The Unique Guardian Beast Master in Cultivation World

Chapter 116 - 111: If my younger sister can, why can ‘t my older sister?_2

Chapter 116: Chapter 111: If my younger sister can, why can ‘t my older sister?_2

Translator: 549690339

Meanwhile, only Feng Qing’an remained here, engrossed in contemplation of a small tree. Despite this, there was no noticeable joy on the young girl’s face.

“Feng Qing’an!”


Feng Qing’an turned towards the girl who had called his name. “What business do you and my sister have here?”

The girl was experiencing a whirlwind of emotions at that moment.

This was because she could feel a scent that belonged to her sister on Feng Qing’an. It wasn’t a fragrance one could acquire by mere interactions. Her sister hadn’t told her anything, but this was undoubtedly a silent declaration to her.

“Planting a tree!”

Feng Qing’an pointed at the blazing sun tree in front of him and answered.

Gazing at the tender, charmingly vibrant seedling, the girl was momentarily at a loss for words.

“You wait here for a bit!”

Feng Qing’an looked at n?ngé and instructed.

The blazing sun tree had a terrifyingly suppressive and purifying effect on eerie yin entities. Even though it was a gift left by the Emperor, only the most exceptional Ghost Kings were eligible recipients of such a gift.


The girl responded softly and continued to watch Feng Qing’an from a distance. Although they were close in distance, she felt an unprecedented gulf between them.

However, Feng Qing’an wasn’t thinking too much. Using the Yinling Skill, he drew all the Yin Qi in the skies, pouring it into the blazing sun tree until more than half his soul power was depleted, only then did he stop.

“N?ngé, let’s return to the human world!”

Having completed everything, Feng Qing’an walked to N?ngé’s side, took her hand, and spoke. But the girl merely looked at him in silence, she didn’t comply.

“What are you thinking about?”

Unable to resist, Feng Qing’an reached out and pinched the girl’s delicate cheek.

“Will you leave me?”

N?ngé suddenly asked.

“How is that possible? Can’t you feel it? Our souls are linked together, I’ll always be there!”

Upon hearing these words, the girl instantly beamed with joy, and the pair once again shared a moment of intimate understanding that needed no words.

When winter returned to the human world and life withered away, Feng Qing’an, holding N?ngé’s hand, stood atop the mountains, watching the blazing sun tree that had now grown to five feet tall. Although it was still a sapling, barely five feet tall, shorter than a person, it wasn’t much shorter than his monstrous form. “Appraisal!”

[Species: Blazing Sun Tree] [Attributes: Sun, Wood, Heaven] [Potential Level: Lower Commander]

[Combat Level: None]

The potential of the tree before them had increased even more, smoother than Black Mountain’s promotion to Commander. Despite its combat level still being none, such a thing was worth observing.

“Want to form a contract now?”

The tree undeniably met his requirements. Feng Qing’an had already condensed his sixth Soul Contract. If he could bind the blazing sun-tree, with the potential alreadv elevated till the Commander level, he would perfectlv

qualify as a Xuan Beast Sect in the appraisal.

Despite the tree being one he had personally planted and nurtured, Feng Qing’an was still a little hesitant. The tree had a very significant origin, and even if the legend might be exaggerated, considering it still weighed heavily on him.

“Feng Qing’an, what are you hesitating about?”

The girl who had accompanied Feng Qing’an here so many times before asked.


The crisp and pleasant sound of phoenix crying rang out, the phoenix spread its wings, the monarch descended, the face of the girl who was wearing a joyous expression instantly became indifferent, the light smile faded away. “Feng Qing’an, so you are here, it spared me the trouble!”

A tall figure appeared before the two of them, exuding an oppressive aura. She casually glanced at the blazing sun tree which had grown considerably taller, then turned her gaze to Feng Qing’an and her younger sister.

“You made use of Nan Song’s power?”

At this moment, Donghuang’s expression is inexplicable, and Feng Qing’an is unable to fathom what this lord is thinking about.


