one was let near him, even his food tasted first before he ate it. 

Bjorn informed Magnus of his father's proposal and Magnus looked elated, Bjorn thought he would take offence that his father saw him as incompetent but he must be more self-aware than Bjorn gave him credit for. 

He knew he was incompetent and wanted to become more competent, Bjorn could respect that but Magnus was in no physical shape for arduous training but he had an idea. 

Not everyone was fit to fight with a sword in their hand and Bjorn was well aware that there was no way Magnus would suddenly become good at it. 

He started at a later time than most, there was no way that he would catch up to warriors that have it ingrained in their bones but archery was another thing entirely. 

He had a chance when it came to archery but this was not Bjorn's strong suit unfortunately, he knew just the person that might be able to help and that was Ivan. Ivan had a diversified skill set, which included archery. 

Bjorn knew that he was about to take one of the most powerful families in Kattegat under his wing but he also knew the risk that came with it. 

He was being watched for the longest time and he was not sure it was this family as they had no reason to and if they somehow managed to kill Magnus, that will eliminate the threat that this household held. 

Because his father was too old and frail to sire another heir so that was not a possibility.

Bjorn knew the importance Magnus might potentially have in Tyr's plan.

Magnus was to stay at the estate until Bjorn explicitly commanded him to because Bjorn could kit guarantee his safety at this time.

And whoever was watching him probably already caught wind of this, he ran into Ulrik and Reider.

"Fancy seeing you here, Bjorn…" Ulrik started the conversation but Bjorn remained silent as he tried walking past Ulrik. 

"Be careful Bjorn…." Ulrik muttered under his breath promoting Bjorn to stop in his tracks.

"What is that supposed to mean?" Bjorn asked. 

"You know what it means, you are not the only one being watched…" Ulrik said as he continued walking alongside Reidar. 

Reidar became someone he could trust to keep his mouth shut as it was even Reidar that first discovered that they were being watched. 

Bjorn found this strange, why were they watching Ulrik? He understood why he was being watched due to his status but Ulrik?

Were they watching all the commanders? 

That had to be it, Bjorn knew he needed to find a way to lure one out and capture him or things could blow out of proportion if left untouched.


King Ragnar had a very strange dream, waking in a heap of sweat but this was not a dream of violence and blood but rather, lust. 

And the lady that featured was not his wife, it was Aslaug.

Ragnar woke up with one of the hardest erections he has ever had but the problem with such dreams was, now the thought of sleeping with Aslaug danced around in Ragnar's mind. 

Ragnar kept this information to himself, it was just a dream and Skarde had no reason to know such a thing. 

She was all Ragnar could think about at the moment, the curiosity was once in her appearance alone but now it extended to her naked body. 

He was cracking but he knew he had to remain strong because there is no honor in disloyalty.

Ragnar sat on his throne, entertaining all guests as a few citizens had come forth with their various disputes that he put an end to but Aslaug walked into the throne room.

Vikings were there and Aslaug knew this would be the case as she asked to meet Ragnar privately.

Ragnar looked left and right, her maidens were nowhere in sight, she had come alone.

Ragnar thought about clearing out the throne room but that would be in bad taste to his warriors and show preferential treatment despite her title. 

Aslaug gestured, she dared not speak and let just anyone hear her voice or it would lose its value.

She was so alluring because she was shrouded in mystery, a mystery she had every intention of maintaining. 

Luckily, there was a private room within the building, Ragnar ushered her inside it with the Vikings around paying no mind.

They knew that there was no way King Ragnar could bed her as he had shown a faithfulness that made them respect him all the more. 

"Lady Aslaug, what can I help you with?" Ragnar asked, he found himself trying to discern her facial features but to no avail. 

"I had a dream about you, King Ragnar…" Aslaug said and Ragnar's eyes shot open in surprise because he too had dreamt about her but he kept his mouth shut. 

Aslaug's hands moved to her face as she slowly lowered the veil but Ragnar looked away right away. 

He did not know what she wanted to do but he did not want to break the vow she had upheld even though he was equally as curious to see what she looked like.

"King Ragnar, I want to make that dream…." Aslaug said, raising Ragnar's face to align with hers. 

".... a reality."

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