The System for Mentoring Villain Bosses

Chapter 72: Stuffed (2)

Chapter 72: Stuffed (2)

Turning his back so Su Tian couldn’t see, Xi Yun began to count his money. He silently cried, hand over his heart, so much money, ah. One skewer was ten dollars. Worst of all, he also had to treat that annoying ghost with his dear sister…

No, no, he couldn’t have that annoying ghost look down on him.

He turned back around, calm again: “Is this enough? If it isn’t, jie jie should go back for more…”

At this, even Liu Kaiyan couldn’t help but laugh. Although he didn’t like this naughty little kid taking up all of Su Tian’s time, his miserly look as he tried to appear generous was just too funny.

In the end, the three people ate about a hundred skewers.

The skewers piled up into a small mountain, stunning the boss. He called over all the store’s employees to put down to their work and help count skewers.

After counting up the skewers, the boss automatically took off a zero from the end. Xi Yun aggressively took out the money from his pocket to pay the bill. Although he looked calm, in fact, his fingers trembled as they reached into his pocket.

That annoying ghost ate so much, ah, he ate more than both him and his sister combined.

He actually spent sixty dollars on that annoying ghost!

He definitely needed to find an opportunity to earn it back.

On the way back home, Su Tian said that she would find a chance to visit Liu Kaiyan at his new home and return his basketball as well. Xi Yun rarely interjected. He spent the whole way back thinking of ways to earn back his money.

Back in the spicy soup shop, right after Su Tian and them had left, a woman with bright red nail polish came, asking the shop owner: “Which one of the three kids that just left paid?”

The shop owner: “That small kid. I heard the pretty girl say that the kid wanted to treat. Is that your family’s child?”

The woman shook her head quickly, “No, no, that’s the neighbor’s kid. Just asking casually.”

The spicy soup boss watched the woman rush off, shaking his head in confusion, not understanding why she would ask about such a thing.

Wang Qi angrily stomped down the street in her high heels. Xi Zhiqiang, that bastard, dared to lie to her, saying that he didn’t give that little bastard money. If he didn’t give him money, how could that little kid treat them to dinner, even taking out a hundred dollars at once?

When she saw it from afar, she had thought she was hallucinating. It was only when she went to ask the shop owner that she knew she hadn’t seen wrong.

It seems like the fact that the little kid invited so many of his classmates to eat desserts must also have been true!

Xi Zhiqiang, that bastard!

Still want to get married? Go fuck yourself!

After the three got back, Su Tian and Xi Yun went upstairs, while Liu Kaiyan waited downstairs.

Xi Yun went back home. Su Tian came back downstairs with cash and a basketball. She passed over the basketball to Liu Kaiyan, holding a paper bag with cash in her other hand.

Liu Kaiyan caught the basketball, a complicated emotion in his eyes.

Su Tian: “I’ve returned your basketball to you la. I’m going to go buy the bracelet from yesterday now.”

Liu Kaiyan: “It’s not safe for you to be carrying so much cash. I’ll walk you over, it’s perfectly on the way for me.”

Su Tian: “Okay, ah.”

Su Tian didn’t think that when she saw You Pinyan again, she would be… eating instant noodles. Not just any instant noodles, but the cheapest, five-dollar kind.

When she saw Su Tian, You Pinyan kept a calm face, asking: “These instant noodles are pretty tasty, do you want to try some?”

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