Feng Qing’an nodded in agreement. Besides Black Mountain, his only other option was Nange. However, Black Mountain is still enduring rigorous blood-battle training. Constantly calling upon Black Mountain’s demonic power is simply too problematic. Therefore, he could only utilize Nange’s power.

“Do you know that Nange’s strength and mine are similar, or perhaps, even from the same source?”

Donghuang, looking at Nange and raising the corner of her mouth slightly, let out a faint laugh.

“Since you can utilize her power, you should naturally be able to use mine.”

“I can’t use it!”

Feng Qing’an shook his head in frustration. He would like to make a covenant with Donghuang. This idea has crossed his mind more than once, but it has been merely a thought because it doesn’t seem possible.

Making a soul pact with Spirits that have high potential is one thing. As long they are weak, it’s acceptable. However, individuals like Donghuang have high potential and are already fully developed as upper-tier monarchs, which is way out of Feng Qing’an’s capability.

The Soul Contract of a Guardian Beast Master is only feasible when the strengths are comparable, and the Guardian Beast Master has a dominant position. However, if the disparity in power becomes too substantial, the so-called pact is worth less than paper.

With Donghuang’s power as an upper- tier monarch, even if she were to not resist, the aura she exudes alone would be enough to shatter his Soul Contract.

“Why can’t you use it?”

Donghuang wasn’t willing to give up. This idea had been planted in her mind ever since Youyou offhandedly said something in the past.

Since Feng Qing’an possessed the divine power to borrow another’s strength, why couldn’t he use Donghuang’s? She had sufficient confidence in her own strength.

After all, Feng Qing’an is inherently weaker. If he ever encountered a being that possessed a powerful divine power or treasure that could overcome the Bead of Heaven’s screen, wouldn’t he then be in danger? If he could borrow her power, there’d be ample protection.

Sharing with her own younger sister was already pushing her limit of tolerance!

“You’re too powerful!”

Feng Qing’an told her truthfully; his inability was not for lack of desire, he simply couldn’t do it.

“That’s not a reason!”

Donghuang did not accept Feng Qing’an’s response. There is no reason why something a weakling can do cannot be done by a powerful being.

“I’m able to borrow Nange’s power because we have a soul pact. If I were to be in such a contract with you, even if you did nothing, your power alone would tear my Soul Contract to pieces!”

Feng Qing’an explained in detail that aiming too high wasn’t acceptable. Even one level of contract would be quite difficult, let alone the gap between him and Donghuang, which was not as simple as one or two levels.

“Feng Qing’an, who do you think I am?”

After hearing Feng Qing’an’s words, Donghuang was not satisfied. She looked down at him from above, smiling and asking him.

“How much do you know about me? Why do you assume that I can’t control my own power?”


“Why not give it a try? Words are too powerless. Only fact can prove everything.

Since you think I can’t, then let me prove it to you!” At last, Donghuang’s manner of addressing herself changed.

“Let’s try it!”

Having said so much, Feng Qing’an no longer had a reason to refuse. If he could truly summon Donghuang’s power, he would be utterly unafraid of what lay ahead as he roamed this world.


Donghuang walked over to Feng Qing’an. Suddenly, she remembered something, looked up and addressed Nange, whose face already showed palpable dissatisfaction. “Do you have any objections?”

“Feng Qing’an is mine!”

The girl pouted, attempting to assert her authority over her sister.

“I can share my power with him, making him immune to any harm. Your power, shared with him, would do what? Protect him completely?”

Donghuang looked down at her younger sister. When Nange had no reply, she delivered her final blow.

“If you truly care for him, then you will shut up right now and let him make this pact with me without any interference!”

“Enough talk, I need to begin!”

Feng Qing’an rushed to stop his elder sister from further oppressing his younger sister. Seeing Nange’s pitiful state made him feel sorry. He could only hope to console her another time. For now, he had more important business to attend to.

“Donghuang, you need to restrain your power right now; it must not shatter my Soul Contract. It’s far too fragile for you.”

Feng Qing’an stretched out his palm, golden radiance condensed in the center of his hand, illuminating all around. Then it floated up, slowly expanding in the air. It circled a tall beautiful figure that possessed an imposing aura akin to a towering mountain….

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