The Strongest Assassin Reincarnates in Another World

Chapter 216 216 - Winner, Loser

Chapter 216 Chapter 216 - Winner, Loser

Then, as the red light seemed to get further and further away from him, it suddenly disappeared as if it had never been there in the first place.

"Where is it? Fuck," shouted Aiden, realizing that the red light was nowhere to be seen.

"Don't tell me that this was another trick," muttered Aiden, thinking that all of this must have been another illusion or something like that.

Then, he started looking all around himself, in search of that red light and as he looked back toward he saw the red light once again.

However, there was one massive difference compared to before. It was a lot more apparent before as if wanting to be noticed and the other important thing it looked a lot closer than before.

In fact, as Aiden started approaching it was getting closer and closer to him.

'I must have broken the illusion somehow,' thought Aiden, as he used the remainings of his energy to fly up as fast as he possibly could.

Then, as he got closer to that red light, he noticed that it was a sphere of red energy.

Arriving right beside it, Aiden didn't waste any time analyzing it as he hit it with his hands, completely breaking it.

Then, the red energy started going around the entire environment, and a few seconds later the whole scenery had changed and Aiden could see himself in the sky standing still as if he hadn't moved a single time ever since this whole thing happened.

"Am I back?" mumbled Aiden, as he looked around him, trying to find Isolde as fast as he could.

Then, he saw her climbing onto one of the boats which were lying around.

Seeing her, Aiden started to fly in her direction with his dagger in his hand and there was only a single thought in his mind and it was to kill her.

He didn't want to be stuck in some other illusion, so he made sure that she wouldn't have any other occasion to do so.

And even if he were, stuck in another illusion, Aiden had figured out a way of getting out which was related to that little red sphere of energy.

Aiden didn't know what it was yet, but he would probably learn of it as he continued to live in this world.

Then, as he was now right above Isolde which was basically defenceless, he dived down with the same goal in mind; killing her.

As he grabbed hold of his dagger, he prepared his attack as he aimed toward the neck of Isolde slashing just like he had done earlier in the illusion.


This time, blood came out of her neck, it seemed that it really was her.

'Well, that was a little disappointing,' thought Aiden, as Isolde had once again not reacted to any of his moves.

However, Aiden caught onto something immediately after "killing" her, there was no beeping sound.

"Don't tell me that I'm in another illusion?" mumbled Aiden, noticing that the corpse that he had just sliced once again disappeared right in front of his eyes.

As he started looking around in search of that red light, something was slowly approaching behind.

Aiden hadn't noticed it yet, but it was Isolde with a short sword in her hands, ready to strike Aiden down when he least expected it.

Then, as she reached Aiden's back, she prepared her strike by slowly lifting the short sword up and one moment later striking it down with all of her strength.

Using swords wasn't what she was the greatest at, but when she used it people would never pay attention to her. It was one of the benefits of being an enchantress.

Then, as the short sword started getting closer and closer to Aiden's back, shivers ran down her back.

On her back, not the one of Aiden.

It was only caused by a simple glance.

Aiden had simply looked behind him because his sixth sense was telling him to do so, and he had caught her red-handed.

It seemed that she had duplicated her body or created a clone of herself, Aiden had no idea how, but that was his guess right now about what had happened.

Then, as he looked behind his back, he put his dagger in such a way to deflect the short sword aiming for his life and this time he saw fear appear in Isolde's eyes.

Her plan which she had been thinking of ever since they had gotten on that vehicle had been countered by someone who didn't even seem to be trying, by someone who didn't even seem to be struggling.

Was that the difference between her and the Reaper?

If so, then it was an overwhelming one, even if she continued and got stronger and stronger illusions then it would all be for nothing.

Then, as Aiden deflected her short sword he noticed that there was a big gap in her defence, which meant one simple thing—she wasn't used to fighting with such a weapon.

"You lost," said Aiden, as he looked right into her eyes with his Reaper Mask still on his face.

Isolde could only look down as she could only feel fear when looking into that mask.

There was no doubt in her mind, that she had lost and that she had been thoroughly defeated, in fact, she would be even more embarrassed if she were to know that Aiden had gotten out of her illusion in a matter of minutes when he had no knowledge regarding them.

Then, as Aiden continued staring at that face full of fear and demise, he decided that it was time to end this fight once and for all, as he slashed her throat without hesitating.

He knew that this wasn't the end for her and that she would reappear, but even then he had to admit that it felt good.

But, then as he saw Isolde's head fall on the ground while turning into particles, he thought of something.

'Would the system think of this as a kill?' thought Aiden, as he looked as his gloves

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