The Unique Guardian Beast Master in Cultivation World

Chapter 114 - 114: 110 Demonic fragments shattered! _2

Chapter 114: 110 Demonic fragments shattered! _2

Translator: 549690339

At this moment, Feng Qing’an, who was present at the scene, can sense the sheer size and strength of this ancient giant. No wonder it was able to bring such intense impact on Black Mountain previously. Even now, he finds it quite awe-inspiring.

“This giant oaf you’re talking about likely carries some ancient lineage in its blood. But it’s useless now, just by looking at it you can tell it had a brutal death!”

“How do you know it died brutally?”

Feng Qing’an asked in surprise.

“You wouldn’t understand. Do you see this massive battlefield littered with remains? Can you find another intact corpse of the same size as this giant? You would be lucky to find a few pieces of bone!”

“What does that prove?”

“It proves that when this giant fell in battle, all the Spiritual Qi it possessed was obliterated, leaving behind only valueless flesh and bones. That’s the only reason you can still look at it now, all these thousands of years later!”

Youyou spoke smugly, putting on a show of superior knowledge, which was indeed not something everyone could possess.

Feng Qing’an nodded thoughtfully.

If this giant had maintained any value after its death, all he would likely see now would be mountains squashed under the giant’s weight.

“There are no treasures here. This place has been ransacked countless times before! The skeleton of this big oaf might be scary looking, but apart from being hard, it is useless.”

“If it’s hard enough, disassembling it, grinding a bit and using it as a weapon wouldn’t be a bad idea!”

Feng Qing’an thought of the bull-headed giant who guards the royal palace of Dong Huang

“That’s precisely why it’s worthless. Those who have the resources to turn it into a weapon have better choices. Those who could use it, can’t even disassemble it, let alone grind it into the appropriate shape!”

“What a disappointment!”

“It’s been preserved until now precisely because it’s useless. Though it may serve as a conversation piece, it’s way too big!”

Youyou also joined the banter.

“I’ve heard that over time, objects may bring forth spirits. Even mountains can give birth to intelligent spirits. Given that the remains of this giant have been around for so long, wouldn’t it be possible for it to develop a spirit again?”

“Indeed, mountains being able to give birth to spirits is true. But consider how many mountains exist in this world, and how many of them could actually form intelligent spirits. It’s all contingent on the blessings of Heaven and Earth. Without favor from the Heaven and Earth, what’s the point?”

Regarding Feng Qing’an’s question, the phoenix readily answered. It was clear that this little creature had been stifled for too long.

“If this big oaf was capable of developing a spirit, it would have revived by now. There’s little hope for that now unless someone powerful catalyzes it, but who would be so stupid to catalyze this massive skeleton. Are they crazy? “Hmm, you make a good point!”

Feng Qing’an nodded in agreement, but his gaze still lingered on the giant. Dong Huang beside him just maintained his silence, observing and listening without saying anything.

“The Yin Qi formulation is beginning to decrease!”

Guided by Youyou’s voice, Feng Qing’an looked down. He couldn’t discern any sign of the Yin Qi vortex weakening. But given that Youyou was a high-ranked monarch, his judgement could be trusted.

Thus, after a short while, even Feng Qing’an began to notice the vortex gradually shrinking, until it eventually collapsed. The Yin Qi in the air converged atop the mountain that was glowing with a crystal sheen.

On top of this mountain chosen by Feng Qing’an, a small tree about three feet tall had emerged from the soil, spreading its radiant branches under the dim sky.

Upon seeing this, Dong Huang immediately descended with Feng Qing’an. As for Youyou, there was no need to pay any attention to it.


The moment his feet touched the ground, Feng Qingan sucked in a breath. The ground under his feet was freezing as if he was stepping barefoot on ice.

However, as soon as he circulated the Ghost Wolf power within him, it dispelled the cold brought about by Yin Qi. When he bathed in the radiance of the small tree in front of him that was barely taller than a man, his body warmed up.

Once the discomfort in his body had completely dissipated, Feng Qing’an began to closely observe the small tree that had broken through the soil in front of him.

Its trunk was straight and slender. Only one branch was protruding from it, and there were just three tender leaves on it that sparkled like jade. There was also a tiny bud on the branch, barely larger than a peanut.

However, this tender bud emitted such strong light that it could suppress the entire mountain under Feng Qing’an’s feet and dispel the chill in his body.


[Species: Sunfire Tree] [Properties: Yang, Wood, Heaven] [Potential Rank: War General – High]

[Combat Power Rank: None]

Indeed, the assessment changed. The tree’s potential level had shot up by five just by sprouting. But regardless of its current level, Feng Qing’an did not take it lightly. This tree was so special it couldn’t be treated like any other spirit.

Now, Dong Huang, who had always been indifferent, also stepped forward. Brushing the leaves gently with his hand, amazement seeped into his eyes. Even for him, this was an eye-opening event.

The Sunfire Flower actually formed into a tree seed that would regrow after being planted. This completely contradicted his knowledge so far.

“Have you ever seen this kind of tree before?” Feng Qing’an took the opportunity to ask. “I haven’t seen it before, but I recall a legend!”

“What legend?”

Youyou tilted her head, asking curiously. She had no memory of the tree in front of her. She had never seen it before.

“It is said that at the bottom of the Netherworld, there is a boundless sea of Sunfire Flowers. In the center of the sea grows a divine tree. This tree is the remains of a Supreme Sovereign, who once ruled the Netherworld and perished in a great calamity. The sea of Sunfire Flowers was created from the Sovereign’s blood spilt upon his fall.”

“The bottom of the Netherworld? Is there such a place?”

Feng Qing’an, knowing nothing about the Netherworld, chose to remain silent. However, Youyou, who was born and raised there, was skeptical. This was the first time she had heard of this legend.

“I am not sure. Maybe it exists, maybe it doesn’t. No one can confirm it, nor can anyone deny it!”

Dong Huang replied. He only remembered the legend because of the little tree in front of him.

Feng Qing’an remained silent, his mind in a whirl of thoughts. He was almost certain that the legend, unconfirmed by both powerful monarchs, was likely true.

“I have heard a million legends like this. A supreme emperor unifying the Netherworld? The Netherworld is now in ruins. Who could possibly unify it?”

The little phoenix showed disdain for the legend.

The Netherworld is in ruins?

Upon hearing the unexpected news, Feng Qing’an was somewhat startled. Then he suddenly remembered the voice he heard during his first contact with Nan

Hidden Realm Netherworld Level Six Seventy-two

What did seventy-two mean?

As Feng Qing’an thought back to the overlooked detail, he was thankful for his exceptional memory. The shattered Netherworld, the sixth layer, fragment number seventy-two?

Combining the information he now knew, a simple ancient context emerged in his mind.

In an untraceable time, a supreme god governed the Netherworld. Due to a sudden disaster, the god fell, the Netherworld shattered, and before his fall, the god gave his final gift and blessing to the Netherworld—the Sunfire Flowers.

The sea of Sunfire Flowers and the divine tree at the bottom of the Netherworld might exist.

“What do you think?”

Dong Huang ignored Youyou’s incessant comments and turned to Feng Qing’an, looking for his opinion.

Feng Qing’an remained silent, keeping his analysis to himself. What good would it do to voice them? There were aspects he couldn’t even explain clearly.

Under the scrutiny of the ruler, he walked over and grasped the slender trunk of the Sunfire Tree.

Soul Integration!

His soul power stretched out, but this time he did not channel Spiritual Qi. Instead, he used the pervasive Yin Qi.

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