The Unique Guardian Beast Master in Cultivation World

Chapter 109 - 109: 108: He Embraced these Beautiful Legs

Chapter 109 - 109: 108: He Embraced these Beautiful Legs

Translator: 549690339

Encountering such a situation for the first time, Feng Qing’an immediately stopped the soul integration. He closely examined the Blazing Sunflower in his hand, staring at it for a long time. He found nothing unusual about the flower. The light it emitted was still warm and pleasant, making him feel extremely comfortable from body to heart to spirit.

“It even devoured my Soul Power!”

Feng Qing’an frowned, staring at the Blazing Sunflower without relaxing. He had used the Soul-Eliding and Blood-Refining Art no less than eight thousand times, if not ten thousand, yet he had never encountered such an anomaly.

The role of his Soul Power during Soul Integration was merely to guide and clear the path. Although it would consume some, it would not directly integrate into the object of Soul-Eliding and Blood -Refining.

This time, however, the flower had directly devoured his Soul Power. This sensation felt like his Soul Power had filled the flaws in the flower, exactly where it lacked, the more deficient, the more it consumed.

Although the depletion of Soul Power was not a big deal, as it could be restored through cultivation and meditation, the unprecedented situation has drawn Feng Qing’an’s attention.

He was curious about the secrets this flower harbored. According to the appraisal, it was a relic left behind after the fall of an entity from the unfathomable past in the Netherworld.

Such a secret could not even be known to the East Holster who had picked the flower and presented it to him.

Gazing at the righteous Qi flowing in the room and the sword he placed beside his bed, Feng Qing’an pondered for a moment, grabbed the sword, and tried Soul Integration again!

The Blazing Sunflower made no attempt to refrain, accepting the Spiritual Qi guided by Soul Power without rejection, it swallowed both.

After about a quarter of an hour, Feng Qing’an stopped his actions, staring at the Blazing Sunflower and analyzing carefully. However, he did not notice anything unusual, so he continued. He wanted to see how much Soul Power this flower could consume, it certainly could not be infinite.

With his current Soul Power, just showing Soul Eliding and Refining, even if this part of Soul Power would be completely used up, he could still persist for a long time.

Not until his Soul Power was more than half depleted did this peculiar flower finally show changes that Feng Qing’an could observe.

The outermost circle of petals on this peculiar Blazing Sunflower exhibited signs of withering. But the light it emitted had not weakened, on the contrary, it shined even brighter.

In Feng Qing’an’s perception, the special spiritual endowment contained in the flower had further increased. However, the spiritual endowment on its outermost petals had slightly weakened, but this part of the spiritual endowment did not disappear and instead converged toward the heart of the flower.

This indication aroused Feng Qing’an’s curiosity even more. However, he did not proceed with Soul Integration but instead meditated to restore that part of his lost Soul Power.

Once Feng Qing’an’s Soul Power was fully restored, he did not touch the Blazing Sunflower. Instead, he cast the “Sending God Skill”, projecting his consciousness onto Black Mountain. He wanted to see what the Ghost Nation of East Holster looked like.

The next instant, Feng Qing’an saw a sight that was absolutely unseen in the mortal world.

Countless grey spectral souls whistling past in front of him, layered upon layers, boundless. These exaggeratedly numerous spectral souls let out sharp ear-piercing cries, which overlapped each other and was enough to drive any ordinary person to collapse.

But this voice, which was considered fatal to ordinary people, not only did not irritate Black Mountain, instead, it aroused its appetite, making it salivate uncontrollably.

This was precisely the food it craved. The boundless spectral souls before its eyes were all edible to it.

Who could resist such a sight?

As far as the eye could see, there was food everywhere!

“You don’t need to look at these wandering souls. Even the more particular Ghost Wolves wouldn’t choose them as food!”

A cold voice sounded, and Black Mountain subconsciously shrunk its body. Although it could still smell the scent of its master, the pressure brought by the person in front of it was more terrifying than that of the Mountain god. “Black Mountain, don’t be afraid, you are not in danger!”

Sensing Black Mountain’s confusion and helplessness about the road ahead,

Feng Qing’an encouraged it.

“Hmm? Feng Qing’an!”

Just as Feng Qing’an had just landed, and only spoken a single sentence, he then noticed substantial gazes being cast upon him.

Unsurprisingly, his consciousness was detected by East Holster again. Even changes and fluctuations at the level of soul consciousness couldn’t be concealed from the existence of East Holster.

“Last time I saw you using it on my sister Nan Ge. It is a very interesting secret technique, allowing you to glimpse at the scenes of the netherworld while still in the mortal world”

East Holster stared at Black Mountain, which had almost shrunk into a ball at her feet. Her tone was no longer ice-cold and indifferent. The change in her attitude was clear and obvious.

Her words, however, were conservative. This secret technique that allows one to glimpse at the scenes of the netherworld while in the mortal world, is far more than interesting. Divine Powers and Artifacts capable of glimpsing at the other shore can be named only at a whim, each totaling no less than ten.

But no matter which Divine Power, it’s not something Feng Qing’an could master at his current level. His strength was far too weak. As for Artifacts that could achieve this effect, at the very least, had to be Immortal Artifacts.

However, it was evident that there were no so-called Immortal Treasures in Feng Qing’an’s possession.

Despite how unimaginable East Holster found it, Feng Qing’an, with his unbelievably weak strength, managed to do it. The amazing feat of being able to glimpse at the scenes of the netherworld while still in the human world, even she had never seen this before.

There may be various restrictions and constraints, but considering Feng Qing’an’s strength, being able to accomplish this makes it a flawless secret technique..

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